View Full Version : There he goes again!

Jun 11, 2006, 4:53 PM
I just wanted my dear friend "jo69guy" to know that he will be greatly missed while he is away at work. :(

As some of you know he works on a boat and is out in the Gulf for 5-6 weeks at a time and while on the boat he cannot access this site (he is not "out" to anyone). He will be leaving wednesday!

So, I just wanted to say my good bye and hurry back soon! I know I will be here waiting for your return!!!!!! :bigrin:

Take care sweetie..

Mrs.F :angel:

Jun 11, 2006, 5:14 PM
Aw, bon voyage Joe, please take care and be safe.

Jun 11, 2006, 6:03 PM
Well, we all have to wish him a good trip to sea and a quick and safe return. He will be missed. But we shall do our best to entertain you.


Jun 11, 2006, 8:01 PM
Well Mrs F,

He certainly will be missed I'm sure but it should comfort him to know that we all will take good care of you and we will be awaiting his safe return.

all the best, Bill

Jun 12, 2006, 3:59 AM
hey may the wind always fill your sails,and the sea carry you safely home. :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

Jun 12, 2006, 6:12 AM
Thank you Mrs F.!!!!!! You are so sweet and special! Also, thank you all for the responses. I will be here until Wednesday night, but then will be gone for 5-6 weeks. Hope everyone has a wonderful time while I am gone.... :bipride: :color: :grouphug: :bibounce:

Jun 12, 2006, 9:37 AM
OH, I know I'm sweet and special, no need to tell me....LMAO! :bigrin:

But truth be known...you are the special one!!!!!! Your an incredible person and deserve only the best.

Take care of yourself...you know I"m a worry wart! :rolleyes:

Mrs.F :frog:

Jun 12, 2006, 9:56 AM
Hurry back Jo, Mrs. F acts like you're out on the Titanic when you're gone! Be safe and we'll chat with you when you get back!

Macy :bigrin:

Jun 12, 2006, 6:24 PM
Hey Joe where you going with that gun in your hand

Have a great time and maybe we can get together in August. Don't do anything that i would do. Wink winkw nudge nudge.

Jun 12, 2006, 6:56 PM
Take good care out there, jo69guy...Try not to get your feet too wet...May the winds of good fortune fill your sails and also return you safely to your loved ones...(including us)... :) :paw: :paw:

Jun 13, 2006, 6:04 PM
Take good care out there, jo69guy...Try not to get your feet too wet...May the winds of good fortune fill your sails and also return you safely to your loved ones...(including us)... :) :paw: :paw:

Very nice words codybear ;) . Hurricane season is a brewing and already showing it's ugly face. So be careful out there and know that we (especially me) love you very much and wish you a safe return! :tong:

Mrs.F :bigrin: :grouphug:

Jun 14, 2006, 6:14 AM
It astounds me, how much love is expressed on this sight! I love all of you, especially you, Mrs F. It's so hard not being able to access this sight while at work. I just wish the world would let us all be ourselves, without causing problems! I hope everyone has a pleasant few weeks! :flag1: :bibounce: :bipride: