View Full Version : Breaks my heart

Jun 11, 2006, 12:06 PM
This sort of thing just breaks my heart to think people can be so filled with hate to do this. What gets into people to become so vicious to another human being and feel it's alright to do???

Jun 11, 6:27 AM (ET)

NEW YORK (AP) - A singer whose songs have topped the Billboard dance chart was attacked by a group yelling anti-gay slurs, and four people were arrested on hate-crime charges, police and his publicist said.

Kevin Aviance, 38, underwent surgery for a broken jaw after the attack Saturday, said his publicist, Len Evans. Police said the singer, whose song "Alive" hit the top of the chart in 2002, was in stable condition.

A group of six or seven men attacked Aviance early Saturday, and passers-by did not stop to help as they threw objects at him, Evans said.

Four people were arrested on charges of first-degree assault as a hate crime, police said. They were identified as Jarell Sears and Akino George, both 20; Gregory Archie, 18; and Gerard Johnson, 16.

Aviance performs in drag but was "dressed like a boy" when he was attacked, Evans said. He had planned to take part in next week's Gay Pride parade and festivities, but will now be unable to perform, the publicist said.

Other popular songs by the singer have included "Give It Up," released in 2004, and "Din Da Da," which topped the Billboard dance chart in 1997.

Jun 11, 2006, 12:42 PM
Dear Arana,

I stand with you. These tragedies up-end my confidence in humanity, at times. Somewhere as these boys developed, something went terribly wrong in the writing of the "script" from which their life energy flows. Often fear causes some people to panic and find very aggressive courses of action to distance and protect themselves from the unknown, undesired and painful.

Ironically, children (perhaps, more frequently boys) will often throw stones or sticks at animals to make contact with the illusive critters. It might seem that these chaps, through these horrible deeds, were both repelling and contacting Akino -- and are now forever tied to his soul. May they find their way, for they surely seem lost in the darkness. And may Akino's body and spirit heal steadily.

Sending Love and Light,

Jun 11, 2006, 2:58 PM
...were both repelling and contacting Akino -- and are now forever tied to his soul.

Sorry, I should have written: "Kevin" rather than "Akino"

Jun 11, 2006, 3:04 PM
a truly awful display of what is always with us; around a corner, up ahead of the road we travel. some say ignore it and it will go away; that is just being fearful and/or ignorant.

when it rears it's ugly head, confront it, denounce it for what it is, and STOP it in its trracks!

may peace be with you otherwise!

Jun 11, 2006, 6:06 PM
Ignorance is most prevelent in our world.

Jun 11, 2006, 6:52 PM
If you notice these people always attack in a group and always pick on someone who is smaller then them. I would like to meet one, two or even 3 in a drak alley and show them the correct way to think. I know this is not right, but I would make me feel better.

I hope Kevin Aviance a speedy recovery, and the bigots a long time in jail.

Jun 11, 2006, 11:23 PM
You would have thought gay bashing had went the way of the dinosaur.
But no it has not.
I find that for 99% of my life i need to be greg hetro.
It sucks butt i need obtain work in hetroland and more
important stay alive. :mad:

meteast chick
Jun 12, 2006, 12:18 AM
Hate-crimes of any sort are extraordinarily sad, but gay-bashing in particular is beyond cruel. I always wonder what makes people do such horrible things. Do they see something in themselves that makes them shameful or fearful? Do they see homosexuals as sexual deviants or weak in a manner that makes it seem justified in their own minds? People can be animals, and in this case, teenagers in groups are animalistic already and obviously these boys were just that:dogs, no, beneath dogs... Anyone remember Matthew Shepard? That made me cry and everytime I hear of this sort of thing it brings me right back to that and makes me tear up. Only when all people can see us for who we are and not what we do or what we do in the bedroom, only then with any luck this thing will be one with the dinosaurs. Here's hoping...
I found this website that really brought it home for me: http://www.texasdude.com/matthew.htm

luv and kisses...and tears,

Jun 12, 2006, 10:53 AM
I remember this story and remember thinking how scared and alone he must have felt out there. It's true what Flounder has said, the attackers do seem to come out in numbers, seldom alone. Is it the mob mentallity that escallates what they intend on being a little scare or bullying into what it inevitably becomes? They work themselves into a frenzy and become vicious animals. I can't imagine the mentallity it takes to do something like this on purpose and not feel anything. To be able to just walk away from someone and let them die is fathomless.