View Full Version : Is sex better with a man or woman?

The Bisexual Virgin
Mar 30, 2012, 10:10 AM
Ok judging by my name, everyone should know that I am a virgin, and the only sexual activity I was involved was oral from another girl which was not to good, so that does not really count. But the other day I was reading about bisexual men and their sexual activities on another forum, and this one particular commenter stated that "Sex with men is better,than women but women are more attractive." Now this have me thinking do all bisexual men think the same thing, just like the commenter I quoted. It also got me thinking 'Do bisexual people prefer one gender sexually over the other? and if so what's the point of being in a relationship with the gender that you are not sexually attracted too?'

So I my question is, which gender is better to have sex with? is it Men or Women? Cause obviously I really don't know.

Herculoid Poirot
Mar 30, 2012, 10:28 AM
This question does not take into account some pretty basic questions.

One, who is the person asking the question? Because everyone has unique tastes and so will therefore have a different answer. I find some specific men attractive and some specific women attractive.

Two, who is the PERSON behind the sex? By which I mean, to say 'sex with a man' or 'sex with a woman' is to not take into account the specific man or woman one is having sex with, which would certainly have an effect. Sexual compatibility is not a fact to be ignored. I hope not, but someday you might be in a position where you would be having sex with someone who you are not really into, and that is one sure (and unpleasant) way of knowing that gender isn't everything.

Three, what kind of sex do you like? I know that you aren't experienced but when you have broadened your horizons you will discover which ACTUAL (as opposed to fantasy) sexual acts you enjoy.

To answer your next question, everyone has to find the balance between sexual drive and relationship satisfaction. There is no one path and whichever path you take, it can be especially difficult for bi people.

Mar 30, 2012, 10:52 AM
You know the answer to that question whether you know it or not. It would obviously be to where your heart is inclined to go. Sex with men, for me, is rubbish, compared to the unending glories of a woman.

Mar 30, 2012, 11:20 AM
I don't think that there is a universal one gender over the other.

"Men having sex with a woman versus men having sex with a woman" is how I read your question. Women having sex with men versus women having sex with women" is another question.

As a man, I think that the type of sex that you are having also comes into play. A man and woman having penetrative sex is probably better than a man having penetrative sex with a man imo. Other men may find being a bottom the best sex.

There can be very pleasurable m2m sex activity though that is not penetrative. The person is a most important factor as well.

It is really individual. The entire concept of being bisexual means that we would find this not a necessary decision to make. Both is the answer for many.

Mar 30, 2012, 11:34 AM
You asked, "So I my question is, which gender is better to have sex with? is it Men or Women? Cause obviously I really don't know"

If you asked a hundred people I'd bet that you'd get a hundred answers.

Here's my experience: I have always known that I was attracted to both genders, but I didn't find out how I'd feel about them until I was in a few relationships with both of them. It took time for me to cement the fact that my attraction was like a pendulum; it swung back and forth. At one end of the swing, I might be more interested in the ladies, at the other I'd be more attracted to the guys. I have felt more centered for some time, now...equally attracted to each.

I know this; I can be as emotionally and sensually satisfied with either gender.

My GF had a couple of not-so-satisfying encounters with other women, before she found one she connected to. They were attracted in ways that meant most to them both. Like me, she is relationship-oriented and said for a long time her experience with that third lady was the most fulfilling of any relationship she'd had.

I think those with matching personalities, interests, ability to be themselves, and communicate well, make the best partners.

I always suggest that a person, who is inexperienced, might do well to sit down and write the things they think they'd want most in a lover.......then try to find someone who fits that criteria. If you settle for less than you want, I doubt if you will ever be happy.

Good luck!

Mar 30, 2012, 11:40 AM
I'll try this again. It posted invisible the first time.

I don't think that there is a universal one gender over the other.

"Men having sex with a woman versus men having sex with a woman" is how I read your question. Women having sex with men versus women having sex with women" is another question.

As a man, I think that the type of sex that you are having also comes into play. A man and woman having penetrative sex is probably better than a man having penetrative sex with a man imo. Other men may find being a bottom the best sex.

There can be very pleasurable m2m sex activity though that is not penetrative. The person is a most important factor as well.

It is really individual. The entire concept of being bisexual means that we would find this not a necessary decision to make. Both is the answer for many.

Mar 30, 2012, 1:23 PM
for me... I first had sex with other kids, it was okay. Then I met a woman and had quite a bit of fun that way! The end result is that at this point, if I am interested, I will play with anyone. male or female.

IF you really are virgin... go for it. Get laid. Try both. Make your own mind up.

Mar 30, 2012, 1:46 PM
Well, by far, the best sex I have had is with my husband. I think that the fact that we communicate openly and are concerned about each other's wants and preferences really helps in making our sex life satisfying. We both also are very comfortable with each other and are open to trying new things and we enjoy expanding our horizons together. Also the fact that my husband and I are deeply in love with each other makes a big difference.

Now apart from my husband I do find that I like different things about having sex with men and women. With men, I have found, I just love penises. There is just something about a nice warm penis penetrating you that toys can't live up to for me. Not to mention that men tend to be a little more dominant in bed, which I like (there are exceptions to this, though).With women, I really find that they tend to be much more concerned with stimulating the clitoris and g-spot then the men I have been with are. Also I just love women's breasts (much prefer natural ones). Now these are just overall perceptions with my personal sexual partners. Some women are better than some men, some men are better than some women. It greatly varies from person to person.

I would say that communication about your likes, dislikes, what you want, and what you don't want is very important to having a fulfilling sex life. Make sure you communicate with your partners and ask them as well about what they want and prefer. If you both (all three of you or more ;) ) are focusing on pleasing each other, you should have a good time.

Good luck on your future sexcapades!

Mar 30, 2012, 1:49 PM
Why are Tenni's and Patrick's posts just big blank spaces, but everyone else's is readable?
Is there a funky glitch in the site? (hope this is readable.lol)

Mar 30, 2012, 1:59 PM
I can see both of their posts, The just have that little box that is under the pictures next to the pictures with the writing below for me.

The Bisexual Virgin
Mar 30, 2012, 2:02 PM
Why are Tenni's and Patrick's posts just big blank spaces, but everyone else's is readable?
Is there a funky glitch in the site? (hope this is readable.lol)

I was wondering the same thing too.

Mar 30, 2012, 6:12 PM
Yay the posting prob has been solved.:)

Well I agree that it's all about communication, chemistry and what you want at the time. Good looks and gender have little to do with satisfying sex. Although actresses like Jerry Ryan could bed many with a wink, it doesn't mean they'd be 'all that' in bed to all. There's more to sexuality than physical form, and sensuality is the driving force for many an orgasm.
I have a fuckbud that wouldn't be first choice for the annual LGBT "fuck me! That's HOT!" centrefold pin up poster boy awards!lol But fuck me, he's great in bed!:tongue:

You just got to find out how YOU tick with who your ticking with.

Mar 30, 2012, 6:27 PM
Have to agree with Jobel & Gearbox... it's really not about which gender, it's about who you can be really open with, communicate with, and can figure out how to make it work.

drugstore cowboy
Mar 30, 2012, 6:49 PM
Ok judging by my name, everyone should know that I am a virgin, and the only sexual activity I was involved was oral from another girl which was not to good, so that does not really count. But the other day I was reading about bisexual men and their sexual activities on another forum, and this one particular commenter stated that "Sex with men is better,than women but women are more attractive." Now this have me thinking do all bisexual men think the same thing, just like the commenter I quoted. It also got me thinking 'Do bisexual people prefer one gender sexually over the other? and if so what's the point of being in a relationship with the gender that you are not sexually attracted too?' So I my question is, which gender is better to have sex with? is it Men or Women? Cause obviously I really don't know. Which other site were you on? If you've had oral sex with a woman even if it wasn't that good then you're not a virgin. If someone's bisexual they're going to enjoy sex with both men and women. Men hands down are better at giving other men oral sex than women are, and for bisexual and gay men who are into getting fucked up the ass we're better than a woman at giving anal sex to a man. Also if a bisexual or straight man is fucking a bisexual or straight woman in the vagina or even anus we're better than bisexual and lesbian women with dildos who do that to bisexual or lesbian women.

Mar 30, 2012, 6:51 PM
It all depends on everyone's own likes and desires. Some prefer one gender over the other and some prefer both. And it all depends on reasoning.

drugstore cowboy
Mar 30, 2012, 6:54 PM
Which other site were you on? If you've had oral sex with a woman even if it wasn't that good then you're not a virgin. If someone's bisexual they're going to enjoy sex with both men and women. Men hands down are better at giving other men oral sex than women are, and for bisexual and gay men who are into getting fucked up the ass we're better than a woman at giving anal sex to a man. Men are also better than women when it comes to fucking a woman's pussy or even a woman's ass.

The Bisexual Virgin
Mar 30, 2012, 7:25 PM
Which other site were you on? If you've had oral sex with a woman even if it wasn't that good then you're not a virgin. If someone's bisexual they're going to enjoy sex with both men and women. Men hands down are better at giving other men oral sex than women are, and for bisexual and gay men who are into getting fucked up the ass we're better than a woman at giving anal sex to a man. Also if a bisexual or straight man is fucking a bisexual or straight woman in the vagina or even anus we're better than bisexual and lesbian women with dildos who do that to bisexual or lesbian women.

I figured that most bisexual men prefer sex with men, or think sex with a man is better. Thanks for proving me right. Well anyways I do consider myself still a virgin because I did not like it, I was young and stupid, and did not have a major impact on me. It's like the same thing with my first kiss. Although I kissed a boy in the first grade, and I remember his name till to this day, I don't think that was my first kiss. The situation was uncomfortable.

Mar 30, 2012, 7:25 PM
really to me there is no way i can choose like sex with both

Mar 30, 2012, 7:56 PM
All varieties of sex have been around for a very, very long time.

The fact that they still are means each "variety" must have something going for it.
As Bi's we/you get to experience the joys of 2 out of 3.
Don't compare - just enjoy.

Mar 30, 2012, 10:09 PM
All of your questions have answers, but they all should come with the disclaimer "It depends on ...". Sex is very individual. Some like it rough. Some like it romantic. Both guys and girls. Some like it rough sometimes and romantic other times.
If your partner delivers what you enjoy, then sex is awesome with either sex. If not ... well, you already found out the answer to that one.
As for one gender over another, again, it depends on the individual. Some have a preference. Some have a strong preference. Some enjoy the heck out of either sex, as long as the partner is skilled.
I know this is not much help, but it is honest. My best answer is "Find your own path grasshopper. There is where you will find true happiness.". lol.

Mar 30, 2012, 10:24 PM
You know the answer to that question whether you know it or not. It would obviously be to where your heart is inclined to go. Sex with men, for me, is rubbish, compared to the unending glories of a woman.

Well said. The naked flesh of a woman's body is a buffet!

Mar 31, 2012, 1:05 AM
As was stated by a lot of people, the sex is better depending on who you prefer at any given time. Sex with both males and females can be either aggressive no holds barred fucking or a slow gentle session of lovemaking. It just depends on the people and the moment. But don't rush out to have encounters to compare, take your time, you'll find that when the time is right, it won't matter the sex of a person, it's the person you are with that will matter.

Mar 31, 2012, 2:01 AM
It depends on your partner, M or F.

Mar 31, 2012, 8:03 AM
i think it soley depends on the individual

Mar 31, 2012, 11:02 PM
Whatever you're most natural and comfortable with and of course the person. Additionally if you are a Virgin, then how do you know you're bi, st8 or??? Maybe you should just be " The Virgin ". Just a thought.

Apr 1, 2012, 4:04 AM
I think sex is best with both a man and a couple of women at the same time

Apr 1, 2012, 7:55 AM
Whatever you're most natural and comfortable with and of course the person. Additionally if you are a Virgin, then how do you know you're bi, st8 or??? Maybe you should just be " The Virgin ". Just a thought.
A straight person usually knows they are straight before they have sex with someone of the opposite sex, a gay person ususally knows they are gay before they have sex with someone of the gay sex, and a bisexual usually know that they are bisexual before they have sex with either. Sexuality is about attraction. If the Bisexual Virgin is attracted to both genders, then they are bi. Everyone has the right to define their own sexuality and don't need others calling their sexuality into question just because they are a virgin or haven't had sex with both genders or whatever.

Apr 1, 2012, 8:58 AM
the question is like the two sides of a coin, totally different but yet the same coin.

Apr 1, 2012, 9:45 AM
A straight person usually knows they are straight before they have sex with someone of the opposite sex, a gay person ususally knows they are gay before they have sex with someone of the gay sex, and a bisexual usually know that they are bisexual before they have sex with either. Sexuality is about attraction. If the Bisexual Virgin is attracted to both genders, then they are bi. Everyone has the right to define their own sexuality and don't need others calling their sexuality into question just because they are a virgin or haven't had sex with both genders or whatever.

What you write is only partially true. I've read several men write that they think that they are bisexual. They are attracted to cock and not men themselves. They think that they want to suck cock but have no attraction to other aspects of the man. They try sex with a man and realize that it was only a fantasy. They don't like sucking cock as much as they thought that they would. They decide that "men" (cock) are not really for them. They had to try it before accepting that they are not really bisexual. Others think the same way and when they try it, they like it. They are attracted to just the cock not the entire man physically ( let alone emotionally). Like a lot of things connected to bisexuality, there is no one simple answer. Sometimes you do have to get in the water to decide if it is hot. ;)

Apr 1, 2012, 10:12 AM
quoted by poster = "So I my question is, which gender is better to have sex with? is it Men or Women? Cause obviously I really don't know."

this is the question asked by the original poster. it amazes me how people like to complicate a simple question and go off topic. it has nothing to do with whether or not a person is really bisexual, gay or anything else. she is virgin and asking which gender others find they are better attracted to. and to answer that it depends on the person your with male or female all people are different no one gender is better then the other, i have had some woman who were better then most men and had some men that were better then most woman, it is a journey you will be undertaking to find out which is best for you.

Apr 1, 2012, 10:55 AM
Ref NUTME "SEX with men is rubbish"
Its funny to hear you say that, I am just guessing that you are NOT very appealing to men via your looks and this might be the cause the the RUBBISH comment..haha

Apr 1, 2012, 11:34 AM
The system makes me write more but my answer is a simple YES!

R. R. Wayne
Apr 1, 2012, 8:10 PM
Either is fine with me. I enjoy cuming into either sex as long as my partner is as turned on as I am.

Apr 2, 2012, 1:10 AM
yes. anything is better than endless weeks of solitaire

Apr 2, 2012, 5:06 PM

"Get a taste of the old religion, lick a Pan." --- fixed that for ya ;)

Apr 3, 2012, 11:35 AM
So many responses here I agree and relate to. This is all so subjective and it has to do with an individuals likes, dislikes, tastes, interests, etc. And some of us change through time. There are things that now interest me sexually that I never thought would be the case some 15 to 20 years ago...and I'm glad it's happened.

As Tenni pointed out, there are many men who are only interested in the cock when it comes to sex with a man. I happen to be one of those men. I don't get emotionally involved with men at all whereas the opposite is true with women. But I will say that when I am with a woman, I am totally into those moments sexually as when I am with a man, I am totally into those moments with a man. Let me also add that it doesn't mean I can't have a friendship with a man I'm sexual with as I do have friendships. But it's not more than that. I can certainly enjoy a woman without the bonds of an involved relationship also. But if I am desiring more than just sex, then it is with women I have this experience. Human sexuality is an amazing tapestry. We all have our individual story and I think it would be so much simpler if we all accept that about each other.

Apr 3, 2012, 2:56 PM
U really want an answer to the thread title from lil ole me??? tee hee

The Bisexual Virgin
Apr 3, 2012, 3:49 PM
U really want an answer to the thread title from lil ole me??? tee hee

Sure I do. I would like to get anyone's opinions before I test the waters.:oh:

Apr 3, 2012, 4:30 PM
Don't think I need to answer it, being a lessie an all do I? I'm biased!!!

Apr 3, 2012, 5:17 PM
All varieties of sex have been around for a very, very long time.

The fact that they still are means each "variety" must have something going for it.
As Bi's we/you get to experience the joys of 2 out of 3.
Don't compare - just enjoy.

And if you accept voyerism as an end to the means, you can enjoy all 3!! :rolleyes:

Doggie :doggie:

Apr 3, 2012, 5:31 PM
I've caught myself thinking, "This gal is the greatest lover I've ever had!"

Then, there has been times when the thought would be, "How could anyone be better than this guy?"

The pendulum swings!

Apr 3, 2012, 7:46 PM
The answer to the question will be one you answer for yourself. I am male. For me, sex with women is better. However, I enjoy a good time with a guy as well.

Apr 4, 2012, 4:55 PM
As a fantasy strictly in the mind sex better with men in real life no question sex with women but fantasy has to be sex men on men why I don't know just know with me I get really turned on by idea of a man fucking my ass.

Apr 5, 2012, 8:05 AM
Always thought it came down to an expression. "Any sex is good, sex with somebody you love is the greatest.":love87::2cents:

Apr 5, 2012, 8:23 AM
Well it Naturally Depends on UR Own Desires Even tho I'm Caught in-between the Spectrum bcuz I was Born Intersexed Female that Only Can Have Anal Sex & I'm Very Feminine bcuz of My Uniqness Sex with me is A Natural Thing Since I Sound & Moan like A Natural Female cuz I was Born with An Xtra Female Chromosome Called Xxy!!! Every Man that I've Encountered Sexually All told me that "IT FELT LIKE THE REAL THING" So On that Perspective U Gotta B the Judge in UR Xperiences cuz WE Can NOT Elaborate on the Subject @ hand!!! Jus Go Out there & Enjoy URSelf & Stay Safe!!!

Jan 17, 2013, 3:01 PM
Yes/both is the answer or both.At most times it would be a woman, but then a man is the only way to feel what you need to at that point.I do have sex with just a woman, where Not with just a man.

Jan 17, 2013, 4:17 PM
You really need to work that out for yourself no one can tell you... however it really depends on the individual you are having sex with. I have had sex with men and enjoyed that more than I did with most other partners and the same goes for some women I had sex with. Most bisexual men who are not into monogamy would probably say sex with both men and women at the same time is the best but once again it depends on who those men and women are.

Jan 17, 2013, 7:26 PM
I have had equally wonderful experiences with both.....so eh "yes" ?

Jan 17, 2013, 10:31 PM
Men give better blowjobs as a group! Sorry women. Try harder?? Now I have had grade A bjs from women but men got you beat most of the time. Womens bodies and personalities are my desire and love. Sorry men you cant compete with women. We are a married bi couple. Oh, she likes big hard throbbing cock but likes women too.

Jan 18, 2013, 12:44 AM
If you've ever seen my girl, walk out totally naked, this question would be settled in a second.

Jan 18, 2013, 12:47 AM
Men give better blowjobs as a group! Sorry women. Try harder?? Now I have had grade A bjs from women but men got you beat most of the time. Womens bodies and personalities are my desire and love. Sorry men you cant compete with women. We are a married bi couple. Oh, she likes big hard throbbing cock but likes women too.

I'd invite your cock into her mouth, just to make my point. In no possible way is a man better at anything than a woman.

Jan 18, 2013, 12:59 AM
If you've ever seen my girl, walk out totally naked, this question would be settled in a second.

I didnt know that they had blow up dolls that walk now


Jan 18, 2013, 1:29 AM
I didnt know that they had blow up dolls that walk now


sooo, you're actually chicagom?

Jan 18, 2013, 3:27 AM
It's different, but one better than the other? I'm not sure in all honesty.

Jan 18, 2013, 8:56 AM
I would think that all men are not alike, just as all women are not alike either. The better question would be sex with what kind of man, or what kind of women. Perhaps, the best question is what kind of partner would you like. Someone to explore with, someone to play with you, or let you play with them. Someone more dominant, submissive, creative, or more vanilla?

Jan 18, 2013, 11:46 AM
The short answer to this question for me is yes, sex is better with a man or woman. Though is a man a better partner han a woman, it depends on a lot of factors, and experience is important on both sides of the equation. My first sex with another person was with a man, it was better than being alone, but my best relationships emotionally have been with women. The best sex partner I ever had was a woman i dated for about nine months, but I couldn't relocate with her so the relationship ended. Men are fun to 69 with, it's a (good) weird kind of reciprocal effect when sucking and being sucked. Oral on women is awesome. I remember around age nine or ten thinking bisexuality was a good option, but the experience of sex and sexual relationships was sometimes unsatisfying, sometimes traumatic, but it didn't stop me from trying. It takes a while to learn the ropes, and when you're playing with both sexes there are more ropes to learn. To you, Bi-Virgin, you probably are bi just because you think you are. Your first sex experience you found was not so good, so you do have taste, preferences and standards. That's all good. Don't be discouraged, especially by others, choose what's best learn and keep moving, or lie still, it get's better with practice. I have had some not so goods but I have no regrets.

Jan 18, 2013, 11:59 AM
I love women!!!! but lust after cocks!!!!!!!