View Full Version : Just thinking on a few things that concern me....

The Black Knights
Mar 29, 2012, 12:08 PM
I am asking this just to start a discussion, not to diss anyone. I love all races and feel race, like gender and sexuality, should be irrelevant when it comes to sizing up a person or a couple: character, how they act, and so on is what should matter. That is how I live my life. With that said, here is my topic for discussion: Why is it that you never see a (true) Black bisexual male/female couple anywhere? Are they all closeted (or denying), living life with a partner of another race and/or are presenting themselves themselves as straight and/or gay to prevent "issues" with others? (I say it like that because some folk always has issues with persons of color, especially Black men for no reason... the Trayvon Martin tragedy has me thinking on this more, plus my own life experience and interests (that is another topic for another thread or my blog) you know?) And if they are out there, do they like doing same sex activities with their partner present or separately?
I am asking because when I look for Black bisexual male/female couples (porn or whatever), all I find is one website (for threesomes) where most of the images have either the woman and/or one or both guys being of Latin descent or something else (not that there is anything wrong with that!), which doesn[t satisfy me. Otherwise, it is either just bi Black men (not easy to fine either) or bi Black women (very easy to find, including BBWs, which I love!). The few Black bisexual men I have personally met are part of a interracial couple or mostly get with (non-Black women). While I have been involved with plenty of couples of most kinds in my time, I have basically never seen a Black bisexual couple firsthand (I have chatted with two or three couples online briefly). Why is that? Just want some honest feedback from folk who may have better (and less biased) thoughts than me. Sorry for the rambling.

The Bisexual Virgin
Mar 29, 2012, 4:29 PM
Well I would like to start off by staying that most black men treat their own women like total garbage. But yet would give white women and non-black women the world, and treat them with the utmost respect.So add bisexuality into play, and you get a lot of mistreated black women, that don't want to put up with bullshit anymore. I have read stories of black women sitting at home pregnant with some man's child while he's out fucking other men, and coming lying to her face where he have been.That's not right.

Another reason could be, that a lot of black women don't find bisexual men appealing at all, or they have a preference of being with a straight man. Which is understandable.

Mar 29, 2012, 6:37 PM
There doesn't seem to be a lack of them in Florida. Perhaps you need to get off the computer and involved in the LGBT community.

Mar 29, 2012, 8:11 PM
Well I think that a lot of it probably has to do with cultural norms within the black community. The community tends to be a little less understanding when it comes to men being attracted to other men. You hear a lot about the down-low men within the black community where the man has a wife, but will get together with other men on the "down-low" for sex as well. I would say these guys are probably bisexual and hide it from their spouses. Many men in general tend to not be out with their bisexuality in the first place due to lack of acceptability.

I would also suspect that it would depend on the area you are in. If you are in an area where black people are the minority, you of coarse will find less black couples. It is hard even to find bisexual couples in the first place (most couples I see have a bi female and straight male) so that plus just less black couples = very few to no bisexual black couples.

Mar 29, 2012, 8:42 PM
Black Knight,

In my limited experience, while I have come across a number of married black men who are bi on the DL, I have not run across any married black couples where the husband is bi (I have seen a few where the wife is bi, and the male is not). I cannot speak as to the "why" this is so, however, it has always been my sense that homosexuality (at least, male homosexuality) has been less appreciated/welcomed even less in the black community than it has been in the white/latino/other community and I have seen few, if any, black females on the various sex websites who indicate an interest in bi-males.


drugstore cowboy
Mar 29, 2012, 9:24 PM
I agree with WeLickIt. If you are looking for bisexual black men and women, or male/female couples where both the man and woman are bisexual and black, and gay men who are black you can easily find them. NO, not all black bisexual and gay men are on the DL or down low or closeted. Most bisexual and gay black men are out and are actually not on the DL or living in a closet. White men IME are by far the largest group who are on the DL or closeted.

Mar 30, 2012, 12:24 AM
I`m a bi black male. I have been with too many partners to really know with how many black women I`ve been, but it`s certainly been quite a few (perhaps the majority). But, the couple thing is a non-issue for me, since I don`t like to label relationships and I am poly. Additionally, I don`t think I owe the information of my bisexuality to anyone, anymore than the woman I`m with owes me how many partners she`s been with, what race, etc.

I feel bi men are singled out as being the only ones who "owe" information about their pasts to their partners.

Mar 30, 2012, 2:23 AM
I am asking this just to start a discussion, not to diss anyone. I love all races and feel race, like gender and sexuality, should be irrelevant when it comes to sizing up a person or a couple: character, how they act, and so on is what should matter. That is how I live my life. With that said, here is my topic for discussion:

1) Why is it that you never see a (true) Black bisexual male/female couple anywhere?

2) Are they all closeted (or denying), living life with a partner of another race and/or are presenting themselves themselves as straight and/or gay to prevent "issues" with others?

3) (I say it like that because some folk always has issues with persons of color, especially Black men for no reason... the Trayvon Martin tragedy has me thinking on this more, plus my own life experience and interests (that is another topic for another thread or my blog) you know?)

4) And if they are out there, do they like doing same sex activities with their partner present or separately?

5) I am asking because when I look for Black bisexual male/female couples (porn or whatever), all I find is one website (for threesomes) where most of the images have either the woman and/or one or both guys being of Latin descent or something else (not that there is anything wrong with that!), which doesn[t satisfy me. Otherwise, it is either just bi Black men (not easy to fine either) or bi Black women (very easy to find, including BBWs, which I love!).

6) The few Black bisexual men I have personally met are part of a interracial couple or mostly get with (non-Black women). While I have been involved with plenty of couples of most kinds in my time, I have basically never seen a Black bisexual couple firsthand (I have chatted with two or three couples online briefly). Why is that? Just want some honest feedback from folk who may have better (and less biased) thoughts than me. Sorry for the rambling.

1) What is truth but a perception affected by our or prejudices and ideologies. True is what we believe is true, not necessarily factual. Is there something called a “false” bisexual black male/female? They are around, depends on where you look and what you want to see.

2) No more so than whites. Bisexual black/white males are closeted in the same demographic proportion because hate and prejudice is not bound by race or gender.

3) Observation: The unfortunate Trayvon Martin killing has become the new media “cause célèbre” and people are lapping it up. One need look no further than the responses here in this thread to see to hints of misinformation about blacks to understand that we still live in a society where myths and prejudices about blacks breed unwarranted fear of young black males. This is an issue unto itself.

4) Both races do exactly the same things sexually.

5) Reality Check; Remember, most porn is done by actors and actress just playing a part. It is NOT a reflection of reality nor has it eve been. You might want to visit 4-Chan, (or any number of different “chans”) There’s something for everyone there.

6) I’ve been intimately involved with blacks all my adult life, which relatively speaking, is quite young. I’ve seen the same sexual proclivities and amount of bi-couples in both races. I have found bi-couples, regardless of race, are rare actually. Look through the membership here. Many couples here have one partner that is straight.

There are a number of sites that cater to individual sexual tastes. May I suggest you use Google, turn off the “SafeSearch” and use the “Advanced Search” feature. You will find what you are looking for.

Mar 30, 2012, 3:37 AM
The answer is really very simple. You're not looking in the right places.

Apr 2, 2012, 1:28 AM
this bonkers cultural analysis of black bisexual relationships is based on what...... the limited pool of porn u have? seriously?