View Full Version : New Friends :}

Mar 11, 2012, 2:16 PM
I keep hearing people complain that they cant find anyone from this site for real time hook ups. I say "Keep looking, like-minded friends, playmates, and possible loves are out there, all you have to do it be patiant and Look"

I have met in person a couple of people from this site that is in my area, and one turned out to be a cool friend. :} Another wasnt too cool, but life happens that's way. I have recently been in contact with a man from here that had watched me from afar for a long time, and I am so glad he contacted me. We have a great deal in common, and I think he is going to be a fabulous friend and maybe more.
Keep looking, keep the lines of communication going, you never know how is right around the bend, Loves. Dont pass up an opportunity to find a fabulous friend or the love of your life...ya never know until ya try...:}
Yer Cat

Bisexual Explorer
Mar 11, 2012, 4:31 PM
Once again Cat is 100%. I've learned to be patient and have been rewarded with fantastic experiences with people I've met here.

Mar 12, 2012, 1:06 AM
Hello Mama Cat... I met you here and am dying to take a trip up north and meet you in person... One day, Mama... One day... :paw::paw:

Mar 12, 2012, 10:27 AM
I don't know....frankly this place (much like the internet in general) seems to be pervaded by people who feel quite entitled to ignore a friendly e-mail from a prospective partner. I have to preface this response by saying I have always had a pet peeve about non-returned phone messages and non-answered e-mails... I've posted about it before, but I always write to people within a few years of my age, within an hour or less of my location, and with my same sexual preferences...to me, a non-answer is simply rude and frustrating. Ironically, a few of the people I am friends with from here said they would drop them a note and suggest they contact me !! SO I even get a recommendation, and I get ignored...Look, it's not so tough to simply say "no thanks", "found someone" "pass" etc.... And yes, I have met a few terrific folks here and through some other websites, but the ratio of sent-emails to responded e-mails is staggering !

Mar 12, 2012, 6:16 PM
It's worked for me.

Mar 14, 2012, 3:19 PM
Well Guy, life happens, Darling. All I can suggest is keep looking. Not everyone is going to be the same, and results vary for everybody. :}
I return emails from those who contact me and rarely have I ever had to say, "Hey Dude, I'm not fucking interested" (Even tho I've Felt like it) lol

Mar 14, 2012, 3:21 PM
And for Big Bear....ANYtime Darlin. Or if I get to Texas again. I have several folks there that I'd love to meet up with. Big Hotel party? lol
Mama Cat