View Full Version : New Orleans

Mar 10, 2012, 7:48 AM
Okay, well I am going to be moving to New Orleans and I am super excited. No more snow, better looking people, better produce, better weather, the list goes on and on. The only thing is we have never been there (we don't get to decide where we live due to hubbies job) and we don't know what areas are good to live in. Anyone know of where are good areas to live?:tongue:

Long Duck Dong
Mar 10, 2012, 7:50 AM
in a house ...lol..... no idea, I do not live in the us, but good luck and best wishes for you and hubby with the move...

Mar 10, 2012, 7:52 AM
I wish you luck, hon and may your move be safe. If I were you I'd check out some of the tourists sites, I've heard that the French Quarter is a very nice but expensive place to try and find a home. I'm sure you can check into some realtor sites as well and see many of the entertainment and other facilities that would be close.

Mar 10, 2012, 8:29 AM
Hey Jobelorocks,
Welcome down south. Yall gonna have an accent in no time at all. Depending on how far u have to travel and your budget there are some awesome places to live in NO. Metarie and Kenner are a short hop away from downtown but there are great places in the city too. Not knowing what you are looking for maybe the best advice I can give is to check out craigslist to get an idea of the going prices for housing in the different areas. Get a 6 month lease and u can make a better choice once u get to know the place. Its a beautiful city and I know you will enjoy your stay there.

Mar 10, 2012, 8:37 AM
Well, we are looking for an apartment because we are only going to be living there for 4 years. Our traveling and moving expenses are covered. We aren't too worried about prices, everything down there that we have seen so far (that is in a size we are looking for) is far below our budget. We only really need a 1 bedroom because it is just the two of us. We just need to know the good areas and where to stay away from.

Mar 10, 2012, 8:54 AM
Well, J, in that case I suggest you do contact a realtor, many of them handle apartments as well as rental homes. For finding out about "good" vs "bad" areas, I suggest you request some information from the New Orleans Police Department, many departments have an information officer that would be happy to let you know about the areas with higher crime rates and other information. If I was you, I'd start with apartment.com and move over to other realtor sites like Century21 or Remax and put in your requirements.

Herculoid Poirot
Mar 10, 2012, 9:20 AM
I don't know from good or bad areas, but I spent some time there many years ago and enjoyed it very much. The history is fascinating and the humidity unbelievable. The coffee takes some getting used to.

Mar 10, 2012, 9:58 AM
Thanks Bubba and DD! Very helpful.
Herculoid, I am very excited for those reasons. I am not excited about the humidity, but I will manage (I like humidity better than the snow). We don't drink coffee (we try not to drink too many caffeinated beverages , although we drink tea on occasion).

It is exciting to be moving to such a cool place with such a rich history. It is a little nerve racking because we have never been there, don't know anyone down there, have to find a place within a few days of getting there, and we are moving in June. I am excited though.

Mar 10, 2012, 10:35 AM
Hi J,
Like most centers of urbania, NO offers anything and everything as far as where to look. I'm currently hawking two country homes--one in a small town and one small ranch--both close in enough to get to the city and the night life (and the food!), but out in the quiet where you can re-collect your brain. If hubby's job location is a commute, you might figure the best, safest route to and from. Best wishes!

The Black Knights
Mar 10, 2012, 11:03 AM
I visited New Orleans a few years ago (before Katrina) and found it to be fun and the food is great. I am expecting to be visiting there this summer and I am looking forward to it. I felt the downtown area (except for around the waterfront) was a bit run-down, but overall, I enjoyed the city. The Quarter is cool. True, it is not the cheapest area to live, but that is a relative term these days. Enjoy your time there and congratulations!

Mar 10, 2012, 11:08 AM
MtnMan, your first sentence doesn't make sense to me. "NO offers anything and everything as far s where to look." I am just looking for a safer area where I don't have to be afraid to take my trash out. I am from Los Angeles, so I am used to city life and I really don't care if we live in the city or in a nearby suburb. My hubby will be working in the city so therefore will be commuting if we live in the burbs, but that really isn't too big of an issue. (In Los Angeles there is always commutes and traffic so we are used to that.) We just want a place I will feel safe home alone as a small woman. Due to his work I spend many nights and days alone and have to take care of things myself, so safety is our biggest concern.

That being said, we don't care if we rent a house or apartment, but we will be renting because we will only be staying 4 years. We prefer a small house or apartment because there is only two of us and we only need one bedroom, maybe two, but don't want to spend more to get a big house/apartment that we don't have the furniture for and has excess space we don't need.

Mar 10, 2012, 11:15 AM
Another thought, J, check out some New Orleans newspapers online and read the crime pages. That might give you a bit more of a feel of where things happen, a gated area might be a better option or even better a place to take trash INSIDE the building that is taken out by a janitor.

Mar 10, 2012, 11:35 AM
1st of all I'd look as to where the flooding occurred when Katrina sideswiped New Orleans. Remember that New Orleans did not take a direct hit. It flooded due to leavies breaking and I'd avoid the flooded areas as the same thing will occur next time a hurricane roars through. Also check out the crime maps and avoid those areas. I assume you guys don't have kids? If so you don't have to worry about schools which should make things a bit easier.

Mar 10, 2012, 11:36 AM
Ya, one place we looked at online is gated. Rent seems so cheap down there, but back in Cali where I was at the time, a one bedroom apartment in an okay (not great) area was about $1,400 a month. Seeing one bedroom that are $800-1000 seem so dang cheap to me.

Mar 10, 2012, 11:41 AM
I will so not tell you what I pay for rent here, I don't want you to cry: ) But I'm really glad you are using online resources, I always found when moving for work that I could set up most everything online and just pick up keys with electricity already on at the place.

Mar 10, 2012, 11:52 AM
@jobelorocks, I'm jealous! Love NOLA, used to live there years ago. I'd suggest living in the Garden District, not the French Quarter. Your just a streetcar ride away from the Quarter, but the Garden has great restaurants too, and without the hassle of parking (which is insane in the Quarter.) And don't let all the talk about crime sway you too much. It's everywhere, but it's no worse than any other city. I lived in Treme for years, and was told it was too dangerous, but never had any problems and made some great friends.

Most of all, enjoy the town. It's my fav.

Mar 10, 2012, 12:07 PM
OK, had to look at craiglist for old times sake. Check out this ad to get an idea of what's available in the Lower Garden. http://neworleans.craigslist.org/apa/2893185623.html

Mar 10, 2012, 12:29 PM
Thanks for the link, but we can't be down there by April 1st. We will find a place though. Thanks for all the suggestions guys.

Mar 12, 2012, 6:55 AM
The Garden District or Warehouse district, but somewhere cloes in so you can live and enjoy the city.

Herculoid Poirot
Mar 12, 2012, 10:33 AM
I took this pic in new orleans, this is the kind of thing you get to look forward to!

Mar 12, 2012, 10:56 AM
Jo, when I read your query, I remembered a fellow, who lived there for years. He advised that you get an upper floor apartment and keep some emergency supplies on hand. (Like plenty of water, food, a propane camping stove, a portable and sealable toilet, plenty of safe, canned and dry food) Remember, New Orleans is below sea level and a hurricane can cause havoc. He was stuck on his 3rd floor apartment for over a week with the bottom floor completely submerged, during the near-miss hurricane that devastated NO. He said that looting and crime was rampant during that time, so if you're familiar and competent with weapons, having one might be prudent. (an 81 year old widow foiled a break-in where he lived, with a shotgun!) If you have pets, you'll need extra supplies for them, too. He said he saw many drowned cats and dogs, during the aftermath. Many that survived were starved and sick. Rats were everywhere, too. Sounded like good advice, to me.

Mar 12, 2012, 11:08 AM
Actually my husband works a lot with fire arms (and even has done some fire arm instruction at his work) so we are going to be getting a couple of guns down there. (the gun control laws are way more lax down there then where we live now) Also we find out about weather things way before the general public does because his job also is part of the first respondents and aid in those situations. So I am not that worried. We have a camping stove already and canned and dried foods that are good for those natural disasters. So we are pretty prepared for the worst.

Mar 12, 2012, 12:30 PM
I wished I could help you---I used to spend a great deal of time in and around NOLA--but I haven't been there since before Katrina, so I really have no idea in how things have changed----sad to say that you do have to watch where you go from what I do know about the way things are now---like a lot of larger southern cities--there is a fair degree of crime pretty much all over---its that way in Savannah and Charleston. I would start going online and looking at the online edition of the Times-Picayune paper to read the stories about things that happen in the city and environs, also Google the NOLA TV stations, friend them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter and of course---check out there regular websites on a regular basis----from all of that you can start to get a good idea about which areas seem to have a high degree of incidents.

I do envy you moving there----even though like most places, there is good and bad about living around the NOLA area----it is still a pretty cool place with all of the great music, food, culture, places to see, etc.

Good luck and have fun---just have an open mind about things----New Orleans and area is its own unique world---and there is hardly any other place in America that is like it. That is one of the major charms about New Orleans----I know that for some people---they would have had no problem in basically writing off NOLA after Katrina---you had so many people say as much----but I can say that it is a place worth saving and if not for New Orleans ever having existed and bringing us all the cool things it did like the music that came from there---American culture would have been a helluva lot more boring and dull----just like a bowl of great gumbo or jambalaya, New Orleans has served us up some of the best of our culture in the mix of cultures that came together in that city and moved out to the rest of the country.

Mar 12, 2012, 4:15 PM
St Charles is rather pleasant but pricey,wharehouse dist, Canal street, Metarie...even slidell at a push......dont forget yer carbomb on st patricks day (ooops they banned em this year!).

Enjoy tha Acme oysters and of course the Hurricanes from pats.....god i miss n'awlins.

Mar 12, 2012, 4:24 PM
Read John Kennedy Toole's: A Conferacay of Dunces, before you move. A truely moving, and if not truly, hysterical novel. I wish you the best of moves, Jobes.

I must add; if you have a sense of the English language, you are going to piss your panties on reading this book. For all, it is a must read.

Mar 12, 2012, 4:25 PM
NO wisdom mandates, along with the items suggested by Realist, that you keep an axe in that second floor apartment. That's so you can chop your way out onto the roof when the water rises!

Mar 12, 2012, 4:52 PM
By some of the suggestions I am getting you would think I was asking how to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. lol. I really don't need anymore suggestions about being prepared for natural disasters, looting, and such. I just need to know a safer area to live. I am from Los Angeles, so I do know how to cope with big city life. I just don't know this particular area and where there are good places to live, so suggestions on that is what I am looking for.

Mar 12, 2012, 8:07 PM

Mar 14, 2012, 7:18 AM

Fun Place, clean and nice

Mar 14, 2012, 12:48 PM
Hi, I have lived in New Orleans for the last 30 yrs. Send me a private msg to contact y9u if you like. I even manage an apt building but we have no apts vacant. I can help with much info though.

Mar 14, 2012, 1:15 PM
I am a life long New Orleanian. The city is not entirely below sea level. The highest areas are along the Mississippi River and the Metairie Road / Gentilly Ridge. I live in Metairie on ground at +6' sea level. The further away from metairie Road toward the lake, the lower the ground. So if you choose an apartment, it is smart to get on the second floor. The flooding in Jefferson parish was the reasult of gov't. mismanagement of the drainage pumps - not levee failures. The police protection is better in Jefferson Parish in my opinion, so Metairie is an obvious choice, but you won't so badly in Lakeview, Warehouse District, or Garden District..

Mar 14, 2012, 4:07 PM
Hi Jo~ As we know in the world these days, safety is relative. What makes you feel safe in Los Angeles? Location? Ask the same questions in NO and you'll probably find what you're looking for. I joined a swing site called swinglifestyle.com and (you can search for free) you can look around on there for NO zips and maybe make some contacts you could ask those kinds of questions. You could ask those other kinds of questions too, of course!

Apr 20, 2012, 12:36 PM
I live in Nola. If you haven't made your move yet or still have questions, feel free to ask anything

Apr 20, 2012, 3:35 PM
Metarie is further then we would like to be from hubbies job location, so we are thinking probably Garden District. Again guys, we are looking for areas with lower crime and not natural disaster info. Part of my hubbies job is offering relief and doing search and rescue for natural disasters, we know how to deal with that stuff and do not need any advice on that. We already understand what areas flood more and that is not what I am asking about. I think we are good and have figured things out. Thanks everyone for your input.

Apr 21, 2012, 2:02 AM
May I request some powdered nutrina when you get settled in? May wind up making that elixir yet.