View Full Version : Stray Cat...

Mar 5, 2012, 12:41 PM
Sorry I havent been around, Darlings. I've been sick as hell and jumping thru hoops to finally get the surgery I need. For the last two and a half years I've been fighting to find a Dr that would go up against the state here to help me get the type of surgery I need to stop 24/7 365 unpredictable near hemorraging. All the ladies out there are nodding in understanding as they know what I'm talking about.
This amount of blood loss leaves me weak, sick, endangered my health big time, and Seriously fucked with my social/sex life. (GRRRR) It had impared my job so badly that I had to leave my position at the college. Seems passing out suddenly without warning was frowned upon for some reason when pushing a student in a wheelchair....Who'da thought.....

The state here wouldnt do anything about it because it wasnt "Life threatening" enough.....at first. Now that its gotten to the point where once a month Depo shots wouldnt touch it, they are finally looking at this seriously.
Soon, they are going to do a proceedure called a D&C (I call it dusting and cleaning, they arent amused with my candor) and deep scoping to see if theres another tumor, or something up deep that they Cant see. If this doesnt work, the state is finally going to allow a total hysterectomy. (YAAAY bout fukn time)
So if I havent been around Loves, its simply because I am grearing up for this and being sooo very ready for it to be over with..:}
Hugs and naughty nibbles to all I know well, lecherous weak grins to those I dont.
Yer Cat

Mar 5, 2012, 2:27 PM
MaMa Cat Its been awhile since we shared been going thru my own issues but have not forgotten you I m so happy for you that the health issue is moving closer to being resolved you have always been a very loving woman, I will keep you in my prayers n thoughts that you return to have quality of life. Ben xx

Mar 5, 2012, 3:47 PM
Man! It's about time, Cat-Mama!

Geez, were you going to have to die before they'd take your situation serious!

Best of luck to you, Sweetie.

Mar 5, 2012, 3:59 PM
My favorite Pussy!!!!!!!!!! Been thinking about you and missing you. Glad they might finally be sorting it out (took em long enough) and hopefully all will go well and you'll be back to your usual bag of tricks soon. Love ya hon, sending good thoughts your way.

Long Duck Dong
Mar 5, 2012, 10:08 PM
wat ya mean they are looking at spaying our cat ?

they better have a conference hall sized room for you cos with all of us turning up in spirit with our hugs and kisses and hand holding, we are gonna take up a lot of room.....lol

my mother, years ago, had haemorraging, and ended up with a total hysterectomy after a few other surgeries failed and it was cancer.... so I pretty much understand what you are dealing with.... and so I have extra cat sized hugs for ya....and prayers to great spirit that all will be well for you and all of your lovers, friends and worshippers....

Mar 5, 2012, 10:20 PM
Well it is about time that they are taking your health concerns seriously. You are an amazing woman....a big ole luvin cat. My best to you dear lady.

Belle in Boston

Mar 5, 2012, 10:57 PM
Good luck 'cat I will keep you in my thoughts, I hope they are finally able to help you! <hugs>

Mar 5, 2012, 11:22 PM
Good luck Cat. Glad the state is finally seeing enough to get off their $%#@# and do something. I know sort of what you are going through. I had unexplained hemorraging myself two years ago. Turned out it was my appendix. Well, at least after they removed the appendix, the hemorraging stopped a few days later.
Oh, and by the way, just for future reference, passing out at your desk (no I was NOT sleeping! With one I snore, the other I don't. They swore up and down that I was NOT snoring) does not sit well in the computer programming industry either. Neither does falling down stairs. Just in case you were thinking of switching careers. lol.
Get well soon, Cat.

Mar 6, 2012, 1:57 AM
Thank you Darling Ones. I appreciate it immesely. I've already done the passing out in public thing (At the gym, no less) and I dont reallllly want to do that again...:( I'll keep ya'll notified of whats going on and when/if the surgery will be.
Hugs and kisses to all of you that I know and care for..
Yer Cat

Mar 6, 2012, 8:15 AM
I don't post a lot here, but I'm a daily reader and I always look forward to your thoughts. I will be thinking of you and sending you my best and strongest thoughts for a quick resolution to a problem that'ss obviously dragged on too long. Good luck, Cat.