View Full Version : Wife gave the green light but with a catch

Feb 27, 2012, 2:45 PM
My wife told me yesterday that I can have a hook up buddy for oral and anal sex If I get a dog. Now I am not a dog person and we have tried this before and she is not very good at keeping a dog she doesn't have the time too take of it. What should I do.

Feb 27, 2012, 2:52 PM
Well I think it depends on whether you think having a fuck bud is worth buying and taking care of a dog. lol. Honestly I think that is a silly request on her part, but many guys and gals wish they could get their significant other to let them have a fuck bud at all. It is really up to you. Maybe you can talk her down to a hamster...lol.

Feb 27, 2012, 3:02 PM
I say go for it, and just buy your wife a small dog. That way you can get the best of both world's and get it when ever you want it. lol

Feb 27, 2012, 3:03 PM
My wife told me yesterday that I can have a hook up buddy for oral and anal sex If I get a dog. Now I am not a dog person and we have tried this before and she is not very good at keeping a dog she doesn't have the time too take of it. What should I do.

Get a dog you like, since it may end up being yours. You get a hook up and a dog, WIN WIN.

Feb 27, 2012, 3:15 PM
My wife told me yesterday that I can have a hook up buddy for oral and anal sex If I get a dog. Now I am not a dog person and we have tried this before and she is not very good at keeping a dog she doesn't have the time too take of it. What should I do.

Get the dog and look for a F&*K Buddy who has a dog. Both you and the dog can have play dates at the same time.

Feb 27, 2012, 3:24 PM
Get the dog and look for a F&*K Buddy who has a dog. Both you and the dog can have play dates at the same time.


Herculoid Poirot
Feb 27, 2012, 3:37 PM
Before you run out and get a dog, have you asked her where her request is coming from? Why a dog? I think you have a little more talking to do.

P.S. if you're not a dog person I'd recommend finding one that is small and not high strung!

Feb 27, 2012, 3:51 PM
dogs are a big responsibility and not to be taken lightly. where as if you dont care for your fuck buddy you can always terminate the relationship and move on, its not that easy when you own a dog. Maybe you could offer her a tennis bracelet instead.

Feb 27, 2012, 4:02 PM
dogs are a big responsibility and not to be taken lightly. where as if you dont care for your fuck buddy you can always terminate the relationship and move on, its not that easy when you own a dog. Maybe you could offer her a tennis bracelet instead.

I know thats what I'm saying we have tried the dog thing three times it didn't work out but she said she has to get something out of the deal. It is tempting though I must say to finally have a open gay "sexual" relationship with no worries sounds good. Next I gotta work on her fucking my fuck bud now that would be the hottest ever

Feb 27, 2012, 4:17 PM
you probably heard it before but it bares repeating, " Dogs are a mans best friend" and the flip side "Diamonds are a girls best friend "

Feb 27, 2012, 4:18 PM
I have a dog in Nj. Walking the dog is good for you physically and mentally....lets walk the dogs together and be fuck buds....I'm not against your wife joining

Feb 27, 2012, 4:32 PM
Keep the dog at the fuckbud's house. Sorted!

The Bisexual Virgin
Feb 27, 2012, 5:22 PM
I know thats what I'm saying we have tried the dog thing three times it didn't work out but she said she has to get something out of the deal. It is tempting though I must say to finally have a open gay "sexual" relationship with no worries sounds good. Next I gotta work on her fucking my fuck bud now that would be the hottest ever

If you don't like dogs there has to be something else she likes. And is it only me, but why does every bisexual man that's in a relationship with a woman, and have a male fuck buddy on the side, wants her to have sex with the fuck buddy? Or at least make her be involved in a threeway?

Feb 27, 2012, 6:02 PM
Maybe she meant that if you want a suck and fuck bud to get yourself a dog and he could be it........:bigrin: if thats the case may I recomend you get a good sturdy mouthgaurd for the dog.

Cheers Chook :tongue:

Feb 27, 2012, 6:40 PM
A hamster? Now that takes it to a whole new level!

Feb 27, 2012, 7:15 PM
Did she specify that it must be alive? Stuffed animals are pretty easy to care for.

Feb 27, 2012, 7:28 PM
I wonder why she wants a dog so badly if she's not willing to take care of one? To keep her company? I've heard of a rumor that men taking care of dogs or small children in the park makes them look more appealing to a mate. Dogs can be very good, loving companions but they do require daily care and if you go on vacation you will need to find arrangements to kennel or have someone take care of the animal.

Have to admit it's an interesting test, you either take on responsibility for the dog and your new friend, or none at all..

Feb 27, 2012, 7:43 PM
I'd say get a new wife . . your current one is weird.

Feb 27, 2012, 7:53 PM
Get a dog - get a good trainer - and learn how to be a good dog handler (its really easy if you have a good trainer). You will be happy, your wife will be happy, and your dog will be happy (when trained, the dog knows what you want / expect from him and understands his place in "the pack" - and a trained dog will be much easier to handle and care for). Oh, and get a German Shepherd - smart, loyal, perfect family dog (I was raised by one and have two currently).


artsy girl3
Feb 27, 2012, 7:58 PM
I'd say your a fool .. if you don't realize your getting a pretty damn good arrangment..
your wondering whether she will help take care of a dog.. while you get to randomly fuck people on the side.. (which she isen't doing herself.. i may add)
Sounds like you don't realize how good of a deal your getting.

Just my opinion.
Most people that are bi and in a marraige don't even get the option of having anything on the side.. nor do their partners want ot be understanding about their needs at all.


Feb 27, 2012, 8:38 PM
did you ever watch the last boy scout? im getting the feeling that youre missing something here. as someone else above posted, you guys have a lot more talking to do. also, if you think for 1 second that youre also going to get her interested in having a 3 way with the both of you, better think again. i know i havent and wont do that to my wife. im fortunate enough that she lets me have my guy time fun with no circumstances (I.E. a dog or whatever else). we do however meet up with a couple now and then for couples play. we have also had 3 ways with other guys before, but we met them together (through either a play party, or through another couple), not me first with him as a fuck bud.
talk with your wife some more, maybe im wrong and shes wanting to participate and is feeling left out? or that maybe shes feeling if you need a male playmate that you dont need or want her. have you thought of a strap on? maybe getting her involved if willing, would do something for her? some women love giving their guy a strap on.
sorry if im rambling, but theres more going on here, what it is, youre the one who has to find out. if you love your wife, she and her feelings come first.

Feb 27, 2012, 9:25 PM
My wife told me yesterday that I can have a hook up buddy for oral and anal sex If I get a dog. Now I am not a dog person and we have tried this before and she is not very good at keeping a dog she doesn't have the time too take of it. What should I do.

Sounds to me like your wife didn't give you a green light, she came up with something she knows you don't want to do to see if you are serious about having a hook up buddy. So in light of that, you need to talk WITH your wife, not TO your wife and reach a real compromise.

Feb 27, 2012, 9:35 PM
Sounds to me like your wife didn't give you a green light, she came up with something she knows you don't want to do to see if you are serious about having a hook up buddy. So in light of that, you need to talk WITH your wife, not TO your wife and reach a real compromise.

That makes sense.

Isn't the one of the weirdest threads ever though?

Annika L
Feb 27, 2012, 9:40 PM
Was thinking the same thing myself, slippy. I could imagine "Green light as long as I get to have extra partners too" or "Green light as long as I can watch" or "Green light as long as I don't have to participate" or "Green light as long as I get to pick the partner"...lots of possibilities...but "Green light if I can have a dog???" That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. She can't be for real.

To the OP, I agree with DD about your next step.

Long Duck Dong
Feb 27, 2012, 9:50 PM
green light cos she wants a dog.......???

think about the reason people have dogs, and then you will see what your wife is saying......

Feb 27, 2012, 10:26 PM
I don't think this is about a dog at all. I'd be looking over my shoulder as to when the divorce papers get handed to you.
Or when the frying pan or rolling pin comes flying at you.
You are crazy if you believe she would let you screw around for a dog.

Feb 27, 2012, 11:17 PM
My wife let's me play with a guy but we have talked about it extensively and made a mutual arrangement. We find a guy for us to both play with. There are always times when there is one on one action while the other partner just waits it out. She's an active participant in the searches and looks for guys that she likes. You might want to talk to your wife more and find out what she really feels.

Feb 28, 2012, 12:59 AM
Well guy, she probably means get the dog and that should be your fuck buddy; you
are missing the whole point !

Feb 28, 2012, 1:43 AM
You better think twice.. they say that dogs are mans best friend.. but could be the woman's best lover
they dont call it doggie style for nothing.. and how would you know ? you'd be by your buddy's place while'she's doing
things well better not to say what.. but you get the drift..

Strange how it's ok for a woman to be bi.. but how some women make sex seem unnatural as if it's a consumer item
that you have to bargain for..

Perhaps it's time to consider whether you have the right wife!

Love to see this site have a section for the opposite sex to find a bi partner.. ie girl for a bi guy and guy for a bi guy

petting each other would be the first step in getting to know each other.. ya think?

Feb 28, 2012, 5:34 AM
How odd a request, apparently she has no issue with you having sex with others...now you have to figure out why the dog request! Not all is as it seems here, there must be more to the story from either her or you!

The Bisexual Virgin
Feb 28, 2012, 11:20 AM
I really hope it's not true what everyone is implying.

Feb 28, 2012, 12:13 PM
Get the buddy for oral and anal sex...so instead of the dog, you'll have his pussy. Get rid of the wife...'cause you won't need her pussy and you won't have to get a dog.

Feb 28, 2012, 12:49 PM
For the opportunity to having my wife give me the "go ahead" with no ramifications I would buy her a complete dog kennel if that's what she asked for, and I would be glad to clean-up after them. This is of course, that the "green light" lasted as long as the dog(s).

Feb 28, 2012, 3:32 PM
I'd say your a fool .. if you don't realize your getting a pretty damn good arrangment..
your wondering whether she will help take care of a dog.. while you get to randomly fuck people on the side.. (which she isen't doing herself.. i may add)
Sounds like you don't realize how good of a deal your getting.

Just my opinion.
Most people that are bi and in a marraige don't even get the option of having anything on the side.. nor do their partners want ot be understanding about their needs at all.


I def think I am getting a great offer presented too me and me and my wife have a amazing relationship she is completely fine with me being bi she has only known for 2 of the last 8 years we have been together so I guess it was just a matter of time that I would or she would present this. I have expressed many times too my wife that I want her too cuckold me so I'm ok with her banging other dudes as long as I'm a part of it. I know my sexual encounters with other men will be just sex if she is meeting and sleeping with other guys there is a chance it could turn into more if she is doing it with out me around. That might sound selfish or like I'm being a hyprocrit but it makes sense in my head and she has said herself she wouldn't do it unless we were together

Feb 28, 2012, 8:15 PM
Now that I think about it, if she knows what happened the last 3-4 times you got a dog maybe insisting on a dog is a passive-aggressive way of saying she'd rather not have you sleep with another man.

Feb 28, 2012, 9:01 PM
Hopefully the divorce papers don't say YOU have to keep the dog.

I am sorry, but I feel there is a hook underneath this worm....


Feb 29, 2012, 3:43 PM
Excellent Idea!

Mar 1, 2012, 11:30 AM
i would get the dog so i can suck some dick!! .......

Mar 1, 2012, 12:37 PM
O.K. I don't necessarily think this one is as weird as every one else... Your wife is a dog person obviously, just not good with the responsibility that comes with caring for a dog... I can relate to that. My wife is a cat person, but not good with the responsibility of caring for them I.E. feeding, cleaning the litter box etc. It usually ends up being me that does these things despite the fact that I'm not a cat person.

It sounds to me like your wife has been wanting a dog for a long time now but you've been unwilling to let her have one, so she found a way to gain a little leverage on you to make you cave in and give her one... I to think you'd be a fool for not taking her up on the offer. Yeah, you'll have the added responsibilities that come with caring for a pet, but look at it this way. You're giving her something that she desperately wants in exchange for something that you want and that sounds like a fair deal to me. Fair and reasonable. Quid pro quo.

Mar 3, 2012, 2:06 PM
This is very weird condition. I think you should do some more talking before jumping in.

Mar 4, 2012, 6:49 AM
With the dog, you have to walk the dog twice a day so while she said you might have a hookup buddy, you can't be away for too long if every day 7 days a week you have to be home at a certain time to walk the dog. Women have great intuition and never underestimate them. They are very smart. You think the is no string attached and a freebie? Nooooooo!!! This time is not string attached, but dog leash attached. Food for thought.

Mar 4, 2012, 8:20 AM
i have to agree. why get a dog if she`s not willing to care for it? sounds to me as if she`s not taking your request for some bi fun seriously. maybe if she was interested in a threesome or just watching at first it would turn her on. you could give that a thought. hopefully all will work out for you.

Mar 4, 2012, 10:53 AM
Can I ask do you and your wife have children? Cause this kind of sounds like maybe either her mothering instincts are kicking in and a dog would help her satify them or that she wants a companion and doesn't feel she is getting the companionship that she desires from you. This is all speculation as I don't know the whole situation it could be that she just likes dogs. In any case I believe you should talk with your wife more about this.

Mar 4, 2012, 11:01 AM
One thing my husband and I agreed on early on in our marriage was that we would NEVER use sex as a bargaining tool. I would hesitate to feel comfortable about any "offer" if there is a condition attached to it.

Mar 4, 2012, 12:50 PM
One thing my husband and I agreed on early on in our marriage was that we would NEVER use sex as a bargaining tool. I would hesitate to feel comfortable about any "offer" if there is a condition attached to it.O I dunno Mumsie.. Wudnt b the 1st time Ive offered Kate 2 take 'er 2 the stars for a new pair of boots or shoes.... did the same wiv Brian 2.... always lived up 2 my side of bargain an all... will not say owt bout poutin' if they sed no...:tong:.... an God help 'em if they reneged on the deal...

Mar 4, 2012, 9:08 PM
Get a dog.

aLABiM75 & StrF51
Mar 5, 2012, 2:19 AM

Get an older pre-trained dog from the pound, it will make life much easier.


Mar 5, 2012, 2:23 AM
hmmm.. get a small dog teach him to crap in a litter box, no walks no problem.. just like a barking cat.. lol

Mar 5, 2012, 8:36 AM
hmmm.. get a small dog teach him to crap in a litter box, no walks no problem.. just like a barking cat.. lol

he already has a barking cat *her*

Mar 5, 2012, 11:41 AM
Wow , I have never been deleted before !

Mar 5, 2012, 4:30 PM
I'd be picking out a dogs name.

Mar 6, 2012, 9:10 AM
I don't understand why no one has asked what wrong with dogs, who don't like dogs? I'm not such a big fan of cat sized dogs but other than that it makes no sense to me!

Mar 6, 2012, 9:58 AM
we have a cat already and that is because I got rid of a dog because it was out of control and we just didnt have the time to train it right or take care of it and that hasn't changed so thats why I have been fighting to not have a dog. One of the hardest things I have ever done besides tell my wife I'm bi was removing a dog from our home and making them say goodbye too it and I dont want too do that again BUT having a cock to suck openly with NSA might be worth it and I still haven't decided how worth it yet

Mar 6, 2012, 2:40 PM
Sounds like you've made your choice. I would look for a small older dog that has already been trained. Then have fun with with some cock.:flag4:

Mar 6, 2012, 4:16 PM
Its a great deal


drugstore cowboy
Mar 6, 2012, 4:29 PM
I don't like dogs so it wouldn't be a great deal. It's also not good how she's saying "I'll only agree to let you have sex with other people if I get a dog!" and yes it does sound as though she's using sex as a bargaining tool. You also said how you've already had a dog and it didn't go so well and if I were you I wouldn't get another dog at all. Since she already knows that you're bisexual and that you want to have sex with other people what if you just went ahead and did that and never got a dog at all?

Mar 10, 2012, 10:29 PM
I would say that it sounds like a good deal, perhaps too good of a deal. Bargaining these sorts of things sounds like trouble. If you are willing to get the dog, why not just get the dog for her no strings attached, and although it is a risk, hopefully she would reciprocate without it having to be part of a bargain. These sorts of sexual issues can really shake the foundation of a relationship, bargaining seems to trivialize what you are asking for and what is at risk. Take the dog out of the equation. Seriously though, what happens if the dog gets lost or dies? Or she decides she doesn't like the dog?

You need her to say its ok, and that she's not asking for material things in return. I think you should tell her you didn't realize how much having a dog means to her, and that you're willing to get one for her without her having to negotiate for it. From how you describe the situation, I think she'll come around to the conclusion that she's ok with an open relationship without any catch, and that's the better deal for you both. If she ends up deciding she's not ok with it after all, then you probably just saved your marriage - and your stuck with a dog.

Mar 14, 2012, 12:21 PM
i think she's just making a joke out of it or it sounds like hey if he's going to get something he wants then i'm going to get something i want. it has to be a mutual thing or your relationship will never work after you hookup with this fuck buddy