View Full Version : Shocked, but,,,,

Feb 25, 2012, 1:40 AM
Was watching an episode of The Doctores the other day, "40 ways to better sex tonight",and all the women went wild. They talked about many things you could do, g-spot ect, when the question was asked, did the man have a g-spot, and yes and behold, he did. It's called the P-spot. P for Prostate, and they went on to explain what it was and what to do. A very breif descreption of how to massage and gain access to the prostate followed,before "move on" to other things, but at least they did it. Another small step forward. Butt, as in America, it's one step forward, two step backwards. What's his name,,Rick something discussed elsewhere.Time wil tell.

Feb 25, 2012, 2:03 AM
The Doctors is a medical information show, it's not a sex therapy hotline. They discuss many things briefly on shows, it's meant to be informative and they direct you to more information on their website. It' s not one step forward, two steps back, it's daytime tv for crying out loud, it's got to be a certain standard on standard television. It's not cable, which is a bit looser, it's actual broadcast tv available to everyone on one of the bigger channels. They must maintain certain standards or be censored by the FCC. I'm sorry that you do not understand the television industry is much tighter here than it is in Australia or even Ireland. I'd love to see Mrs Brown's Boys on tv here, it will never happen For the racier stuff there is always cable and anything you want to know can be found there, in detail.

Feb 25, 2012, 3:02 AM
The Doctors is a medical information show, it's not a sex therapy hotline. They discuss many things briefly on shows, it's meant to be informative and they direct you to more information on their website. It' s not one step forward, two steps back, it's daytime tv for crying out loud, it's got to be a certain standard on standard television. It's not cable, which is a bit looser, it's actual broadcast tv available to everyone on one of the bigger channels. They must maintain certain standards or be censored by the FCC. I'm sorry that you do not understand the television industry is much tighter here than it is in Australia or even Ireland. I'd love to see Mrs Brown's Boys on tv here, it will never happen For the racier stuff there is always cable and anything you want to know can be found there, in detail.


Feb 25, 2012, 8:04 AM
Regular broadcast television in America normally has a rating no more than PG-13. It is usually rated G but on some shows PG-13 is granted because somebody might slip and say damn. Cable allows up to XX rating on select adult channels. The powers that be would not allow a XXX film, which was due to violence and gore, to be played. America tastes in general are highly puritanical.

It is also rather hypocritical too. Somehow the powers that be will allow regular broadcast television to run decapitations carried out by alleged terrorists in Iraq against American soldiers. "But it's news ..." And it must be news to them to wake and realize that people do not like stupidity, immaturity, having beliefs shoved down their throats. Guess the cloud of jingoistic puritanical stupidity keeps them, the powers that be, sleeping at the wheel.

Makes me glad of being able to stream from Netflix. Of course, even that isn't exactly a perfect solution. Sometimes don't even bother watching a thing, save maybe an occasional you tube music video, all day or night.