View Full Version : How do you stop a masturbation addiction?

Feb 23, 2012, 5:56 AM
Hi guys, I wonder if anyone can help and/or has suffered the same thing. I believe i masturbate far too frequently, i love watching porn of all types but i dont really consider myself addicted as such and i nearly always masturbate to it. I sometimes feel that makes my penis "too tired" to get hard through actual sexual contact unless i masturbate first.

How do you stop a frequent masturbation addiction?
How often do you masturbate? And do you think you have an addiction that may be a problem?
Does frequent masturbation for males render them erectile dysfunctional? Is erectile dysfunction related to frequent masturbation.
Does porn addiction and masturbation addiction truly linked?

I would like to hear what you have to say.....

Feb 23, 2012, 6:05 AM
I don't want to stop.

Feb 23, 2012, 6:19 AM
I don't think it's "wrong" to masturbate but you have an addiction when the behavior interferes with being able to function with a "normal" daily routine. For example, answering forum posts when I should be in the car driving to work - could be a sign of an addiction.

I have heard guys say that they masturbate from once a day to never.. Personally I have a job where I am doing a lot of typing and lately I've tried to slack off on the masturbation because between the two activities I think I am aggravating a repetitive wrist injury.

If you feel that you are being abusive to yourself then that might be a good indication. I am no medical professional but I think from personal experience that the frequency definitely affects ability to "perform" .. the sex act "costs" a lot to the body in terms of stresses, energy used and physical exertion. The penis is an organ like any other and it is possible to injure it, like any other organ my basic rule is if it hurts don't do it. This usually works pretty well except in cases of rehabilitation where if you DON'T move then your muscles atrophy. The good news is that like any other organ it can also heal.

Can you go for two days, three days, a week, two weeks without masturbating? Try it and see..and if you manage to make it for a few days and start again don't get discouraged. The drive for sex can be powerful, is there something else that is bothering you that is masked by the "relief" you get from the act?

You do know that sex in the real world isn't like porn? If I do abstain for a while I find that I am a little more emotionally stable..more self-confident, etc.

Feb 23, 2012, 6:32 AM
When you have no free hand to hold a beer or a cig, you have a problem.http://www.bisexual.com/images/smilies/biggrin.png

Feb 23, 2012, 7:59 AM
The drive for sex can be powerful, is there something else that is bothering you that is masked by the "relief" you get from the act?

I can think of lots of reasons but i mention the main ones;
1. Being single and not getting sex from a relationship. Not had many relationships and those that i have had, have been short ( less than a year).
2. Being alone and bored such as being out of work or unemployed.
3. It has being something i have done for years from childhood and has extended into adulthood.
4. Sexual urges towards either sex triggered by seeing some hot girl or a guys dick in porn, photos or real life.

Feb 23, 2012, 1:55 PM
I have this same problem. Especially since all porn seems boring now that I find it hard to get up. (Except when I discovered German porn! Whoa was I happy for a couple days! :tong: ) But anywho I was going to go on this date with a guy and for some reason whenever I'm about to go on a date or dating I feel guilty watching porn. I feel like it's a form of cheating. Anyways so I didn't masturbate at all for a couple days (Dam it was hard! I have never been so sexually attracted to so many people in my life!) But then the guy cancelled on me and I was like "Fuck this!" and I went to one of my random bisexual pornos and I never came so much in my life! I'm definitely gonna try that more often. :p

Feb 23, 2012, 1:58 PM
If you think it's an addiction, then you have a problem whether or not you clinically have one. I was in the same boat a many years ago, with a lifestyle (and wife) that was totally lacking in sexuality. I found solace in the internet (with the easy availability of porn) and eventually believed I had the same problem as you.I compared this problem to my fear of water (I never learned how to swim.) To resolve that fear, I ended up taking a scuba diving class and getting my certifications. I decided to use the internet as a way to solve this problem I believed the internet had caused.I got into video chat rooms, on-line meeting sites and skype, msn, etc.... I resolved to not masturbate, unless someone either in person or on-line was interacting with me (watching, joining, listening.) I didn't have much luck at first, and fell back into masturbating alone, but stuck with it as much as I could. Eventually, I made on-line friends with people who had similar interests (not just sex and porn,) and have even met with some of them in real life for great times and lasting friendships. I think if you try this, you just might have the same luck! But as always, be safe and careful!:2cents:

Michele Mayelle
Feb 23, 2012, 2:23 PM
Cut your Cock off

Feb 23, 2012, 2:39 PM
Cut your Cock off

Your comment is useless as well as offensive. Don't post unless you have something sensible and constructive to say.

But thank you for previous posters comments

Feb 23, 2012, 2:51 PM
The first thing you should probably do is cut back on the porn.

Feb 23, 2012, 6:05 PM
Typically once I cum I stop!

Feb 23, 2012, 7:47 PM
A few years ago I thought that I was addicted to Masturbation. I was masturbating 2-3 times a day and watching 1-2 hours of pornography a day. It was interfering with my sexual relationship with my wife and the time spent masturbating was time I should have been working. SO yes it was a problem. Furthermore it was something that I wanted to cut back on but found I couldn't.

Interestingly after seeing a counsellor I was able to cut back and almost stop masturbating but found it difficult to stop watching pornography. So in my case it turned out to be more of a pornography addiction than a masturbation addiction and it was an activity that masked a number of issues. This included boredom, low self esteem and grief from having lost someone close to me.

Having addressed the underlying issues I still enjoy masturbating (2-3 time a week) and pornography but it is no longer a problem for me.

Feb 23, 2012, 8:48 PM
I find that typically my sexual urge diminishes the more I masturbate. I have masturbated out of boredom a few times but typically in the course of everyday life I'll bump up against something that triggers a memory or desire. Hormonal changes during sleep also affect me, waking up with an erection wrapped up in a warm soft blanket feels nice. Of course, I find I feel a lot healthier and have more energy when I'm NOT strung out on the effect of the endorphins..

Feb 23, 2012, 9:17 PM
Learn to play the guitar or something. Get an interest that you really enjoy, or get a fuckbud.

Feb 23, 2012, 9:35 PM
I had a female Dr. that told me I had to quit masturbating. When I asked her why? She said because I'm trying to examine you.

Feb 24, 2012, 12:47 AM
Meh. It's not all that bad. I jerk off 2-3 times in the morning before getting out of bed... then 1-2 more times before falling asleep. Even back when I had a girlfriend I jerked off just as much. My ex thought it was sexy. In the end just be glad you can get it up. It's only considered an addiction when it interferes with your daily life... such as you calling in sick from work just to jerk off all day. Then it's a problem.

Feb 24, 2012, 7:24 AM
.... In the end just be glad you can get it up. It's only considered an addiction when it interferes with your daily life... such as you calling in sick from work just to jerk off all day. Then it's a problem.

Thanks for everyone's input. I would really like to hear other's opinion on whether there is a link between masturbation and erectile dysfunction.

Feb 24, 2012, 8:27 AM
As a youth I would j/o lots whenever got the chance. Usually found quiet places to relax and enjoy a long session, usually a quick cum then and then some more as I kept playing with myself.

I am now married very happily and in my 60's, have a hot wife and we enjoy lots of hot sex together still , but sometimes enjoy a hot j/o session still. I like to set aside a lot of time to really get into it and enjoy myself. NOthing wrong with that at all. Sometimes we enjoy watching each other masturbate.

Its all fun, enjoy it.


Feb 24, 2012, 8:39 AM
Thanks for everyone's input. I would really like to hear other's opinion on whether there is a link between masturbation and erectile dysfunction.

There is no link to masturbation and erectile dysfunction. However, there are people who become conditioned to certain kinds of stimulation to become aroused. Before you become too concerned, ask yourself a few questions: Do you ever become erect with no tactile stimulation? (like during the night while you are sleeping) Do you ALWAYS have to masturbate to get hard? Do you only get hard if you watch porn?

Most men masturbate frequently...it's a stress reliever and shouldn't be a problem, unless, of course, you can't control when you do it.

Feb 24, 2012, 8:42 AM
Lots of good advice already, but I'll go ahead and agree with those who advise that if you feel it's a problem, then it's a problem. Maybe not a BIG one, but it's bothering you, so finding some alternatives is, at the very least, worth exploring.

Personally, I masturbate once a day most days, sometimes more. There are times when I'll do that for weeks in a row and then times when I will NOT do anything.

Feb 24, 2012, 11:23 AM
There is no link to masturbation and erectile dysfunction. However, there are people who become conditioned to certain kinds of stimulation to become aroused. Before you become too concerned, ask yourself a few questions: Do you ever become erect with no tactile stimulation? (like during the night while you are sleeping) Do you ALWAYS have to masturbate to get hard? Do you only get hard if you watch porn?

Most men masturbate frequently...it's a stress reliever and shouldn't be a problem, unless, of course, you can't control when you do it.

While you say there isn't a link between masturbation and erectile dysfunction, i DO think there is a link between the effects of frequent or excessive masturbation (which ends in ejaculation) and lack of erection.

In answering the above questions, I need to masturbate to get hard or at least need some direct stimulation (ie; for sex, penetration etc) although oral sex can do it on occasions. I do get them during sleep (nocturnal erections). Porn on its own does not get me hard without masturbating as i watch. And I nearly always feel I have to masturbate when I watch it.

Ok i feel that now, after reading everyone's input that this thread should have been entitled differently. It is not really about masturbation addiction or porn addiction per se but has gone off topic to a more daunting theme of the causes of erectile dysfunction being due to excessive masturbation, excessive porn watching or some other reason for it. And so posters were to offer their opinions, similar experiences and possibly any solutions they may have. I feel to afraid to seek medical help.

Mar 21, 2012, 7:01 AM
I masturbate a couple of times a day and have been since I started over 40 years ago. The first rule is if you're in a relationship don't let it interfere with sex and your partner. My late wife and I were married for 20 years, we both masturbated daily and still had sex almost every day. If "you" think it's to much then maybe it is for "you". If "you" don't think it's to much then it isn't.

Mar 21, 2012, 1:49 PM
I don't want to stop. Remember, "when you rest you rust."

Mar 21, 2012, 11:44 PM
Hi guys, I wonder if anyone can help and/or has suffered the same thing. I believe i masturbate far too frequently, i love watching porn of all types but i dont really consider myself addicted as such and i nearly always masturbate to it. I sometimes feel that makes my penis "too tired" to get hard through actual sexual contact unless i masturbate first.

How do you stop a frequent masturbation addiction?
How often do you masturbate? And do you think you have an addiction that may be a problem?
Does frequent masturbation for males render them erectile dysfunctional? Is erectile dysfunction related to frequent masturbation.
Does porn addiction and masturbation addiction truly linked?

I would like to hear what you have to say.....

I once read about a study which concluded that the majority of married men masturbate; if this is accurate....

Mar 22, 2012, 12:05 PM
As a person in the medical profession and one who studied Anatomy & Phisiology for 3 years (formally,not just porn <heh!>), I can say that I have never encountered any links between masturbation and erectile dysfunction. If anything, the opposite is true. Frequent masturbation appears to be beneficial for prostate health. For those that are not aware Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy or BPH is the male menopause, so to speak. As we age our prostate becomes larger, fibrotic and less functional. Frequent "exercise" of the organ appears to convey benefit, in the absence of pathology such as slow-growing cancers, etc... I am currently conducting a personal field study by having an orgasm as often as lifestyle permits! (LOL)
If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction, I more apt to think it's because you are a 47 year old man as opposed to some extrinsic factor. Weight is ofter a major factor. Before I went through chemo and radiation in 2010 I was a 47 yr old man wearing 270 lb.s on a 5' 6" frame and was having the same issue. I came out of it 175lbs and fucking like a 20 year old. If you are concerned it may be a phisiological thing see a doctor and discuss it openly (the ED factor, not the masturbation). As clinicians, we really don't 'point and laugh' behind our patient's backs. An honest, open patient gives us the chance to do what we love best - alievate suffering in any shape or form.
Your comment that veiwing porn does'nt stimulate an erection concerns me and points me toward a half-assed diagnosis of possible erectile dysfunction. Many men have masturbated to the point of compulsion and suffered no ill effect beyond chafing (lube that puppy, will ya!). Relax. And understand that self-gratification is only very rarely a disease state and is usually benign. An orgasm is one of the few pleasures we can enjoy that is'nt filled with transfats, risk of disease, or other noxious outcomes (pun intended!). A simple release of sexual tension. It's your body. Enjoy it.
BTW, I really enjoy all the other people giving great advice in this and other threads. It gives me hope for a humanity that I too often only encounter the baser aspects of.

Mar 22, 2012, 5:25 PM
I don't want to stop.

I don't either!

Paul B.
Mar 22, 2012, 11:09 PM
You could join a 12 step group for sexual compulsivity like Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous or Sexaholics Anonymous. There are others as well. I have been an atendee myself. It's been my personal experience however, that these groups are very cult-like & ultimately do more harm than good. As with any behavior, if your doing it more & enjoying it less, you're probably addicted. There is power in that awareness. It means that you'll either have to accept that you've let the behavior get out of control. If you can't find a way to change focus and moderate the behavior, you will have to stop it. Being bi is not the easiest thing in the world, what with bi phobia & bi invisibility. Try to make being bi a PART of your identity & NOT your sole identify. Therapy may help. Good luck!

Mar 23, 2012, 12:43 AM
As a person in the medical profession and one who studied Anatomy & Phisiology for 3 years (formally,not just porn <heh!>), I can say that I have never encountered any links between masturbation and erectile dysfunction. If anything, the opposite is true. Frequent masturbation appears to be beneficial for prostate health. For those that are not aware Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy or BPH is the male menopause, so to speak. As we age our prostate becomes larger, fibrotic and less functional. Frequent "exercise" of the organ appears to convey benefit, in the absence of pathology such as slow-growing cancers, etc... I am currently conducting a personal field study by having an orgasm as often as lifestyle permits! (LOL)
If you are experiencing erectile dysfunction, I more apt to think it's because you are a 47 year old man as opposed to some extrinsic factor. Weight is ofter a major factor. Before I went through chemo and radiation in 2010 I was a 47 yr old man wearing 270 lb.s on a 5' 6" frame and was having the same issue. I came out of it 175lbs and fucking like a 20 year old. If you are concerned it may be a phisiological thing see a doctor and discuss it openly (the ED factor, not the masturbation). As clinicians, we really don't 'point and laugh' behind our patient's backs. An honest, open patient gives us the chance to do what we love best - alievate suffering in any shape or form.
Your comment that veiwing porn does'nt stimulate an erection concerns me and points me toward a half-assed diagnosis of possible erectile dysfunction. Many men have masturbated to the point of compulsion and suffered no ill effect beyond chafing (lube that puppy, will ya!). Relax. And understand that self-gratification is only very rarely a disease state and is usually benign. An orgasm is one of the few pleasures we can enjoy that is'nt filled with transfats, risk of disease, or other noxious outcomes (pun intended!). A simple release of sexual tension. It's your body. Enjoy it.
BTW, I really enjoy all the other people giving great advice in this and other threads. It gives me hope for a humanity that I too often only encounter the baser aspects of.

I agree with much of this. While in my 40's, I had a double-hernia in my groin; painful yet while awaiting surgery,I masturbated vigorously, almost defiantly of the pain, & the pleasure prevailed. I slept peacefully afterwards. Also, I'm aware of the beneficial effects to the prostrate,contributing to my longevity. Recently&finally wore-out one of my favorite, most realistic, most satisfying sex-toys ever. Searching once again;

Mar 23, 2012, 10:41 AM
Get yourself a blowjob buddy. You won't have to masturbate anymore or waste your load. A win-win for you and your suck bud.

Apr 5, 2012, 8:45 AM
Q.how does a guy stop masturbating....
A. he dies