View Full Version : Are you a party bisexual?

Jun 7, 2006, 6:35 PM
Source DNA After Hours (www.dnaindia.com)
Title: Are you a party bisexual?
Author: Farhad J. Dadyburjor
Date: Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Sex, drugs and that other thing. While at one time that ‘other thing’ might have been filled by rock ‘n’ roll (yeah Jim Morrison, break on through…), off late it seems to have been replaced by the four dank walls of solitary confinement. The recent Abhishek Kasliwal and Rahul Mahajan cases seem to show that in today’s high-society, when it involves sex and drugs, no one seems to need rock ‘n’ roll! And as more and more lurid details of the Mahajan case come to the fore everyday, one wonders whether today party drugs are being used to get onto another, bigger high – that of free-for-all sex?

The term ‘coke orgy’ is synonymous with the idea to expect the unexpected when a bunch of people get together to cut a few lines of coke. The newest phrase doing the rounds of the social circuit is ‘party bisexual’ – where a person starts hitting on his/her own sex after a couple of drinks or bumps of coke. So, do drugs really the blur the edges of gender consciousness, almost facilitating a state of bisexuality?

“I’d say most people are bisexual by nature, but harness their true sexuality due to societal pressure – drugs only help the person lose his/her inhibitions,” says psychotherapist Varkha Chulani. According to her, the nexus between sex and drugs “comes from the faulty attitude that people have that everything in life should come easily.”

Further explains party animal Kishen Mulchandani, “Any kind of intoxication makes you let go of all your inhibitions, which is quite common on the party circuit today. In fact, it is only increasing with the youth getting so restless and materialistic. Things no longer giving them a high. Many think sex and drugs are the ‘gateway to heaven’, the easy route to instant stardom or glamour. But it is all momentary – you are used and abused for the moment.”

A one-time party animal, today actor Shenaz Treasuryvala has a different take on the party circuit. “I don’t care whether people are called party bisexuals or not, what I care about is if these guys are married and then having sex with somebody else – male or female. That makes my blood boil!”

Come back Jim Morrison, all is forgiven!

Jun 7, 2006, 7:00 PM
Whatever brings out people's bisexuality, if they enjoy it safely, I'm not getting in the way. But I consider myself a sober bisexual. I've thought about what my sexuality means, and chosen to stick with the identity through good times and bad.


Jun 8, 2006, 8:49 PM
Source DNA After Hours (www.dnaindia.com)
. The newest phrase doing the rounds of the social circuit is ‘party bisexual’ – where a person starts hitting on his/her own sex after a couple of drinks or bumps of coke. So, do drugs really the blur the edges of gender consciousness, almost facilitating a state of bisexuality?

As far as celebrity sex and drugs go, I wouldn't know - I have lead a very sheltered life - about as sheltered as Billy Clinton. (I Did not inhale .... well, actually I did, but only a few times...)

The only drug I have any real exposure to is good old booze.
And yes, I believe that elements of the article are right.
Tho, strangely, only with women.
Quite a few belts of double malt (or whatever) often causes very "normal" women into an urge to copulate, or at least sample, another woman. It happens regularly. (Corporate parties mainly)
And I've seen and experienced, (blush) being touched up by distant colleagues or even strangers (well and truly smashed) - who otherwise wouldn't openly dream of slipping their hand up my skirt and kssing me in the loo.
Almost certainly morning brings an "oh dear..what did I do??" repentence.

On the other hand, I've never seen men go in that direction - if anything, they go even more homophobic.

Which gives grist to my totally unsubstantiated, but nevertheless gut feeling, that a majority of women have a latent bi-sexuality in them

Jun 8, 2006, 9:39 PM
On the other hand, I've never seen men go in that direction - if anything, they go even more homophobic.

Which gives grist to my totally unsubstantiated, but nevertheless gut feeling, that a majority of women have a latent bi-sexuality in them
I've seen it go both ways in men, homophobia and latent homo/bisexuality.

Jun 9, 2006, 1:43 AM
For myself,I know drug's bring out the gay in me.When I was into speed alot,I alawy's fantasized about threesome's.Where I sucked and was fucked.I also fantasized about tranny sex.Now I want to get high and do it all.Mainly gay sex.But , drug's are a big part of the fantasy.Speed .for me is the trigger.Get me high,and stick something in me.Two at a time if you want!I want to try a bi-couple with the woman wearing a stap-on.Any taker's.I would also like to try two guy's. :three:

Jun 9, 2006, 3:44 AM
I know that certain drugs can make certain spots more sensitive to me but I don't do them on the norm.

Jun 28, 2006, 4:22 PM
Greetings, all. I'm a reporter for the Washington Blade (http://www.washblade.com) newspaper in Washington, D.C. The Blade publishes GLBT news and features.

I'm working on an article about the term "party bisexual." My article looks at whether the term is insensitive, or new recognition that bisexuals and bisexual feelings are more prevalent than some people believe.

If anyone is interested in being interviewed (either by phone or e-mail) for this article, send an e-mail to Josh at jlynsen@washblade.com before July 3. I promise the interviews will be brief and painless.

It's important that people who contact me are comfortable with having their full name, age, place of residence, and sexual orientation printed in the paper.

I look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Thanks!

Jun 28, 2006, 4:44 PM
Bill Cosby's comedy rountine about drugs says it best. The joke was that most people say they do "coke" becuase it intensifys their personality. Bill's joeke line was: "What if you're an asshole?"

I think drugs, booze, or whatever justs lets your inhibitions go away. So if you have thoughts of doing same sex, or having sex in public or threesomes or whatever you are more likely to let loose and do it when high or drunk.

Jun 28, 2006, 6:17 PM
To me the term sounds like it is implying that you are only bi while you are drunk and your inhibitions are lowered. I can see that can be insensitive.

Greetings, all. I'm a reporter for the Washington Blade (http://www.washblade.com) newspaper in Washington, D.C. The Blade publishes GLBT news and features.

I'm working on an article about the term "party bisexual." My article looks at whether the term is insensitive, or new recognition that bisexuals and bisexual feelings are more prevalent than some people believe.

If anyone is interested in being interviewed (either by phone or e-mail) for this article, send an e-mail to Josh at jlynsen@washblade.com before July 3. I promise the interviews will be brief and painless.

It's important that people who contact me are comfortable with having their full name, age, place of residence, and sexual orientation printed in the paper.

I look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Thanks!

Jun 28, 2006, 7:32 PM
I think these days it seems to be socially relevant and politically correct to blur as many lines as possible. For instance....

...does the term bisexual apply, if you only fantasize about same gender sex but have never actually participated in it?

...does that term apply to someone who has only had one experience, whether or not they enjoyed it.

...and for that matter does enjoyment mean it is something they would do again, or just had an orgasm?

...and is bisexual a correct term for one who only participates in same gender sex when under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

...or if they only participate in same gender sex when their partner is participating?

Maybe we should all just stop worrying about labels and what they mean, and just concentrate on allowing each other to be what they are without fear of retribution or prejudice.

But then again, maybe I'm just fantasizing.....

Jun 29, 2006, 1:13 AM
I think these days it seems to be socially relevant and politically correct to blur as many lines as possible. For instance....

...does the term bisexual apply, if you only fantasize about same gender sex but have never actually participated in it?

...does that term apply to someone who has only had one experience, whether or not they enjoyed it.

...and for that matter does enjoyment mean it is something they would do again, or just had an orgasm?

...and is bisexual a correct term for one who only participates in same gender sex when under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

...or if they only participate in same gender sex when their partner is participating?

Maybe we should all just stop worrying about labels and what they mean, and just concentrate on allowing each other to be what they are without fear of retribution or prejudice.

But then again, maybe I'm just fantasizing.....

I like to fantasize too about a world where we're not seen as "gay", "straight", or "bi" but just ourselves.

I don't like labels but I'd consider the people in all of those situations to be bisexual, even if it's just temporary or they don't consider themselves to be that.

Jun 29, 2006, 4:23 AM
Bill Cosby's comedy rountine about drugs says it best. The joke was that most people say they do "coke" becuase it intensifys their personality. Bill's joeke line was: "What if you're an asshole?"

I think drugs, booze, or whatever justs lets your inhibitions go away. So if you have thoughts of doing same sex, or having sex in public or threesomes or whatever you are more likely to let loose and do it when high or drunk.

I agree 100% although I have never done drugs except alcohol. JD

Jun 29, 2006, 4:56 AM
I like to fantasize too about a world where we're not seen as "gay", "straight", or "bi" but just ourselves.

I don't like labels but I'd consider the people in all of those situations to be bisexual, even if it's just temporary or they don't consider themselves to be that.

Agreed. For me, the struggle isn't so much to be recognised as bi, but to be recognised as not being gay or straight.

Jun 29, 2006, 8:57 AM
I can not believe that in this day and age, that people would have to rely on any drug to make them feel like they would endulge in any thing other than "traditional" sex. Having sex with a man, a woman, one two or three should be based on rational feelings, desires and urges that are not a result of drugs. Granted, I know that alcohol does play a role in the ability of many to feel relaxed (my self included) but I am not sure that I would put that in the same catagory as other drugs.

Labels, for me, are those items which are found in garments that give cleaning instructions not an indication of who or what people are. To be pigeonholed as one thing or another only shows the intollerence of the person making the judgement. I long for the day when we are just people and have no labels.


Driver 8
Jun 29, 2006, 9:10 AM
To me the term sounds like it is implying that you are only bi while you are drunk and your inhibitions are lowered. I can see that can be insensitive.
To me, it sounds like the gay press is once again going after the "bisexuals = hedonistic swingers" and "bisexuals: are they even real?" angles. But the Blade did run articles critical of the Bailey study, and ran a thoughtful obituary when Fritz Klein died, so maybe the article won't just be fluff. (Then again, why is the guy hunting around on a forum for people to interview? There are tons of bi activists out there whose contact information is listed.)

Jun 29, 2006, 11:23 AM
Agreed. Many bi people I know live in fear of the swinger label. Back when I was with my ex, we repeatedly had to reiterate that we were neither promiscuous, nor total whores, which a bunch of people we knew jumped to the conclusion of. We occasionally messed around, but only with people we knew and trusted. I personally have a hell of a lot of trouble being intimate with people I don't at least already like. Plus as I said, momma didn't raise no ho :bigrin:

-Tom v5.0 aka evil wizard's cat man
:male: :bibounce: :female:

Jun 29, 2006, 11:24 AM
That being said, cocaine's a hell of a drug :eek:


Jun 29, 2006, 3:58 PM

I'm bisexual and I like to party. Does that count?


Jun 29, 2006, 4:20 PM
How many bi-sexuals does it take to constitute a "party"? Can you be a party of one?

Driver 8
Jun 29, 2006, 4:29 PM
Can you be a party of one?
You certainly can, Arana ;)

Jun 29, 2006, 9:50 PM
It wasn't so long ago that the term "situationally gay" was a la mode, now it seems that it has been suplanted by party bisexual....

Young minds fresh ideas....cpt Kirk !


Buck Naked
Jun 30, 2006, 6:01 PM
The only times I've ever had sex with other men was when I was quite inebriated so perhaps I am a "party bisexual". However, even though alcohol may have influenced my judgement at those moments, bisexual and homosexual sex remains highly erotic to me so I think it is possible that under the right circumstances I would pursue sex with a man while sober. Is that confusing enough?

Jun 30, 2006, 6:18 PM
It wasn't so long ago that the term "situationally gay" was a la mode, now it seems that it has been suplanted by party bisexual....

Young minds fresh ideas....cpt Kirk !

There were gay's a la mode??? That could be yummy.

Jun 30, 2006, 6:45 PM
How many bi-sexuals does it take to constitute a "party"? Can you be a party of one?
Yes, you can be a prty of one, but the church says you go to hell for it!!!

Go blind, hairy palms - oh the agony - LOL

Jul 1, 2006, 6:39 AM
I long for the day when we are just people and have no labels.

hello ? whats this discussion all about . i mean always this "i dont wanna be labeled" arguments to escape questions that would make you define who you are and what youre like ?
i mean i never felt i had to defend myself , i can answer any question asked about my sexuality and i would like to describe for a stranger which type of bisexual i am when it satisfies him or her or when someone simply is interested in my sexuality and wants to get an idea of who i am or how bi i am , or whatever the reason is . . if it helps . . label me , what do i care about that .

and also , im not a party bisexual and i never was . im not drinking and not doing any drugs .

Jul 1, 2006, 8:05 AM
hello ? whats this discussion all about . i mean always this "i dont wanna be labeled" arguments to escape questions that would make you define who you are and what youre like ?
i mean i never felt i had to defend myself , i can answer any question asked about my sexuality and i would like to describe for a stranger which type of bisexual i am when it satisfies him or her or when someone simply is interested in my sexuality and wants to get an idea of who i am or how bi i am , or whatever the reason is . . if it helps . . label me , what do i care about that .

and also , im not a party bisexual and i never was . im not drinking and not doing any drugs .

How bi are we? 100% :bibounce:

Jul 1, 2006, 9:03 AM
absolutely right . :cool: