View Full Version : Article: [Bi Magazine] - Important new research report on bisexuality from BiUK

Feb 17, 2012, 8:36 PM
As reported in Bi Magazine (http://bimagazine.org/index.php/news/biuk-presents-important-new-research-report-on-bisexuality/), on February 15th, 2012 BiUK (http://www.biuk.org), a British based umbrella organization for various bisexuality research projects and events, in collaboration with the Open University (OU) (http://www8.open.ac.uk/about/main/) has just released "The Bisexuality Report: Bisexual inclusion in LGBT equality and diversity (http://www.bisexualindex.org.uk/index.php/TheBisexualityReport)" (pdf (http://www.bisexualindex.org.uk/uploads/Main/TheBisexualityReport.pdf)).

4293 (http://bimagazine.org/index.php/news/biuk-presents-important-new-research-report-on-bisexuality/)This in-depth report, conducted by Meg Barker (http://www.open.ac.uk/socialsciences/staff/people-profile.php?name=Meg_Barker), Rebecca Jones (http://hsc-people.open.ac.uk/r.l.jones), Christina Richards (http://bisexualresearch.wordpress.com/about-biuk/about/christina-richards/), Helen Bowes-Catton (http://bisexualresearch.wordpress.com/about-biuk/about/helen-bowes-catton/) and Tracey Plowman (http://bisexualresearch.wordpress.com/about-biuk/about/tracey-plowman/) of BiUK with Jen Yockney (http://jenyockney.blogspot.com/) of Bi Community News (http://bicommunitynews.co.uk/) and Marcus Morgan (http://adjectivemarcus.livejournal.com/) of The Bisexual Index (http://www.bisexualindex.org.uk/) is the first of its kind in the UK. Meg Barker the senior researcher explained that the 2011 "Bisexual Invisibility: Impacts and Recommendations (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bisexual-Invisibility-Impacts-and-Recommendations/129954130404197)" (pdf (http://sf-hrc.org/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=989)) report by the San Francisco Human Rights Commission was one of a number of factors instrumental in the decision to move ahead with this research.

As with the 2011 SF report, the 2012 BiUK report began by focusing on the key areas of biphobia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biphobia), bisexual invisibility (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisexual_erasure), and their impact on the bisexual community (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisexual_community), As with other recent research, it also found attitudes towards bisexual people both within the mainstream gay/lesbian community (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay#Gay_community_vs._LGBT_community) as well as the straight over-culture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterosexism) were more negative than those towards other minority groups, with bisexuals often incorrectly being stereotyped as promiscuous, incapable of monogamy, a threat to relationships and spreaders of disease. Not surprisingly, both reports show that these experiences combined with generalized homophobia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophobia) (and in some cases transphobia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transphobia)) may be a correlating factor in contributing to bisexual people having worse mental health problems including higher rates of depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicide than those who self-id as lesbian/gay.

4294 (http://lilleskvat.blogspot.com/2011/03/la-bisexualidad-es-un-concepto-paraguas.html)Additionally this report includes an updated version of recent analysis of media depictions and how these often erase bisexuality (http://bimedia.org/980/bbc-helps-bi-erasure/) by suggesting that people can only be gay or straight. Also the report spends more time fleshing out the different groups who can fall under the ‘bisexual umbrella (http://lilleskvat.blogspot.com/2011/03/la-bisexualidad-es-un-concepto-paraguas.html)’. Diversity is a big theme in the report as they consider how issues may be different for different groups who may define (or be defined as) bisexual, and there is a section specifically on intersections between bisexuality and other aspects of identity, background and practice (including race, gender, age, geographical location and several other aspects).

Another unique aspect of the 2012 report is that it concludes with a section on the positive aspects of the bisexual experience. Despite the many challenges of being bisexual in a culture which generally doesn’t recognize bisexuality and which discriminates against bisexual people, being bisexual obviously brings rewards as well as difficulties.

This 2012 report is a very welcome and important addition to the cannon of Bisexual Studies (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/academic_bi/), Bisexual Theory & general Queer Theory as well as contributing to the fields of Queer Studies, LGBT Studies, Feminist Studies and Gender Studies. Additionally it serves as another important step along the road to ultimate understanding of the total spectrum of the human condition.

[Note from Drew: We are still working out how articles are going to work on the new site. In the meantime we are posting them to the Main Forum.]

Feb 17, 2012, 9:03 PM
Looks great! And such an important topic for all of us too.

Feb 17, 2012, 11:24 PM
I have heard some anti-bi remarks in my day, but it doesn't bother me. Others not knowing what my socio-sexual relationships are is just good etiquette. I'm not bisexual anyway, so this is not an issue for me. My identity is with my ancestors, not some false, post-modern, disconnected-from-one's-ancestral-cultures, sex subculture. Sexual minority "cultures" need to be pitied and reassimilated into society. The belief that sexual orientation is fundamental to a person's identity has totally buggered everything.

Feb 17, 2012, 11:36 PM
I hear you LastGent. These reports are ridiculous. It's such a small subculture - and the fraction of that subculture that is affected by "biphobia" (what a term!) is infinitesimally small. This is an example of not seeing the forest for the trees. When people get hunkered down thinking about this stuff they convince themselves it's a real problem. Starving children is a *real* problem.

I started to skim the report but it was littered with cliches and platitudes.

Feb 17, 2012, 11:54 PM
I started to skim the report but it was littered with cliches and platitudes.[/QUOTE]

Uh..Slip I think that is scientific research rather than cliches and platititudes.

Here are some interesting statements from my perspective.

1/ It is important to refer to LGBT communities (plural), rather than community (singular), because even within each category (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans) there are inevitably multiple overlapping communities and groups, rather than one explicit community p17

2/ it should be remembered that many people define as bisexual, and many more people act bisexually, who are not connected to these communities. p 17

3/ Bi Invisibility includes Referring to ‘same gender’ relationships as ‘lesbian relationships’ or ‘gay relationships’ and ‘other gender relationships’ as ‘heterosexual relationships’, as this misses the fact that such relationships may include one or more bisexual people. This applies to words like ‘couples’ and ‘parents’ as well as ‘relationships p 19

4/ one US study found that over a quarter of therapists seen by bisexual clients erroneously assumed that sexual identity was relevant to the goal of therapy when the client didn’t agree, and around a sixth saw bisexuality as being part of an illness. 7% attempted conversion to heterosexuality and 4% to being lesbian or gay. Many therapists were openly uncomfortable about bisexuality. p. 27

5/ The UK Mind study cited above suggests that the situation may well be similar in the UK. It found that a third of bisexual men reported that health professionals had made a link between their sexuality and a mental health problem. p 27

Feb 18, 2012, 12:06 AM
I haven't read all of this report yet, but I was the one who posted about the report about bi-invsibilty (which I have read more than once) back a ways... So I will just say a couple things.

Personally I find the real shame in being invisible is that little girls, like the one I was, are told it's okay if you're gay, while at the same time being told that people who sleep with both men and women are sex crazed miscreants... Because of this I thought my attractions made me a whore. They didn't and they don't. I used to wish I was gay so it would be okay that I liked women. And then I wondered what was wrong with me that I would wish to be gay. Cause I wasn't gay, I liked boys. Too.

Invisibility is real when people deny our existence. Think about it. We hear that Eleanor Roosevelt had a female lover, and wham, she must have been gay. History revised? Why couldn't she have been bi? This trend seems to be turning a little bit, thank goodness. But it's still there. The research supports bi invisbility exists and so does personal experience. Saying it's not real isn't going to make it go away... we need to acknowledge the problem in order to make change.

drugstore cowboy
Feb 18, 2012, 1:08 AM
I hear you LastGent. These reports are ridiculous. It's such a small subculture - and the fraction of that subculture that is affected by "biphobia" (what a term!) is infinitesimally small. This is an example of not seeing the forest for the trees. When people get hunkered down thinking about this stuff they convince themselves it's a real problem. Starving children is a *real* problem. I started to skim the report but it was littered with cliches and platitudes. Discrimination and bigotry IS a real problem. I agree with nyabn_webmaster and Tenni.

Feb 18, 2012, 1:22 AM
Discrimination and bigotry IS a real problem. I agree with nyabn_webmaster and Tenni.

Okay, but you're never going to get bisexuality as a serious part of policy discussion because the numbers are way too small to get the political leverage. It will always be a line or two in a larger work on discrimination.

The only people who find this remotely interesting are bisexual people. And even then, the one or two that I know never bring it up. Scan the forums here, is there more worry about biphobia, or more about guys wanting to shave and blow stranger while wearing panties? That right there explains so much about the stereotypes and assumptions of mental illness.

The bisexual community needs to get itself in order if it wants anyone to take them seriously. Instead of waving their fists in the air at the world, look inside and try to figure out what the fuck is wrong with these people. The assumption that you can't be critical of people or you are being judgemental is fundamental flawed.

Anyhow, this is way too much for most people here to understand.

Feb 18, 2012, 4:43 AM
what amazes me is all the time and effort people put into researching sexuality, something that is so natural. the ancients had it right, the roman's for instance seen nothing wrong with admiring same sex and even making love with same sex, they did not even give it a second thought. there were no research, no discussions it was seen as natural desirable and pleasurable, if one preferred only same sex it would not even raise an eye brow, but then one could not carry on their family name. why the human race is so fascinated about something that is so natural i will never know. sex is so personal yet everyone wants to know what everyone else is doing. makes me wonder why, don't they have a sex life of their own, do they need to know about what i am doing to learn something. and these studies seem to me to justify the names and the bigotry towards the different groups. there should not even be groups. people don't even feel comfortable talking about sex in public, they hide the topic from each other yet spend money and time doing research on it and write books while the most visited sites on the net are porn sites. everyone secretly loves sex but yet never wants to talk about it. that's taboo to speak it , show it, watch it. people are two faced, they preach one thing, then when no one is looking go watch porn and wack off or sneak over to a friends house for sex, lol.
as for the research, it's useless, a waste of time and money. as they are labeling one person that person changes from gay to bi or the other way around. i have known this to happen. and i will bet the bisexual community is a lot bigger then anyone thinks it is. if one considers on bisexual because of one encounter with same sex i would suggest that it is the biggest group of them all in reality. as far as the mental instability or the emotional instability, that can also be said of hetrosexuals. all this research does is try to spread more crap about anything different then what is considered normal in society. it is quiet bigotry, but bigotry none the less. people are people, no two alike, and are all sexual creatures even though some have learned the unnatural process of inhibiting it or doing away with it all together. i personaly wont even waste my time reading anymore then i already have of sexual research studies, if i have not learned all i need to know by now i never will learn. this is my two cents to this topic.

Feb 18, 2012, 9:47 AM
I'm not bisexual anyway, so this is not an issue for me. My identity is with my ancestors, not some false, post-modern, disconnected-from-one's-ancestral-cultures, sex subculture. Sexual minority "cultures" need to be pitied and reassimilated into society. Uhm, are you in the right community? I mean, this is an inclusive community and all but... surely the absurdity, irony, and even hypocrisy of posting those words on a bisexual community site, of which you are a member, having joined voluntarily, occurs to you?

Or am I misunderstanding something?

- Drew :paw:

Feb 18, 2012, 10:01 AM
My identity is with my ancestors, not some false, post-modern, disconnected-from-one's-ancestral-cultures, sex subculture. Sexual minority "cultures" need to be pitied and reassimilated into society.

I feel a need to expand on what I said... Hopefully I wasn't too harsh to you LastGent. It's just that, well, are you here to assimilate me into your ancestral culture? If so you may have joined the wrong site.

- Drew :paw:

Feb 18, 2012, 10:27 AM
My identity is with my ancestors, not some false, post-modern, disconnected-from-one's-ancestral-cultures, sex subculture. Sexual minority "cultures" need to be pitied and reassimilated into society. The belief that sexual orientation is fundamental to a person's identity has totally buggered everything. Sexual orientation should not be fundamental to a persons identity.. but it is fundamental to who they are.. not quite the same thing. I am a lesbian woman but while I identify as such, my primary identity is as woman of the human race.. as a human being.. my sexuality is but a small but important part of the whole of me... but then so are the many other fundamentals which make up who I am...my ancestors are in my genes but I do not identify with them except that I come from them and so suppose in part they are responsible for my identity. But it is who I am now, who I have become which is important, not their part in my eventual creation... My sexuality is secondary to my primary identity and important as it is and should be, it does not consume me.. once when I was younger maybe, but being a bit older and I hope wiser, perspective changes..

When a group of people are oppressed for centuries as homosexuals and bisexuals were, it is natural that they will group together and they will form a sub culture.. it was formed for defence and survival.. it continues because we still have much needs done to truly make us equal to and accepted by society as a whole..and so as such it is not a false sub culture, but very real.. pitied? No.. sympathised with and understood and allowed to live their lives unhindered and truly free... assimilated full into society I agree with but not at the cost of losing that part of them which is so fundamental to their overall being...

Feb 18, 2012, 10:47 AM
"Okay, but you're never going to get bisexuality as a serious part of policy discussion because the numbers are way too small to get the political leverage."

From what I have read, it is not that the numbers of bisexuals are way too small as to why they are not having impact within the GLBT organizations and mainstream policies. According to the San Francisco study, the largest group within the GLBT organization are bisexuals and not monosexual gays and lesbians. Yet, gays hold the power within the GLBT organizations' infrastructure. That may be changing with a greater focus to insure that bisexuals are represented on GLBT boards and committees. Mainstream organizations like the police need to realize that they do not just need one person from GLBT organizations but several. This is true especially for bisexuals since we are the largest and yet hidden (bi invisible/bi erasure) group.

As this British study states, within each of the groups (gay, lesbian, bisexual) there is not one community but many communities. If you look at the bisexual umbrella image that Drew posted with the article there are an extraordinary large numbers of other groups/communities! I've known for sometime that bisexuals are really more than one group and we lack cohesiveness in part due to that fact. People like yourself and Last Gent find it difficult to identify with my thoughts and I find it difficult to identify with your perception of your identity as well.

Basically, bisexuality needs more cred within the GLBT organization, medical community and mainstream hetero controlled society. Then or as part of this the complex reality of the layers of bisexuality makes it difficult for monosexuals to understand/accept us. Human nature wants a simple yes or no option in more decisions that sexuality. Bisexuals make that messy and nearly impossible to comprehend our many groups of people who are attracted to more than one gender.

Feb 18, 2012, 11:01 AM
No, Drew, you don't bug me. I spend most days filtering my father's moronic comments on life so nothing really gets to me anymore.
Combining the comments of *pan* and keladry: humans have sex with anything warm and friendly, and we need to just accept this, not revise history to suit our sentiments and make assumptions about folks in the present.
With tenni's comments about mental illness, a lot of sexual things are still considered disorders, called "paraphilias" by psychiatrists. Like sado-masochism is still considered a mental disease in the DSM-IV. Lot more of them than bisexuals, and a lot more people are probably uncomfortable with it. To me the issue is one of ethics about consensual acts, not general biphobia/anti-bi prejudice/bias. None of us will be sexually liberated until all consensual sex play is no longer suppressed; freeing the bisexuals will only help non-bdsm, non-poly bisexuals in our current culture.
About your ancestral culture, Mr. Drew; I doubt anyone has the same hodge-podge of Euroasian input that I do, so assimilating anyone to my culture would be impossible.
"This community", as you put it, Mr. Drew, only exists in your mind. Reading the ads in my area, and my own reasons for coming here, this is a place for warm and friendly activities with a wide variety of folks, bisexuality has little to do with it, in the Chicago area, atleast. Getting back up to *pan*, again, with his talk about the Romans (which applies to the rest of ancient Europe), that is my idea of how sex interacts with culture. Mansex was just something men did because it was fun. No need for fag beatings, boytowns, and gay schools-no need for sex subcultures, which I continue to view as deluded. Only male prostitutes need to be set apart because they need to stay in brothels waiting for clients. Only in the high middle ages, when mansex was deemed evil, did this segregation start, until its culmination in the nineteenth century with the invention of sexual orientation, and other popular ideas that men who wanted sex with men should be considered a third sex. Totally unbiological, a mere social construct that must be believed in to make it seem real. I don't play such games with reality.

Feb 18, 2012, 11:21 AM
I feel a need to expand on what I said... Hopefully I wasn't too harsh to you LastGent. It's just that, well, are you here to assimilate me into your ancestral culture? If so you may have joined the wrong site.

- Drew :paw:My ancestral culture involved stealing (and prob shagging) cattle, sheep and horses, kidnap, blackmail, looting, pillaging, a little rape now and then and cutting the throats of anyone with the surnames Armstrong, Tait, Scott, Crawford or Kerr not to mention the odd traveller who was in the wrong place at the wrong time...as well as frequent raids south of the border to do the same and worse to some English people, sheep, cattles and horses... who wud want to be assimilated in2 that..

Feb 18, 2012, 11:29 AM
I have been studying the report for the last couple of days when I can and find it both informative and useful.. I am a little mystified however that there has been a wall of silence in the British press.. even the Guardian and Independent havent uttered a cheep that I can find, so I have dropped them a wee line giving them a gud bollocking.. u lot may wish 2 do likewise... cos I actually do think the report is quite important...

Feb 18, 2012, 11:32 AM
Drew---glad to see that you guys are posting up new articles for us to consider, think and yap about along with the changes to the site.

Feb 18, 2012, 11:41 AM
surely the absurdity, irony, and even hypocrisy of posting those words on a bisexual community site, of which you are a member, having joined voluntarily, occurs to you?Then again, I guess not.

Censorship sucks, but I'm thinking there is a certain point where people with mental issues, people operating in their own fantasy plane, need to be pushed off the site and toward someplace else - for the good of the site/community, and the person. LastGent, you might want to consider just moving on, rather than being pushed. Or alternatively, talking with a professional who can help you? Maybe copy your posts onto a mental health forum and get their thoughts?

You've caused me consternation. It is something I haven't thought too much about before. How much kookiness should be tolerated on the site? At what point are the benefits of free speech outweighed by the ill effects of giving a microphone to possible mental illness.

- Drew :paw:

Feb 18, 2012, 1:09 PM
People read reports like this to attempt to answer a few fundamental questions:

1. What is wrong with me?

Most of us grow up being told what to believe. Society for the most part keeps telling us from a young age that if we do not feel like "they" tell us everyone else feels then there is something wrong with us. Reports like this, at the very least, start the process of realizing that there is nothing wrong with us.

2. Where do I fit in?

Almost no matter where I am I do not fit in. I work at UC Berkeley. I sit out on the bench with co-workers admiring the scenery (pretty people) and I cannot mention who I find attractive, I have to constantly guard my tongue. There are always negative repercussions for making the mistake of voicing my feelings if the do not match those of the crowd. If I go the bath house in Berkeley, any hint of bisexuality gets me avoided like the plague. If I am sitting and watching TV with someone there always comes up the comment of HE/She is really cute/sexy... I have to be very care of what I say. If I want to watch "Van Helsing" I have to do it alone (I am in lust with both Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckingsdale). And in polite society I cannot even mention Torchwood. So where do I fit in? I find it safer to stay alone.

Feb 18, 2012, 7:44 PM
1. What is wrong with me?

Most of us grow up being told what to believe. Society for the most part keeps telling us from a young age that if we do not feel like "they" tell us everyone else feels then there is something wrong with us. Reports like this, at the very least, start the process of realizing that there is nothing wrong with us.
I 100% agree, but isn't it sad that we STILL need to be told that?:bigrin:
I was messaged on a swinging site the other day by a bloke. He asked, "Is it right to be heterosexual and want you to cum in my ass?".:rolleyes:
10secs after thinking what a feked up question that is, I remembered that I and many others have asked similar ones too, before we decided that it's 'right' for ourselves and that's all that really counts.
As a society, we are so full of self deceit and bombarded by propaganda that it's no surprise that we have 'closets' to put our sexualities in and need therapists to tell us what we really feel.
(I don't have a therapist. Apply within.lol).

Feb 18, 2012, 9:16 PM
The one thing I have always been glad of, no thats wrong, incredibly thankful for, is that my parents never raised any of us to be anything except who and what our natures told us we are... they brought us up that we are our own people, not anyone elses, and that what we grow up to be will be us, not a facsimile, corrupted by the indoctrination of the outside world.. they taught us to question.. how to question what we were told... even what they told us... that society's expections are not how we should be, but that we should be who we are without the overbearing corruption of the influence of the outside world.. we were taught to question everything, and question it we did... and we have grown to be who we are, not unaffected by the outside world but relatively untainted by its hypocrisies... my parents were not thinking sexuality when they taught us these things, far from it, but sexuality is a part of who we are, and the freedom of spirit that they instilled in us allowed us to ultimately be who we are, and not who the world thinks we should be...

..that the outside world hurt my beloved brother and led him in a direction which I never understood until a few years ago, but time and his raising and our common love for each other finally allowed him to free himself of that twisting of who who was, so that he is now free of that corruption which so rudely was imposed upon him and we are now as close as we were as children, and my big brother is once again my friend and protector..but most importantly, he has in the last few years relearned to be the free thinking spirit he was before the world so hurt him... he is free of the pain of the corruption of a corrupt world as far as he can be.. he is not gay, nor is he bisexual.. but for the first time he will join me and our sister on a demo for gay and bisexual rights..and he will and does argue that both gay and bisexual people in this world have a right to be heard..a right to be allowed to live their life and a right to be free.. and he raises his children as we do ours..as his parents did us.. to think for ourselves and question everything... he teaches them to be who and what they are.. not who and what anyone else wishes them to be... of the three of us, I admire my brother most because he has fought through things our sister and I never had to face... and he has come out of the tunnel as our parents intended.... and in his own way.. the least corrupted of us all...

Feb 18, 2012, 9:53 PM
Awesome post, Dark! I also grew up to be fiercely independent & relate to much of what you say here, especially pertaining to the outside world; maybe that's why we've locked horns at times, we're alike. I've posted this quote before ( can't remember who said it), but I've adopted it into my belief system: " The ultimate in courage is to be yourself and let the chips fall where they may.":)

Feb 18, 2012, 10:49 PM
"Okay, but you're never going to get bisexuality as a serious part of policy discussion because the numbers are way too small to get the political leverage."

From what I have read, it is not that the numbers of bisexuals are way too small as to why they are not having impact within the GLBT organizations and mainstream policies. According to the San Francisco study, the largest group within the GLBT organization are bisexuals and not monosexual gays and lesbians.

That would make sense. Along the lines of "everybody is a little bit gay sometimes".

Feb 18, 2012, 10:55 PM
I saw a tweet tonight that read "no such thing as a bisexual man in my eyes. Once you kiss a man you are 100% full blown homo". I'm starting to come around to better appreciate the problem. I guess since most people don't know I'm bi, and generally there are few anti-bi comments that I hear - more general homophobic comments - I don't appreciate the problem to its full extent.

Feb 19, 2012, 5:55 PM
Okay, but you're never going to get bisexuality as a serious part of policy discussion because the numbers are way too small to get the political leverage.

Actually that is a serious misunderstanding of actual facts (http://bialogue-group.tumblr.com/post/4625107095/ellynruthstromhuffpo14apr2011) that many people seems to have.

Obviously becasue of continuing prejudice it is still very (very, very, very) hard to get random folks to admit to being not 100% heterosexual in a survey. Even onces that promise anonymity. However, as more people start to tiptoe out of the closet it is beginning to be done.

For example, in looking at a compilation of some recent studies The Williams Institute at UCLA Law School found that 8 million [people] in the USA currently identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual, with bisexuals representing a slight majority within the group as a whole. That's about the same number of people as there are in the state of Oregon for example.

Feb 21, 2012, 8:15 AM
I downloaded the "pdf" version of this report and am reading through it. It is an excellent meta-analysis of the current bisexual situation but from my perspective, it's a bit lacking in detail. Nonetheless, it drew from a wide and varied source of scientifically done research and was very concise.

Feb 21, 2012, 7:59 PM
More press about this study and report: http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2012/02/21/428048/uk-study-examines-unique-challenges-for-bisexual-community/?mobile=nc

- Drew :paw:

Feb 22, 2012, 4:32 PM
Meta-analysis is what it's going for though. Policy-makers at a government level don't want individual stories except to illustrate things; also it's not (mostly) new research, it's collating what little and disparate existing research there is into one place to make it accessible and useable for people who want to effect positive change for bis. There are other bi reports - the 2003 Manchester one say, or the 2002 Dublin report - that are a different shape. If I was meeting a government minister or someone in charge of funding things in the NHS, this report's the one I'd want to have in my hand at the time.