View Full Version : Size 10 or size 6 or size 12?

Feb 15, 2012, 4:45 AM
I luff clothes... and never buy cheap... I like quality, to look good and like them to fit.. which is why I never buy clothing on line... so my bug bear is this...


Is it so difficult to have sizes be the same wherever you shop?

Feb 15, 2012, 7:11 AM
The latest marketing strategies are to downsize numerical sizes while the clothes remain the same dimensions, differing companies use differing gauges of size. There is also the unwillingness to agree to uniform sizes across country/continent boundaries even though virtually all mass produced clothes are made in one or two regions of the globe! The first makes you feel better about buying their brand (even if you don't look better) because you "perceive" yourself as thinner in this ever widening world!!! The second works to confuse those who buy online or without trying anything on, many of those people won't/don't return clothes that don't fit...they just buy again instead!

Feb 15, 2012, 8:46 AM
Its tough for guys who want to crossdress too lol

Feb 15, 2012, 9:14 AM
It has not been unknown for clothes making factories, both home and abroad, to simply swap the size labels on garments to get round a problem.

This is true for both male and female garments.

Feb 15, 2012, 9:42 AM
It has not been unknown for clothes making factories, both home and abroad, to simply swap the size labels on garments to get round a problem.

This is true for both male and female garments... and dont we know it Heph.....

'an 2 answer the point bout not taking things back.... if peeps dont then things will never get ne better... if I find ne prob wiv stuff I buy ( not ever 2 do wiv size cos they have been tried on b4 I even leave the store... cant do that on line canya??) An spesh clothes an shoes .. but if ther is a prob of ne kind, then back they go an I kick up a right stink if need be until I get me money back or at worst a replacement.. ne prevarication a wee threat bout trading standards, contacting the press, breaking their own policy, breaking the law and wanting the big chief soon has 'em running scared... where is "the customer is always right" these days???

Feb 15, 2012, 1:13 PM
At one time, and only speaking here as a male, one could depend that a shirt in a large size was just that. The same would go with any other size. This doesn't include pants, as they're much more specific in what the measurement is. But for the past 25 years or so, with shoes, shirts and jackets being imported from so many different countries, one has to do what men are remiss to do; try it on first. If not, you run the chance of putting on the really neat size L shirt you just bought and are on the way out of the house, when you find out it would actually fit a man who is 3 inches taller and a good 20lbs heavier.

Feb 15, 2012, 5:51 PM
At one time, and only speaking here as a male, one could depend that a shirt in a large size was just that. The same would go with any other size. This doesn't include pants, as they're much more specific in what the measurement is. But for the past 25 years or so, with shoes, shirts and jackets being imported from so many different countries, one has to do what men are remiss to do; try it on first. If not, you run the chance of putting on the really neat size L shirt you just bought and are on the way out of the house, when you find out it would actually fit a man who is 3 inches taller and a good 20lbs heavier. Actually me looks pretty damned (in)decent wearin' a shirt made for a man much more than 3" tallern me an' 20lbs an more heavier... hooray for men's shirts... sleeves r a bugger but easy peasy 2 deal wiv...;)

Feb 15, 2012, 5:53 PM
i have similar gripes - and i completey agree with the original post : there is no real common sizing.
Different brands have different sizings - and often there is significent differences. (country Road for instance is always large - Just Jeans is always small etc etc)
My gripes are that there is real difficulty in fitting someone like myself who is hyper pear shaped (size 12 top, size 18 botty) in one shop because so many "nice" shops don't carry quality stuff above size 16.
Secondly, over a season, the winter stock of any line seems to be different to Summer sizings.
My imagination??????
Fortunately, I know where to go to solve my first problem, but so often I look at a product in a window/catalogue and wish there were more consistent sizings.

Feb 15, 2012, 6:13 PM
Children's cloths are all in age! And they are different in every shop too! They just don't give a fig any more!lol