View Full Version : New Home

Feb 14, 2012, 4:54 AM
Thank you for the new fresh look. I will miss the old look, it was like coming home. Now I am still coming home just to a new home. It is easier to explore the new home and look at all the new things and give it a try than to be negative and never get an opportunity to see and enjoy the new. Everything is basically the same just with a new paint job. Thank you webmaster for your work to bring us this new home....

Feb 14, 2012, 10:03 AM
My pleasure. Thanks for the kind words.

- Drew :paw:

Feb 14, 2012, 4:32 PM
It is getting better as each day passes. Thanks for the tweaking!!!

Feb 16, 2012, 2:36 PM
I agree with these comments. When this upgrade was first released I said to myself "well this sucks", but as time passed it got better & better. I read something I think it was in the FAQ, anyway it was suggested the person try a different browser. I had always ran all my forums under the Opera browser. I tried running it under FF & everything worked as usual. Now I am happy to say I am happy to say I can run the program in Opera. Thanks for continually addressing all our problems.