View Full Version : In great need of advice

Feb 12, 2012, 1:27 PM
As some of you may know, I am in a relationship with a wonderful man. We have been together for 2 years and 2 months. He is now far far away in an internship and it has been stressful in our relationship since I am like 800 miles away and visiting is not an option due to financial issues. My ex boyfriend began to talk to me and ever since then I started getting feelings for him. I have no clue what to do and it is driving me insane...can someone please assist me in my time of crisis?

Feb 12, 2012, 2:17 PM
Well, I have done the long distance relationship thing before and it is no fun when you are too poor to visit. You have a few things to consider. How long is this internship going to be? How long do you think you can last without visiting? Is he worth waiting for to you?

If you really love him and want to make it work stick it out. Don't put yourself in situations where you are tempted. If you feel you have to hide something you are doing from him, chances are you shouldn't be doing it. Is hanging around your ex worth putting the relationship you are in at risk?

I don't know why you and your ex broke up, but I am sure there was good reason. I am not a big fan of getting back together with exes, because I find the same issues tend to come up over and over again. Do you think that if you dumped your current boyfriend, that the same things that ended your relationship with your ex won't end it again? Would you be sacrificing the man you have been with for over two years to rekindle a relationship that will fail?

I don't know your feelings on these, but you really have to examine the relationship you are in and the relationship with your ex. It is up to you to make the relationship work that you are in or not. It is up to you.

Feb 12, 2012, 9:01 PM
Hm, if he was a new guy you found in a coffee shop, and if you were poly, I would go for it-but exes, as Jobelorocks says-that could be tricky. Did you part as friends or was there a fight?