View Full Version : Whitney Houston Died At 48

Feb 11, 2012, 8:32 PM
i am still in awe that Whitney Houston Died Today she was still young in my eyes for being 48 just thought i would mention something to u all about what i have been reading which i am sure u all more than likely know by now .. i grew up with her.. i always loved her music as well.. this is the link i was reading when i found it out .


Feb 11, 2012, 8:35 PM
Wow, she was one of my favorite singers with some How Will I Know? The Greatest Love of All, I Wanna Dance With Somebody Who Loves Me.... It's a shame that drug use took it's toll on her, she was so talented both as a singer and an actress. RIP Whitney, may you find the peace now that you sought so long for in life.

Dead Account
Feb 11, 2012, 11:19 PM
What a terrible loss of such a great voice.

Feb 11, 2012, 11:55 PM
Just like with Amy Winehouse---it was really no surprise that Whitney Houston died at a rather young age---for years now--she has had a serious multiple substance abuse/addiction problem that served to take her great voice, aged her beyond her years, destroyed her career---and in all probability---played a significant if not decisive role in her death.

I never have been too much a fan of pop music---but I always liked her---surely for one thing---she was gorgeous---and man, she could sing---I have gotten to see her do two shows---one of them when I was on a trip to Las Vegas---that was an even better show than seeing her in my area----big time production values, costumes, you name it---it was an awesome show.

I was bummed that she got hooked up with Bobby Brown--I think its pretty clear he is nothing more than a bum and a thug and I am sure that her association with him also helped to lead to her early death.

I am not shocked or surprised that she died, if I am a bit surprised at anything, it is that her death did not happen before now.

It really is a shame that so many people who reach such high levels in entertainment, have such a great talent, cannot find happiness and fulfillment from their success--it does seem to be the case that success can consume and destroy a person---maybe its like what they say---to get to that point---they sell their soul to the devil for fame, glory and stardom and he comes to collect payment on the debt that is owed!!!

If that is the case---it hardly seems like a bargain worth making.

Feb 12, 2012, 4:21 AM

Feb 12, 2012, 10:14 AM
What a beautiful girl, what magnificent talent, what a tragic life!

It's beyond me why a person, with so much going for them, will be involved with anything that will shorten their lives and cause so much pain!

Godspeed, Whitney Houston. I hope you're going to a better place.

Feb 12, 2012, 10:39 AM
RIP Indeed, what a shame!! Hope the gossip/scandel press/media leave her alone, she was just a human being afterall.

Feb 12, 2012, 11:26 AM
RIP. Hope her family and friends will be allowed to grieve in peace too.

Feb 12, 2012, 2:59 PM
Very sad news this morning. This woman's voice stirred my soul, lifted me. She also had incredibly beautiful eyes.

Feb 12, 2012, 7:25 PM
I grew up with some of her songs, they were a source of inspiration. She tried so hard, that's the trouble with shooting stars .. they burn very brightly, but also very quickly. It's not the first entertainer I've seen that I have to wonder if the press had been kinder to her maybe she would still be here.

The world is a better place because of her gift.


Feb 12, 2012, 11:57 PM
It is very sad, but definitely not unexpected.
To be honest, she died long ago. It just took time for her body to catch up to her lifestyle.
Such an awesome, incredible voice. And the range was stunning. She had everything.
Then she got hooked up with Bobby Brown. She has never been the same since.
He hooked her on drugs and she was not able to beat it by herself. He left her when she needed him most. He is true trash.
Whitney Houston sealed her own grave a long time ago. It is not a surprise, but it is definitely sad for the waste of talent.

Feb 13, 2012, 6:18 AM
For me, "Not the greatest loss of all" sorry, she just didn't do anything for me.

Feb 14, 2012, 8:59 PM
It is very sad, but definitely not unexpected.
To be honest, she died long ago. It just took time for her body to catch up to her lifestyle.
Such an awesome, incredible voice. And the range was stunning. She had everything.
Then she got hooked up with Bobby Brown. She has never been the same since.
He hooked her on drugs and she was not able to beat it by herself. He left her when she needed him most. He is true trash.
Whitney Houston sealed her own grave a long time ago. It is not a surprise, but it is definitely sad for the waste of talent.

Summed up well.

Feb 14, 2012, 11:38 PM
Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison....the list goes on...the talented & tortured.