View Full Version : Hi from London UK

Jun 7, 2006, 5:01 AM
Just to say my wife hasn't (as yet at least) achieved her aim in getting me to end my life.

I am now sleeping out in a hotel at nights although am still not discharged from the hospital.

Life in the acute Mental health wards makes Ken Kessey's "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" look like a nice safe place to be and rather saner than here.

Love and Peace to you and yours


Jun 7, 2006, 8:16 AM
Hi Rupe,

you must be going through a difficult time right now, and I am very sorry for you. However , I was very shocked to read your statement that
" my wife hasn't (as yet at least) achieved her aim in getting me to end my life."

Your choice of what you do with your life is not determined by your wife: it is determined by you, and it is awful of you to accuse her of such an awful thing, basically saying that she trying to kill you, using some voodoo technique. That is simply not true, and don't for one moment think that someone will buy into that.
And don't go thinking very bad about yourself if you agree with this either: get over it and deal with it. Start loving yourself, and others will love you too.

I know I sound very harsh, and I don't usually express myself this strongly. I felt it had to be said.
Nonetheless, I wish you all the very best with your situation, and hope you get through this soon,


Jun 7, 2006, 8:45 AM
Peter is right Ron, your wife only has the power over you that you allow her. You need to think what it is you have to do to get better and move on with your life. There are a lot of people that care about you and you shouldn't let negativity destroy you. You are better than that.
Please take care of yourself Ron and do whatever it takes to get better.

Jun 7, 2006, 9:08 AM
I'm not crazy about the news but hearing from you is great.

And always remember this, if you take your life you'll never have the pleasure of meeting me in the flesh!
ROFLMFFBAO(rolling on the floor laffing my fat fucking bear ass off)

Of course there are much better reasons to live...PROUD DAUGHTER!

ur ever luvin
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :angel: :angel: :angel: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Jun 7, 2006, 11:02 AM
Hey Rupe,

Hang in there good buddy! I always like to see everything in a positive light. It really does help. Keep up your chin, dont let things get you down. When you dont feel like smiling, smile anyway. If you dont feel like laughing, laugh anyway. It has been proven that if you do this, you will feel it, on the inside.

enough pep talk!

good luck, hope to see you soon

Jenn :bigrin:

Jun 7, 2006, 11:35 AM

We all support and love you. It is good to hear from you, even though your situation is so hard. Please hang in there so our little bisexual.com cabal doesn't lose one of its blue-ribbon leaders.

Whenever it gets very bad, remember how fate has a way of clearing away the weeds when you least expect it. We want you to make it through and enjoy whatever blessings are going to come to you after this hardship.


Jun 7, 2006, 4:12 PM
Hey Rupe,
Just as all of our friends have said it, I will repeat it again, remember we all love you. Take control of your life. Remember no one on this planet controls your life except you, so take charge and don't let anyone step in between. Life is tough my friend, hang in there, fight your way through and I am sure in the end you will come through. I wish you only the very best.


Jun 7, 2006, 4:29 PM
we are born with free will

we are not the puppets of others

Jun 7, 2006, 6:08 PM
Peter is right Ron, your wife only has the power over you that you allow her. You need to think what it is you have to do to get better and move on with your life. There are a lot of people that care about you and you shouldn't let negativity destroy you. You are better than that.
Please take care of yourself Ron and do whatever it takes to get better. Hey Ron,lsiten to them they make a lot of good points. And beliieve me there are a lot of us that do care.. Take care and get well...

Jun 7, 2006, 6:59 PM

There is nothing I can say that will make anything better for you. If only it was that easy. God punishes evil sinners who beat me at backgammon – so think on.

Lets play a game real soon.

Stephen xXx

Jun 7, 2006, 7:06 PM
we are born with free will

we are not the puppets of others

dont give your power away Ron...

ultimately, only you have the power to keep yourself safe from your demons....

and perhaps focus your energies into moving on from this hell you find yourself in...rather than allowing yourself to be consumed to the point of self destruction through such heartfelt rage and bitterness...which is perhaps better placed at the foot of the cross..

Easier said than done i know love (and you know i dont speak from an ivory tower..)

with much love and strength to you sweet precious friend...



Jun 7, 2006, 7:11 PM

I know how dark the days can be darlin. Just remember that there are people that love you and care about what happens to you. You are not alone. That being said, we can only help you to the extent that you are willing to help yourself. Action follows attitude. You just have to keep plugging away, even a plateau is better than slipping backwards. Your day will come and we will be here with you cheering and rejoicing.

Take care. Miss you and love you.


PS-Don't let the crazy people get you. lol

Jun 7, 2006, 7:21 PM
Rupertbare...There is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said. Good to hear/read from you... :paw: :paw:

proud daughter
Jun 8, 2006, 6:49 AM
hi daddy
nice to see you back!!
not fair what you said about mum, she may have done some horrible things but she does not want you dead!!!!
listen to what other people have said, its your life, dont let someone else cause you to do something stupid, and that goes for the self harm too!!! cant comment on that but you and me both now its stupid and it really doesnt help!!!

love you loads daddy

Jun 8, 2006, 2:38 PM
Great to hear from you guy!

I have been in the depths of depression myself, and although each of us has to find our own path out, I promise you that path is there!

We're all pulling for you, and love to hear from you. You have so many friends who care for you - remember us whenever life wants you to feel alone, put upon, or depressed.

No matter what someone tells you, You are the captain of your journey. Everyone else's input is just opinion. Don't allow the usurpers and naysayers to interferee- brush them and their opinions off and pay them no mind.

I have prayed for you and will continue to do so.

Blessed Be~