View Full Version : Nicknames for dicks n foreskin

Feb 9, 2012, 10:36 AM
Do you have a nickname for your penis?

What about foreskin?
I just read somewhere where the foreskin was nicknamed "mud flaps"...kinda funny :)
There are all kinds of affectionate nicknames guys might use for their penis. ie...little fellow, my buddy etc.

What are some funny ones that you have used or heard a guy refer to his as?

Feb 9, 2012, 2:42 PM
I got a dickydooda.:tongue:

'Mud flaps' are ladies bits Tenni. Are you sure he(?) was talking about his(?) foreskin?:bigrin:
Don't have a name for my foreskin, yet.lol

Feb 9, 2012, 2:54 PM
mud flaps are ladie bits?


Well, the gay guy who used the term might have been confused or ? I thought that it might be amusing to hear various names..I hadn't heard of a guy naming his foreskin before...

Mine was Petey as a kid.

I had a friend whose parents gave them an unusual middle name of a famous person. The parents also taught the little guys to refer to their penis by that middle name. His was "Winston" for his middle name and penis.

btw Gear Have you counted your PM's lately?

Feb 9, 2012, 4:04 PM
It's not a nickname but if someone asks me wether I'm cut or uncut I usually tell them that I'm "gift wrapped" :tongue: