View Full Version : Hey let's make masturbation illegal

Feb 9, 2012, 9:33 AM
At first when I saw the piece---I thought the proposal to make masturbation illegal was for real----but it was more of a joke----but still---you have all of these bills coming in states all over America to basically make it so that anything that might abort even some little tissue that might become a baby----so might as well make it illegal to "Spill Seed" since if you take the logic of the "prolife" crowd to its extreme----since sperm is "alive" and so vital to making a precious baby---got to make that illegal along with those uppity women who flush out their eggs each month--since those are life too--every time a woman has her period she is committing mass murder, let's arrest 'em too!!!


Feb 9, 2012, 9:43 AM
I've been abstaining lately due to a coldsore and was forced to crack em off on my own. I think THAT is terrible sin, as it's a waste of high quality cum.:( Had I known of a scheme where nuns come round to catch it in their vadge's I would have been delighted. IF she was on the pill though!lol

Feb 9, 2012, 9:49 AM
Well I do think that it is absurd to make masturbation illegal (also with this gay sex between men would be illegal as well), but this article is extremely biased as well. It makes it sound that men shouldn't even be able to have opinions on issues such as abortion. If they have a large part in the act of procreation, they should be able to have a say as well. Just my thoughts.

Feb 9, 2012, 10:11 AM
Well I do think that it is absurd to make masturbation illegal (also with this gay sex between men would be illegal as well), but this article is extremely biased as well. It makes it sound that men shouldn't even be able to have opinions on issues such as abortion. If they have a large part in the act of procreation, they should be able to have a say as well. Just my thoughts. More rather a small but extremely important part I would say Jobe.. and a say.. not a veto... but if it is only male masturbation to be made illegal a tadge discriminatoryisn't it although I dont know if that is what is proposed? The stupid things peeps try and pass into law... may as well pass a law saying it is illegal to breathe... I do wish people would concentrate on the important things in this world and not what we do with our genitals...

Feb 9, 2012, 11:16 AM
Soon, the powers that be will make being human illegal. Guess I'll be safe. I have been irradiated, my genetic structure was different from normal human beings prior to irradiation too. I'm a mutant, not human but a meat pop-cicle.


Feb 9, 2012, 11:49 AM
That proposed law that was voted down by like almost a 70 to 30 percent margin last fall in Mississippi---it was so restrictive that women who had miscarriages would have to been investigated by police to make sure that they didn't do anything that could have led to the miscarriage and if it was found they were somehow culpable in the miscarriage taking place---they would have been charged with killing their baby---this crowd really has gone around "the bend." I do think all of the dust up that fired up people regarding the Susan G. Komen fund and Planned Parenthood--shows that in spite of the activist "prolife" crowd saying that "Americans are with us on abortion" and other related issues----I think its clear that most Americans---especially women like that they have options to deal with their reproductive capacities. I also think that all of this does go to show that among the many "wars" that those on the far, extreme right are waging---a war on women is among them since they surely don't seem to like women having much freedom. There have been some on the far right who even question whether women really should have the right to vote.

Feb 9, 2012, 12:20 PM
Volt man, Please accept this as good fun. Every time I see your avatar, my mind thinks, "oh look it's that banana fucker again".
At which point I get a pleasant chuckle and life seems a bit nicer. Nothing bad, just a bit of merry humour.

Feb 9, 2012, 1:13 PM
You're a bit late....


Feb 9, 2012, 1:45 PM
I am reliably informed masturbation is illegal in the little Himalayan kingdom of Nojerkastan and punishable by removal of hands for a first offence.. a second offence means the removal of someone elses hands as well as all penile tissue...

Feb 9, 2012, 3:46 PM
I haven't posted in awhile, but came here to slap someone for even suggesting this horrible idea!

Feb 9, 2012, 3:55 PM
Make masturbation illegal :( Now what the fuck do they expect me to do with all my frozen chickens :eek:

Feb 9, 2012, 10:39 PM
"Open up it's the police! We know you're slapping happy in there! You are herby ordered to cease and desist! Further you are declared an enemy combatant!"

Void spews all over the inside of the door. "Ahhhhhhhhhh, mmmm Yes, anything you say off I see sir. by the way fuck your horse too you lousy corporate mercenary wannabe!"

Feb 10, 2012, 3:29 PM
You're a bit late....


sorry but I disagree. I love to do it to anyoine and everyone. the more the merrirer!

Feb 10, 2012, 3:46 PM
Make masturbation illegal ?....what a brilliant idea! Especially if you waste all your cum and spill it instead of saving it for conception.

You are joking of course and so am I !

Feb 10, 2012, 4:34 PM
It's still ok to have a wet dream though. That's an act of God for sure.lol

Feb 10, 2012, 5:52 PM
I talked to me mum about this on the phone tonight.. she didnt haff make me giggle... apart from the fact that she sed it wos stupid an impossible to police, she had me in hysterics wen she sed she wud personally arrange a mass masturbatory sesh on Arthur's Seat (wich is am 800 odd foot hill down by Holyrood Palace and the Parliament and part of the park not a guy's arse)... am assuming mum would conduct the sesh and not actually masturbate... hope so cos thinkin of me mum masturbatin dusnt bear thinkin 'bout... :eek: Worse... me wud have 2 miss it cos am not givin 'er ne more ammunition 2 use against me than she has already...:(

Feb 10, 2012, 8:43 PM
well if the extremists have anything to say and they been lately saying a lot, there will be no freedom of any kind in the united states. every 6 months or so more laws are made, so it would only seem logical that once laws are made to cover every thing then they must invent new crimes by making laws about things that were legal at one time before. it's already a sin to masturbate, by many religious organizations. so where do you think most laws come from, they come from overzealous religious minded politicians, influenced by their church and family , friends ect.... and as we have seen, once a person finds a cause that they can relate to their religion as being for the saving of the soul of man and what their god wants, then there's no stopping them. the become extremists. like that church wanting to protest gay marriages. who are the more extreme the one with the abortion clinics or the ones blowing them up. i have no doubt such laws will come to pass because the people are sheeple lead by their herder.

Feb 11, 2012, 12:00 AM
Well I do think that it is absurd to make masturbation illegal (also with this gay sex between men would be illegal as well), but this article is extremely biased as well. It makes it sound that men shouldn't even be able to have opinions on issues such as abortion. If they have a large part in the act of procreation, they should be able to have a say as well. Just my thoughts.

Joe, honey, sex between gay men IS illegal in many places in the US..

and yes, the feminnazi's do think of men being that low in the pool of life they shouldnt have even the simplest thought processes.

Feb 11, 2012, 6:00 AM
and yes, the feminnazi's do think of men being that low in the pool of life they shouldnt have even the simplest thought processes.Only one "n" in feminazi...:rolleyes:

Feb 11, 2012, 7:11 PM
Christine for Senate, huh? I don't think anyone in her district will take her seriously. The ad looks more like performance art or a Discordian religious meditation. I heard once, several years ago, that a southern state, maybe Alabama, was trying to pass a law to ban the sale of sex toys. Hope that includes fresh bananas and medium sized melons, fresh livers, and suggestively sized sausages, with or without honey/jelly/jam.
O' course, banning masturbation would discriminate against my religion; the activity is required for some rituals. Wonder if I could perform I live demonstration in court?...