View Full Version : Breaking News! US appeals court rules California Prop 8 is unconstitutional!

Feb 7, 2012, 1:43 PM
While it is surely not the time to break out the bubbly and celebrate just yet---but in the last few minutes it was announced that the US Ninth District Court of Appeals has ruled that California's Proposition 8 referendum that prohibited same-sex marriage in that state is unconstitutional.


Even though this court has ruled thusly, those who supported the measure were expecting the ruling to go against them and they have vowed to fight on to keep this the law in California-----with them hoping that the US Supreme Court will take the case and rule on it----of course with the SCOTUS---all sorts of things could happen that range from the Court deciding to not consider the case, which would mean that this ruling would stand and the law would be overturned, the SCOTUS could take the case and rule either for or against it---with the way they come to the decision either taking up the broad implications of the underlying issue which would have an effect on the law relating to the issue beyond this case or simply restricting their ruling to the specific case at hand and the ruling only having effect on California's law--with them either upholding or overturning the appellate court's ruling.

One thing I do see in the article---the appellate court only ruled very narrowly on the California law--so even if the SCOTUS does take it up--they most likely would only rule narrowly too--but they could decide to consider the larger issue of same-sex marriage rights and make a sweeping decision--with the makeup of the Court---that could be a very bad thing for this issue and "gay rights" in general.

Some in Congress have vowed to take action with one Rep calling for the elimination of the Ninth Court since it supposedly consistently making "liberal, judicial activist" rulings of the sort that they would consider this ruling to be.

So---the matter as yet is not settled and its not yet time to bring out the bottles of bubbly and pop the corks!

Feb 7, 2012, 4:20 PM
I am glad the law was overturned. I find it a little sickening that there are people who want to "abolish" an entire courtbecause the judges rule on the law and do not agree with their own personal feelings.

Feb 7, 2012, 6:51 PM
NOT a fan of marriage generally.
ELATED that "we" can!