View Full Version : Superstitious

Jun 6, 2006, 11:33 AM
My curiosity has come out again so I have a question for those who will indulge me. Since today is 06/06/06 and I've read there are some waiting for the apocalypse to hit, I wondered if there are any other types of superstitions that any of you have. A little less complex then the end of the world mind you. More like lucky underwear or the old stand by, don't walk under ladders. Is there anything, even though you know it's stupid, that you do or don't do, "just in case"? Like when I was little my mom told me it was bad luck to kill a spider early in the morning so for some reason I can't bring myself to do it.
Thanks for your replies! :tong:

Jun 6, 2006, 11:39 AM
I don't step on graves for fear of angering the dead, I won't walk under ladders.

Not that I actually believe anything bad would happen, just that it was placed in me growing up. For me today is any other day.

The superstition about killing a spider is that you house will catch fire if you do. At least that is what I have heard.

Jun 6, 2006, 12:13 PM
The superstition about killing a spider is that you house will catch fire if you do. At least that is what I have heard.
Thank you for contributing to my paranoia. lol

Jun 6, 2006, 12:18 PM
Thank you for contributing to my paranoia. lol

I am sorry hun, My mother never taught me much, but she could sure teach fear ...lol...

Jun 6, 2006, 12:21 PM
Numerology is the killer for me. I hate it and don't agree with it or believe in it but for some reason can't entirely stop it from influencing the way I look at dates.

Jun 6, 2006, 5:49 PM

Jun 6, 2006, 9:06 PM
I have one superstition. I won't cross busy highways blindfolded. Silly, I know.

Jun 6, 2006, 11:05 PM
Highways blindfolded :eek: Well that is one I have never heard of. I guess I have a little here and a little there with superstions. Like raise your legs over railroad tracks and not steping on cracks.My mother and father didn't teach me superstion to bad for them I do it to my boys like if you cross your eyes and get hit in the back they will stay like that :eek2: :tong: . The things that get handed down to our children.


Jun 6, 2006, 11:25 PM
When I was small, my Father would knock on the door of our house when coming home from wherever we've been. He said it was to let the ghosts know that we were coming in and that they should not be alarmed. To this day, I ring the door bell of our apt. for the same reason. My 11 y/o has now gotten into doing the same... :rolleyes: :paw: :paw:

Jun 7, 2006, 1:00 AM
nope, not a one!

Jun 7, 2006, 3:22 AM
Back when I had a working shower radio, I could tell what kinda day it'd be (good, bad, long, short etc) from the first song I'd hear when I turned it on.

Days that I'd startit up and hear Gwen Stefani always sucked.

Jun 7, 2006, 1:50 PM
My superstitions! lol, well, i only have one really. If something good is about to happen that will change our lives for the better, we dont talk about it in fear that it will just go down the shitter!

My hubby and I share this superstition, lol.

Jenn :bigrin:

Jun 7, 2006, 2:19 PM
Ahhhhhh Old Superstitions.
I wonder why you shouldn't cross highways blindfolded?

Don't open an umbrella inside the house.
If a piece of food falls on the floor you have to kiss it up to god before you can eat it. Otherwise known as the 10 second rule.
Don't bring a newborn outside defore it is baptized.
Dreaming of death means a wedding will happen.
If you leave your house before the New Year, hide money outside your door and find it when you return for a properous new year.

Have you noticed that there are superstitions about all different activities in our lives but I can't remember one about sex. Hmmmmm... Does anyone know of any?

ur ever luvin


Jun 7, 2006, 3:52 PM
Ahhhhhh Old Superstitions.
I wonder why you shouldn't cross highways blindfolded?

Don't open an umbrella inside the house.
If a piece of food falls on the floor you have to kiss it up to god before you can eat it. Otherwise known as the 10 second rule.
Don't bring a newborn outside defore it is baptized.
Dreaming of death means a wedding will happen.
If you leave your house before the New Year, hide money outside your door and find it when you return for a properous new year.

Have you noticed that there are superstitions about all different activities in our lives but I can't remember one about sex. Hmmmmm... Does anyone know of any?

ur ever luvin

:)You shouldn't have mirrors or anything reflective like a tv screen facing your bed or else make sure it's covered while in bed with a spouse because it will result in infidelity. 2 people in bed and the 2 reflected means multiple partners type thing or something like that.

Jun 7, 2006, 4:03 PM
I don't know if it is a superstition or more of an old stigma, but I have heard that if you have sex with a woman while she is menstruating that you will become cursed with evil spirits. They used to send women to a Hut outside og the village to menstruate in so the village would not become contaminated.

Jun 7, 2006, 7:35 PM
You shouldn't have mirrors or anything reflective like a tv screen facing your bed or else make sure it's covered while in bed with a spouse because it will result in infidelity. 2 people in bed and the 2 reflected means multiple partners type thing or something like that.

...and this whole time I used the mirrors cuz I thought I was been a bit kinky... :rolleyes: :paw: :paw:

Jun 7, 2006, 10:24 PM
If I say something good that is happening to me or something bad that has not happened to me, I knock on wood. For instance, "I have never been in a car accident," then I knock on wood 3 times to make sure it doesn't happen. Another one is the penny on the ground, "Find a penny pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck. Find a penny, leave it lie, and you'll kiss your luck goodbye." I think my mother's big superstition is that she has to tell us (my sister and I), everytime we are driving away from her house, "be careful" or "drive safely." She has been saying this to me for 20 years now. I finally asked her why she said it everytime and she told me that if she didn't say it and something happened she would always worry that it was because she forgot to tell us to drive safely.

Jun 7, 2006, 10:27 PM
Don't open an umbrella inside the house.

I think that this one was made up by a mother who didn't want her children playing with umbrellas inside and breaking something. Just my theory... :)

Jun 9, 2006, 12:55 AM
weeeellll, 06/06/06/ was my 47th b'day.. and i didnt feel superstitious at all. tho, at work i did get razzed a bit about being Damien in disguise.. :eek:

but, now, honestly it was like friday the 13th to me.. just another day.. also gotta remember, that the so called "number of the beast" doesnt have zeroes in it..

Jun 9, 2006, 3:29 AM
Well Rich, why didn't you say something sooner?
:bounce::bday::bday:HAPPY BIRTHDAY:bday::bday::bounce:

Jun 9, 2006, 10:14 AM
oh, my mom taught us a lot of superstitions! I am not superstitious, but I do still 'knock on wood'. A few others I remember from childhood are:

A pregnant woman shouldn't look at something bad, cuz it will mark the baby.

Do a little 'evil eye' mark in the air if a black cat crosses your path.

Women on their period shouldn't work in the garden near tomatoes or can produce (this one I think was made up by cramping woman to keep from having to do rough work in the heat :cool: ).

Breaking a mirror makes 7 years bad luck.

If you spill salt, you have to toss some more over your left shoulder.

Jun 9, 2006, 6:54 PM
My mom taught me about breaking a mirror means 7 yrs. bad luck....and then I broke one. I was a little freaked out! The odd part to that...I did that right before Flounder and I married and it took us exactly 7 yrs. to get pregnant....what do you all think about that one?? :rolleyes:

Many times I have knocked on wood 3 times after talking about something and wanting to make sure it didn't ever happen!

And I think there is one about hitting a black cat at night...darn if I can remember how if goes though.

Jun 9, 2006, 7:55 PM
I just remembered a few more, maybe its just a southern thing I dunno, but when driving at night a passing a cemetary you must lift you feet from the floorboard and cross your fingers of both hands till you have passed it.

If you stick your tongue out and someone slaps you on the back of your head you face will stick that way.

A cricket/grasshopper in your house means good luck is soon to follow.

If you are pregnant and you speak ill of someone's physical or mental affliction your baby will be born with it.

If your right hand itches you will receive money, if its your left you are to meet a stranger,

If your ear has a burning sensation someones talking about you.

Jun 9, 2006, 8:08 PM
I picked some odd ones growing up, because my mother was into santeria. Some would be too freakish to share. But some of the less frightening ones:

--When you leave the house of someone who doesn't like you, make sure that no hairs fell out of your head while you were there (long story to explain that one, but there is a voodoo reason).

--If someone has turned against you and you want to bring them back into your favor, then steal a pair of their shoes and put them under your bed. Then say a certain prayer every night, until they start liking you again.

--Never let someone take a picture of you if you don't trust them.

--Don't speak ill of a pregnant woman.

--If you see a house lizard or large bug and it seems to be looking at you, don't kill it. It might be the ghost of an ancestor.

--For good luck in the face of harship, fill a bag with soiled pennies, and swim as far out to sea as you can with them, then drop them and swim back. The spirits of the ocean will repay you with luck.

--Never walk into a church wearing a hat.

--Never throw away a photo.

--If you are down on your luck, be nice to a stray cat.

--Watch cats' eyes at nights because they see the spirits.

--If a bridesmaid shows up to a wedding looking sexier than the bride, she'll never find a man.

--If you give birth to a baby under a crooked tree, he will turn out gay.

Don't even ask about the R-rated ones!


Jun 10, 2006, 2:01 AM
Thank you arana , for the belated b'day wishes..

Jun 11, 2006, 2:26 AM
I was pretty sure it was bad luck to be superstitious. Though I must admit walking under ladders and other odd things like that never seemed fatalistic to me. Basically superstitionwise... things happen in threes. Three good events, three bad events, perhaps even three neutral events. On top of that 3+3+3=9 which is a very auspicious number with all manner of superstition

Especially significant when regarded as a triad of triads, it is the number which reproduces itself in multiplication. "It is the sign of every circumference, since its value in degrees is equal to 9, ie, to 3+6+0. It is a bad number under certain conditions, and very unlucky. If number 6 was the symbol of our globe ready to be animated by a divine spirit, 9 symbolized our earth informed by a bad or evil spirit"

Nine (九 pinyin jiǔ) is considered a good number in Chinese culture because it sounds the same as the word "longlasting" (久 pinyin jiǔ). The Japanese consider 9 to be unlucky, however, because it sounds similar to the Japanese word for "pain".

In Thai language, the word for nine, 'gao', is the same as the verb for 'to develop or progress'. Important Buddhist rituals usually involve nine monks.

Norse mythology recognized nine realms of existence. Eight of the realms were embodiments of opposites: fire and ice, heaven and hell, creation and destruction, and light and darkness. These realms all converged on the center realm where humans lived out their lives.

Nine is an important number in Chinese culture. It is considered lucky, and is strongly associated with the Chinese dragon, a symbol of magic and power. There are nine forms of the dragon, it is described in terms of nine attributes, has nine children.

The ancient Egyptians believed that a person had to earn the right to enter the afterlife. Before an individual could pass into the next realm, nine great gods known collectively as the Ennead had to judge his worthiness.

In Greek mythology, nine goddesses called the Muses were responsible for inspiring the art of musicians, artists, and writers.

In the mythology of the Mayan civilization, there existed nine levels in the underworld. Metnal, the ninth level, was a place of eternal darkness, cold, and suffering.

The Christian Bible is divided into nine subsections.

One of the most famous legends in Celtic mythology tells the story of nine magical hazel trees at the center of the Otherworld. They hang over the Well of Wisdom and drop their nuts into it, importing wisdom and inspiration to all who drink from the water or eat the salmon of the river.

The ninth astrological sign of the Zodiac is Sagittarius, identified by the Greeks as a centaur. Centaurs are magical creatures known for their skills as archers, philosophers, and predictors of the future.

... o0oh... another coincidence... I just happen to be a Sagittarius.