View Full Version : Is it just sex?

Jun 6, 2006, 10:18 AM
I'm fairly new here so I haven't had the chance to search through the forumn to see if this topic has been brought up already so forgive me if I'm bringing up something that has already been discussed.
When I read various articles about bisexuality I've noticed that there's a lot of emphasis placed on the aspect of sex and I'm wondering is this how most people view bisexuality; being able to have sex with both men and women?
For me there's a distinction from being able to enjoy sex with both men and women and being able to be romanticly involved with both men and women. I'm interested in knowing where does one draw the line between bisexuality being a state of being and just a physical pleasure? Where do we draw the line between desiring intimate relationships with others regardless of sex and just seeking sexual stimulation?
These are the questions I ask myself when I look at why I identify as bisexual.


Jun 6, 2006, 3:22 PM
Here's something that Mimi posted awhile ago and I agree with it.

there are many different types of bisexuals:

you like men AND women sexually AND romantically
you like men sexually only; you like women sexually and romantically
you like women sexually only; you like men sexually and romantically

Jun 6, 2006, 4:04 PM
i agree with dimond there are different forms of bisexualality out there me personally i perfer to be romantic with women more so then men its the romance that turns me on but the sexual experance is a turn on as well so i gess being a gemini lol i have that in me and the dual sperits is what i am then hay im all for it :bipride:

Jun 6, 2006, 5:10 PM
I have romance with women and sex with men. I love women romantically but I don't think I could ever love a man romantically.

Jun 6, 2006, 9:16 PM
I'm only physically attracted to a small number of men (the number fluctuates depending on mood, what I ate for breakfast, or who knows what else). However, I could very easily fall in love with a man. Since I'm happily married I don't cultivate that sort of relationship, but I've met a few guys I could easily fall in love with.

Jun 6, 2006, 10:41 PM
I like men and women sexually AND romantically. To me, its always been about people's personality. For instance, say my long-term relationship with a man ends, i do not automatically "set off" to find a woman. I take time off and go out to meet others. I hit both straight and gay bars/coffee shops. When in love, I do not have cravings for the other sex (as in: need sex with the opposite of whatever gender I'm dating). Granted, its a curse. I find myself crushing on too many straight girls and gay men. :bigrin:
p.s. hi! nice to meet everyone. :three: