View Full Version : Just Noticed Something.

Feb 2, 2012, 6:57 PM
I noticed a new guy here, keefer10.7, who joined January 28th. When I looked through the member list, keefer728 was no longer listed. Is this a coincidence?

Feb 2, 2012, 7:03 PM
I don't think so. It even has the same picture that the last Keefer's profile did. I am pretty darn sure that it is the same guy.

Feb 2, 2012, 7:11 PM
I don't think so. It even has the same picture that the last Keefer's profile did. I am pretty darn sure that it is the same guy.

Keefer has evidently been banned if u look at old posts.. same guy.. no doubt same old.. I dont like banning instinctively even of offensive obnoxious folk like Keefer.. but what he did to earn banning I have no idea.. but I will say it doesnt suprise me in the least..

Wb Keefer if u can stick around do so..

Feb 2, 2012, 7:18 PM
I am not surprised he got banned either. He tends to offend and stir up trouble.

Feb 2, 2012, 7:20 PM
I assumed it was Keefer advertising his HUGE penis.:tongue:

Feb 2, 2012, 8:03 PM
Okay, still a little shaken up.
I just got out of the chatroom a minute ago. keefer10.7 came in and began saying things that could give me nightmares for the next week. Not angry stuff like you would expect, but cold and quiet like a sociopath. So I am going to ignore him everywhere again because he is not going to leave me in peace. So if I don't respond to his posts, you'll know why.

Feb 2, 2012, 8:13 PM
Chill gent.. always hope for the best in peeps, but prepare for the worst... chastisement works on some people.. fingies x'd...

Feb 2, 2012, 8:23 PM
Dear God Lastgent. It was dog rape yesterday, sociopaths today. I'm glad I don't go in those chat rooms.
Fek me! I bet Freddy Kruger's in there somewhere.:eek:

Feb 2, 2012, 8:31 PM
So far, I only know of three men (of course, men) who have weirded others out in the chatroom. It's not an epidemic, so they stick out like a flower power hippie van.
If you think about it, weirdos must have one heck of a time trying to hook up with anyone anywhere. Coming here is like their last chance to get laid.

Feb 2, 2012, 8:56 PM
Now if someone would just give them a bit of sweet loving, I just know they'd mellow down for a while.:tongue:

Feb 2, 2012, 9:08 PM
..they stick out like a flower power hippie van.

Sorry, and I don't smoke but I couldn't resist .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK4uQrrvWa4

Feb 3, 2012, 2:56 AM
Dear God Lastgent. It was dog rape yesterday, sociopaths today. I'm glad I don't go in those chat rooms.
Fek me! I bet Freddy Kruger's in there somewhere.:eek:

Gear; if I could, I'd buy you a pint and give you one big sloppy kiss. I AM:thee one and only, Keefer. Please, please, no applause. Be it 201, 728 or 10.7(that one has meaning). Snot, I just figged me ciggy has a hole in the side of it, and now I'm smokin aeh......be damned! Cigs ont cheap in the States, naw is tawk. I came here, and immediately got affronted by a section of society, be it universal, that is not as accepting as it is advertised. Now, Drew can ban me, AGAIN, but it isn't an indictment on him, in as much as it is on what this site represents. Mikey3000 got banned for the exact same undocumented accusation that this, lastgent, made against a member. I suppose the CC arraingment went though and this ones fell though the cracks of notice. I came here in peace, and noticed some unclutured people throwing poop

Feb 3, 2012, 3:32 AM
So far, I only know of three men (of course, men) who have weirded others out in the chatroom. It's not an epidemic, so they stick out like a flower power hippie van.
If you think about it, weirdos must have one heck of a time trying to hook up with anyone anywhere. Coming here is like their last chance to get laid.

What do you think, honey?

Feb 3, 2012, 6:08 AM
Gear; if I could, I'd buy you a pint and give you one big sloppy kiss. I AM:thee one and only, Keefer. Please, please, no applause. Be it 201, 728 or 10.7(that one has meaning). Snot, I just figged me ciggy has a hole in the side of it, and now I'm smokin aeh......be damned! Cigs ont cheap in the States, naw is tawk. I came here, and immediately got affronted by a section of society, be it universal, that is not as accepting as it is advertised. Now, Drew can ban me, AGAIN, but it isn't an indictment on him, in as much as it is on what this site represents. Mikey3000 got banned for the exact same undocumented accusation that this, lastgent, made against a member. I suppose the CC arraingment went though and this ones fell though the cracks of notice. I came here in peace, and noticed some unclutured people throwing poop

Keefer.. I dont want u or ne 1 else banned... but the accusations of throwin' poop r a bit rich rollin' outa ur cyber gob... somehow I think ur idea of coming in peace and what cultured person is diverge just before we get to the letter "c"...

.. but do mean it when I say I hope u stick around.. not sure u will learn very much because I dont think ur capable of it, neither am I sure u have much to offer except maybe entertainment value.. but we live in hope.. for without that Keefer babes, the world indeed has a bleak future..

Feb 3, 2012, 9:29 AM
well hope i'm not one of the wierdy's :eek: lol. if i am so be it...:rolleyes: but then who knows what evil lurks in the minds of men. lol guess i am fortunate not to have been present at any of these sessions. i do have a terrible temper and if unleashed at someone who would start some crap with me could get nasty. but i try to ignore ignorance and people who do not behave themselves in a reasonable manner. sometimes it's best to just walk away never saying a word and leave them in their own little world of crap with them thinking their happy happy thoughts with their heads up where the sun don't shine thinking they are smelling roses. lol as far as banning, i don't believe anything or anyone should be banned unless they are so destructive to the chat or forums that no one has any peace. like was said earlier if they post don't reply, if in chat just ignore then they are not a problem.
i do not like the word ban, ever since it has become popular, everyone wants to ban anything they don't like, which if you think about it would eventually be everything in the world lol:eek: there will always be something that someone dose not like. and remember what is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular. tolarence is the answer. i know some have been here a long time and are comfortable with this place , some even think it is their place, but let me remind you it is a public place, all one has to do is register and they get in. there is no screening process. so you are subject and have to deal with all kinds of people, good and bad. i for one am glad for the good ones while iggying the bad ones lol. and this is my :2cents: to this mess :tong: lmao

Feb 3, 2012, 5:10 PM
Gear; if I could, I'd buy you a pint and give you one big sloppy kiss.
I can't remember the last time someone bought me a Guinness and kissed me. Yes I can! It was Xmas 2010.:(
And YES, it did work btw.;)

Feb 3, 2012, 5:28 PM
well hope i'm not one of the wierdy's :eek: lol. if i am so be it...:rolleyes: but then who knows what evil lurks in the minds of men. lol guess i am fortunate not to have been present at any of these sessions. i do have a terrible temper and if unleashed at someone who would start some crap with me could get nasty. but i try to ignore ignorance and people who do not behave themselves in a reasonable manner. sometimes it's best to just walk away never saying a word and leave them in their own little world of crap with them thinking their happy happy thoughts with their heads up where the sun don't shine thinking they are smelling roses. lol as far as banning, i don't believe anything or anyone should be banned unless they are so destructive to the chat or forums that no one has any peace. like was said earlier if they post don't reply, if in chat just ignore then they are not a problem.
i do not like the word ban, ever since it has become popular, everyone wants to ban anything they don't like, which if you think about it would eventually be everything in the world lol:eek: there will always be something that someone dose not like. and remember what is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular. tolarence is the answer. i know some have been here a long time and are comfortable with this place , some even think it is their place, but let me remind you it is a public place, all one has to do is register and they get in. there is no screening process. so you are subject and have to deal with all kinds of people, good and bad. i for one am glad for the good ones while iggying the bad ones lol. and this is my :2cents: to this mess :tong: lmao

What Lastgent is referring to, as far as the conversation went in the chatroom, that has him so wound up over me, is that I told him he shouldn't have put up the thread concerning Leo_James. I didn't berate him, yell at him, or even scold him. But, as someone already said, there is no reason to open threads to tell tales about people.

Feb 3, 2012, 8:42 PM
What Lastgent is referring to, as far as the conversation went in the chatroom, that has him so wound up over me, is that I told him he shouldn't have put up the thread concerning Leo_James. I didn't berate him, yell at him, or even scold him. But, as someone already said, there is no reason to open threads to tell tales about people.

oh ok, well i'm not one for gossip and dont talk behind any ones back or try to start shit like i said i usually walk away and say no more. i think 99% of my posts are in general on the topic voicing my views , try not to beat anyone up although some might need it. i dont read posts and try to take sides or try to gain anothers friendship sideing with them on a topic i try to voice what i feel about the topic and more or less stay netural, and with that i will bid this topic good bye.