View Full Version : This is an Experiment

Jan 30, 2012, 12:20 AM
It might seem at first a ridiculous exercise, but I'm just playing with an idea here, so bear with me. I'd like to explain my thinking later, but would be good to see a couple people answer first: a sort of 'blind experiment.'

Q: Which statement do you feel *closest* describes your experience of being bisexual?

1) My bisexuality has elements of a heterosexuality and a homosexuality to it.


2) My bisexuality is my heterosexuality and my homosexuality combined.

This is not asking how you define your bisexuality or bisexuality in general. It only asks which description you feel closest to (even if 'close' is a million miles away).

This isn't about Kinsey scale, or leaning one way or another, or about labels, or definitions, or rehashing an old thread.

The terms used are intended to be very generic. They are highliy simplified ideas. Other types of sexuality are not included. Choose instinctively.


Long Duck Dong
Jan 30, 2012, 12:41 AM
mmm 2 would match me better....... 1 feels to be more about what I can do with others, 2 comes across as how I feel about myself in regards to others.....

Jan 30, 2012, 1:17 AM
I don't analyze it. I just enjoy it.

Jan 30, 2012, 1:39 AM
Ok just wanted to clarify again: this is not really a discussion post yet. (on 2nd thoughts a discussion forum maybe the wrong place for this but its worth a try)
At this stage, I'm only really interested in responses that include a choice made between questions 1 or 2 and/or reasons why e.g. LDD's response in terms of structure is a good example.

Only answer if you feel that can be done, as it's not looking for anything else yet. thx.

Jan 30, 2012, 8:16 AM
2 is closest

Jan 30, 2012, 8:53 AM
It might seem at first a ridiculous exercise, but I'm just playing with an idea here, so bear with me. I'd like to explain my thinking later, but would be good to see a couple people answer first: a sort of 'blind experiment.'

Q: Which statement do you feel *closest* describes your experience of being bisexual?

1) My bisexuality has elements of a heterosexuality and a homosexuality to it.


2) My bisexuality is my heterosexuality and my homosexuality combined.

This is not asking how you define your bisexuality or bisexuality in general. It only asks which description you feel closest to (even if 'close' is a million miles away).

This isn't about Kinsey scale, or leaning one way or another, or about labels, or definitions, or rehashing an old thread.

The terms used are intended to be very generic. They are highly simplified ideas. Other types of sexuality are not included. Choose instinctively.


I'm going with number 2.


Jan 30, 2012, 9:26 AM
Q: Which statement do you feel *closest* describes your experience of being bisexual?

1) My bisexuality has elements of a heterosexuality and a homosexuality to it.

being bisexual i hate choices like these two choices here, i want it all lol. so in all actually it bould be both lol.
would think number one to be the answer better to describe it, because my bisexuality is me, my being and the sexual aspect are just the elements of it. i am not restrained by labels, telling me who or what sex i can love or get close to. to me homosexuality is restrictive in that it sets one on a path for same sex only, also can be said of heterosexuality, where one is limited to opposite sex only, these restrictions can lead to biases and even hatreds that i refuse to be a part of.
in my bisexuality i feel free to love without restrictions or reservation. no taboos to burden my heart or confuse my mind with not understanding emotions or feelings that may come into play in certian situations. i can accept myself without feelings of remorse coupled with my religious beliefs my soul is free without the fear of sin or condemnation. my spirit is free to soar unhindered by others fears and beliefs. and of course this is just my :2cents: to this thread. :flag3:

Jan 30, 2012, 9:34 AM
loving what Pan had to say...especially as it describes how I feel/view.

Jan 30, 2012, 9:38 AM
number 1 is what I would select reluctantly.

At first I could not relate to either of the two statements. It seemed like an alien concept.

I do think that of the two, number one suits me better but neither are instantly identifiable.

I think that there are elements of hetero and homo rather than a combination in who I am. I find the word combine not identifiable as I don't feel that bisexuality is a combination but its own unique sexuality.

ie-green eyes are not a combination nor element of blue eyes. They are their own colour.

Jan 30, 2012, 9:55 AM
oh brill, this is great. It may be a reluctant choice, but if you can raise a flag to either satatement, do so. You can explain your reservations in detail if it feels too uncomfortable, as long as a choice is made.

Jan 30, 2012, 10:37 AM
Number two best fits my description of myself.

Jan 30, 2012, 10:55 AM
to me they would be both elements as if they were the same. as in one that would make me pansexual wouldent it, pansexual being either and both intertwined not caring at any time for one over the other. in my sexuality sometimes i do choose one over the other and vise versa. sometimes it dosent matter sometimes i choose both at the same time, and sometimes i am chosen by either sex. this being a personal choice as my feelings run. the word element in the first one is the key. it is just an element to my bisexuality, with my bisexuality being me and a lot more then just sexual , my entire being with all emotions and feelings, thoughts and beliefs going way beyond sex. many have sex for just the fun, or expirence and it feels great, i am one that can't help but get emotional with lots of feeling for my partner during and after sex. i hold no one above another even in these forums or this site. to me they are equal and all have good and bad traits. bottom line is they are people same as me with differences. the difference between the tow statements sounds philisophicial in nature and the difference being if one considers them self more then just a sexual label, and is their sexuality an element of them or their whole being. to me although i am a very sexual person it is not my whole being but an element of my being.

Herculoid Poirot
Jan 30, 2012, 11:44 AM
I'm a little confused by the phrasing of number one but if I have it right i would say number two for me.

Jan 30, 2012, 11:52 AM
I use jungle logic for my sexuality:

You human, me human
We both hot and throbby
We go humpy-hump in bushes

Try beating that.

Jan 30, 2012, 1:00 PM
I'd have to go with No2. but it's not as I see it really.

More like having both positive sides of hetero&homo with none of the negatives: I have the likes, but not the dislikes.:)

Edit: If we had just the 'dislike' combo we'd be asexual. Just a thought.lol

Jan 30, 2012, 2:03 PM
"I am not steak. You can't just order me" <- that is hilarious first time hearing it and i already wanted to put it as my facebook status:cool: heha ''i want it all'' yeah i agree with that dude that said that im the same way- i just want to have it all. Im bi but it doesn't exactly mean im gay it just means i want to fuck anything that's in front of me lol.. not really though sometimes i want to find a gud relationship but its not that easy when only 4 people in the entire human race knows that im bi

Jan 30, 2012, 2:04 PM
I would have to go with number 2 myself though there are times I feel very heterosexual, there are times I feel more homosexual... the difference for me would be that in my heterosexual feelings, I am emotional with women whereas with men it is totally and only sexual.

Jan 30, 2012, 5:50 PM
1) My bisexuality has elements of a heterosexuality and a homosexuality to it.

2) My bisexuality is my heterosexuality and my homosexuality combined.

Difficult for me to say as I feel there is fluidity and bisexuality is its own creature, a hybrid and symbiosis. Either statement above suggests the two major sexualities are separate and mutually exclusive.

Sorry, I don't see sexuality as being that. It is part of a much larger whole, humanity. For me there is not black or white, only grey. Feel the same on most things, however.

I enjoyed the line from Tree-beard in the LOTR movies. "I'm not on anybody's side because nobody is on mine." Makes it difficult to answer questions such as you pose. If pressed, suppose I would say number one. But still think it a bullox question.

Annika L
Jan 30, 2012, 6:06 PM
#2 suggests to me that bisexuality is some kind of "average" of homosexuality and heterosexuality.

#1 suggests to me that homosexuality and heterosexuality are both components of bisexuality, but that bisexuality is perhaps bigger than both.

Both notions feel binary(homo/hetero)-centric (but so is the whole concept of bisexuality, I suppose)...I don't love either for that reason. If you buy #2, then you don't need bisexuality at all: you're just (homosexual+heterosexual)/2.

So if I had to pick one, I'd say #1...a thing is generally more than the sum of its parts...and in this case, I don't think the only parts are homosexuality and heterosexuality.

Jan 30, 2012, 6:42 PM
#2. I love the feel of men and women and all their lovely parts that make life so much fun.

Jan 30, 2012, 9:05 PM
No. 1.

Jan 31, 2012, 5:08 PM
...and there's a number 3.....trisexual

Try anything.

Jan 31, 2012, 5:32 PM
Number 2

Jan 31, 2012, 7:10 PM
I'd like to explain my thinking later, but would be good to see a couple people answer first: a sort of 'blind experiment.'

So, care to share?

Jan 31, 2012, 9:24 PM
I would have to go with number 2 myself though there are times I feel very heterosexual, there are times I feel more homosexual... the difference for me would be that in my heterosexual feelings, I am emotional with women whereas with men it is totally and only sexual.

yes i agree - im the same way..but im trying to change that though

Feb 1, 2012, 6:42 AM
As with most that have posted neither really fits so I suppose #1 is closest.

Jorio Solo
Feb 1, 2012, 7:02 AM
On balance, 1 seems to feel like a closer match.

Edit: Though, on subsequent reflection, 2 has a sense of accuracy too..... it's what it is.

Feb 2, 2012, 8:36 AM
So, care to share?

Still nothing about the 'experiment'. Sorry, it has me curious. May have been the point to mention it. Don't know, nothing more about it. I ask again, care to share?

Feb 3, 2012, 1:21 PM
Bump Bump Bump

I'll keep bumping the thread until 'the experiment' is explained or discussed. This is what I'm talking about with congruency.

"Let's just mention stars over here, let it drop. Someone asks we look at them and ask what they're smoking."

Sorry, I believe if you mention stars then you should complete the thought. "Hey folks, the stars are laughing down on us. We should laugh back because we are the children of stars."

But no, we don't get complete thoughts. We get sound bytes and told we're nuts for asking where the rest lies, or even if there is a 'rest'. And yes, it pisses me off because I'm not crazy to simply want complete thoughts. Yet I'm told I am crazy, that everyone else 'gets it'.

Tell ya what. I'll tell ya the same thing I told a therapist. The 'getting it' thing is a big stupid joke. Ask somebody what 'it' is, they don't know. They'll you that you'll know when you get 'it'. So you ask if there's ways to describe this mythical 'it', so you might notice when your on the right track. Heck no, no way to describe 'it'.

Frankly, I believe there is no 'it' to get. People just enjoy watching other people struggle to find something non-existent. Ya know what I told my therapist? "Fuck that man, got better things to do aside from finding nothing." He laughed but then admitted I'd figured out something which takes several lifetimes for some people.

So please do complete this thought about some 'experiment', it might be interesting, might not. Either way no point making it a sound byte. I'll bump again later to see if you're telling everybody what you were trying to figure out.

Feb 4, 2012, 3:25 AM
Void! calm the bejesus down! I haven't forgotten.... lol
Really think i'd be that careless? i wanted to get to page 2...oh look I'm here. Thanks Void.

You just want everything now. Click-ya-fingers culture ain't it? lol :bigrin:

I ain't google luv. I was just waiting to see if there were a few more replies, and indeed consider why replies might tail off (which is also part of the context of what I was trying to find out)

don't get mad.
(bites nails)
and please don't be mad again if u think the explanation is lame.
(picking thumbs)
oh crap


Feb 4, 2012, 9:03 PM
Sorry, didn't mean to sound mad honey. I am mad but not in the angry way. :) Patience has never
been a virtue for me. I'll just hush over here. Doubt I'll get angry over your explaining. Void spies
a passing serving person with rum on a tray, follows ...