View Full Version : Things only Women Understand

Jan 29, 2012, 5:42 PM
Ok...I got this from Facebook. Other than that maybe it came from David Letterman or ?

Add to the list if you wish. Scream about misogyny...have fun...!:bigrin:

Things that only Women Understand

10/ The expression on cats' facial expression
9/ The need for the same style of shoes in different colours.
8 Why beam sprouts aren't just weeds.
7/ Fat Clothes
6/ Taking a car trip without trying to beat your best time.
5/ The difference between beirge, off-wjite and eggshell.
4/ Cutting your bangs to make them grow.
3/ Eyelash curlers.
2/ The inaccuracy of every bathroom scale over made.

and the number one thing only women understand:


Jan 29, 2012, 6:01 PM
....but bean shoots are weeds ...... aren't they????? :eek::eek:

I would replace that one #8 with

They recognise the medicinal qualities of champagne.


Jan 29, 2012, 6:44 PM
....but bean shoots are weeds ...... aren't they????? :eek::eek:

I would replace that one #8 with

They recognise the medicinal qualities of champagne.


Well Inna.. u certainly cant eat 'em....:tong:


how to walk properly in heels..

the true joy of shopping

the panic, disgust and loathing felt when spotting a woman wearing the same outfit

the indignation at spotting a guy wearing the same outfit and the sigh of relief when realising he will never look as good as u....

the joy of hen nights

irritation and horror as dogs cold noses sniff up our skirts and rage as our cheeks are displayed to the world by the inconsiderate brute!

annoyance when your 13 yo daughter tries on a dress and looks better in it than u do...

the embarrassment when ur 4 yo daughter asks in a very loud voice in Boots for u to explain exactly "What is a fanny pad?"

why is cognac just so fucking nice?