View Full Version : meeting up

Jan 22, 2012, 5:43 PM
I am still trying to figure myself out. I haven't had a relationship in 5 years,and never slept with a woman or a man. It feels kinda awkward that men are flirting with me on here and asking to meet up. I don't know what I should do. Its weird that these men are 20+ years older than me. How old is to old?

Jan 22, 2012, 5:50 PM
That is all up to you. It really is preference. I would just be careful if you decide to meet up (make it a public place) because some people can be really pushy. Don't let anyone coerce you into doing anything you are uncomfortable with. Remember you always have a choice in the matter.

Jan 23, 2012, 7:52 PM
How old is too old?

It depends on you! Many have shared intimacy with those vastly older, or younger. Others feel most comfortable with a person of similar ages.

If you're not attracted to an older, or younger person, just be open about it and tell them.

Each of us have our own specific criteria, but only you can determine what and who you're attracted to.

To me, it's as simple as ........don't settle for less than you want!

Jan 23, 2012, 9:36 PM
it's a personal preference, some like older, some like middle aged, some like younger. they all have their differences and values. like has been said just be careful when meeting with someone. i tend to try a feel a person out by how they say things and what they say, watch how they act and react to things said. use your instincts and feelings. if it does not feel right or if your instincts tell you somethings is wrong, then that could be a red flag warning you. or if you feel uncomfortable that is another red flag warning you of something. use your head, always play safe, use protection and if possible let someone know where your going and why, with any and all details of the person your meeting should something happen. meet young people, middle aged, and older and get a feel for what you want, like and feel best with. think you will find as many differences in every age group and some older are hotter then younger and same the other way around. there are no such thing as cookie cutter people. every one is unique and have their positive and negative qualities. this is my :2cents: and hope any or all of it helped.:flag3:

Jan 23, 2012, 10:14 PM
Could I recommend you find a local LGBT group first and find people of your own age group whatever it is and go have some fun and ensure yourself that the LGBT area is an area that people don't sprout 3 heads and carve off your genitalia with their razor teeth.

Seriously, there is no rush. Find people you are comfortable with and wanna hang out bowling, or picnicing, or watching art house films with, or doing the cafe and book critique thing (snore)....you get the point

Jan 24, 2012, 12:30 AM
Personaly i think age is just a number. My husband is 3 yrs younger than me. My girlfriend is like 20 yrs older. I was engaged to a man that was 10 yrs older. It is just where you are comfortable. You can Click with someone of any age with in the limits of law.:bipride:

Jan 24, 2012, 1:16 AM
The questions you ask are personal preference. It all depends on what you are attracted to. But if you decide to meet up, follow Jobelo's advice and meet in public. That way either of you can walk away for any reason.
As for what is too old, again, personal preference. My fiance is 23 years younger than me.

Jan 24, 2012, 3:09 AM
I've looked at what you have written in your questions and notice that your profile states 20 years old.

I would add a few more words to your profile stating the upper range that you are interested in meeting. It may be "I prefer someone close to my age and no one over 25" or "no one over 30". That is up to you to decide how narrow a range. (rather than the words "no one too old")

As far as guys hitting on you who are outside of your age preference simply answer with a statement. [I]"Thanks but I don't think that we are a match. I'm looking for someone no more than five years older than me"..or similar.

Jan 24, 2012, 10:06 AM
Usually it's best to meet up for sex with people that your sexually attracted to. That seems to help.:tongue:

If your looking for guidance on your first time sex experience, then you'd be better off with an experienced bloke, but that can be of ANY age really.
Find someone you fancy, and ask if they are willing to be patient and understanding with you. NOT some fuck&go job!;)

Jobelorocks's advice should be taken.;)

Jan 27, 2012, 2:52 AM
I once did it with an octogenarian. And i have to say it was great. There is an age where someone who is 'too old', can make you feel young again.
As I get older, it's the mid 40's I'm more worried about. Kind of like the bermuda triangle of dating site, age ranges. But then I thought 30somethings were neither here nor there when I was 18, and I love being a 30-something now

Bisexual Explorer
Jan 27, 2012, 6:48 AM
As a few others have already suggested, I make it a point to first do some messaging (I am not into chat, though I know some members who have been successful with that). Then if things go well meet for coffee. I have not met anyone dangerous or threatening; I have met a few for coffee with whom the chemistry just didn't work.
Drew suggests on the profile page that you use the profile to describe yourself and what you are looking for. I have found this is very good advice. It does limit the responses you get, but the ones you do get will be pretty good. And, it gets you to think through want you want, want your not ready for, and what you don't want. Age preference is a good example.
Remember that your profile is not forever. You can, and should, change it as you need to.
Good luck,