View Full Version : best way to make money

Jan 19, 2012, 11:19 PM
Ok so keep it clean and legal anyone have any suggestions on the best and fastest ways to make some money. I am gettin sick of living with my mom. We have such dif styles. :eek: plus sucks having to live apart from my husband and my other two dogs.

Jan 20, 2012, 12:20 AM
Redd, if you and mom had the same lifestyles, I might think that something was radically wrong or rather kinky...LOL. I wish I had the answer for you, because it would also answer my own question of the same. For me, it all comes down to capital....which I don't have. I would love nothing more than to go into the furniture making business and that takes money and a lot of gumption to do in this economy. I would believe that it comes down to the old fashion answer of finding a job, even part time and if need be, another part time job. Nothing is easy and I find that even for myself, we tend to fall into a thought process that one BIG deal will fulfill all of our financial needs. Unfortunately, as you and I know, it doesn't work that way. I wish you much luck in finding that niche you're looking for.

Jan 20, 2012, 12:44 AM
Have you considered PSO? :bounce:

Jan 20, 2012, 1:20 AM
Redd, Keefer,
Have you considered doing something online?
Keefer, you mentioned furniture making and how expensive it is. That is true, but if you had some examples of your work online and the proper targeted advertising campaign, if you do quality work and you had those things, my bet is you could not keep up with the orders. People are sick and tired of wal-mart quality crap that breaks every year. And yes, I used to do it myself. My specialty was mission style or Gustav Stickley style furniture. Then i got divorced and had to sell everything. House, Cars, Woodworking equipment, etc.
Redd, what do you love to do? What are you good at doing? Find where the answers to those two questions meet and go for it. As for quick, there is no truly quick way to make a LOT of money very quickly, unless your name is Hillary Clinton and you happen to get a tip on Cattle futures. lol

Jan 20, 2012, 3:34 AM
You and I were in the same boat, Falcon. I had a complete wood working shop in my basement. My speciality was Shaker furniture.....just loved those simple lines and utility. It wasn't so much the divorce that ended my little hobby there, but when we bought the second house (yes, even going through a divorce, we were still friends and bought a larger house) that's when I sold all my tools and machinery. Broke my heart as I loved what I did. If you remember the blues/jazz singer Phoebe Snow, well she was a friend, and wanted to introduce me to some interests in Manhattan that were into my style of furniture. It didn't pan out, as I was just to busy with other stuff, but I oft times wonder the proverbial "what if".

Jan 20, 2012, 3:36 AM
There isn't.
Money is accumalated by investing.
To do that, you need a base amount - this is where hard work comes in.
All the so-called squillionaires spent time in that initial task of getting a basic "seed" capital.
Then - well a very smart man, whom I sadly took little notice of, told me and a number of others that to make money - you go where the money is - banking/finance/proprety.
Te rest is up to you.

be prepared to put in a few years to accumulate a base capital and then "good luck."

:) The world needs people like yourself. :)

Jan 20, 2012, 5:33 AM
Cleaning business......

start by cleaning your friends houses/apartments then move on to other jibs from word of mouth.

Getting work from local authority PAYS well... especially if you get a social services clean....outlay is minimal and advice is always available.

Hard work but they pay is well worth it

Jan 20, 2012, 12:51 PM
You could try your luck in internet marketing.

There's a site named WarriorForum; it's for people who make a living from IM. You can find plenty of useful info there without having to sign up to bogus paid offers first.
You can also PM me if you want some tips.

Hope this helps.


Jan 21, 2012, 6:00 AM
First, is this the best place to ask? Perhaps start as an investment broker, you cannot do worse than thousands of others have done in the past.

Annika L
Jan 22, 2012, 12:47 AM
Ok so keep it clean and legal anyone have any suggestions on the best and fastest ways to make some money. I am gettin sick of living with my mom. We have such dif styles. :eek: plus sucks having to live apart from my husband and my other two dogs.

Ok, first I gotta say I *loved* your phrasing about "my husband and my other two dogs"...hilarious.

But if you want to earn decent fast money, then you might try waitressing. When I was young I did it, and both enjoyed it (and hated it, of course), and made really quite decent money. Of course, you have to be good with both people and time management (it's much like thinking very hard about a LOT of things that aren't terribly important)...and it can be somewhat physically demanding. But a major benefit is that you can earn tips even before that first paycheck comes rolling in...of course, the paychecks tend to suck...but as you get better, the tips definitely make up for it (and typically don't get reported by your employer for tax purposes...at least not all of them).

I would say waitressing, while not an ideal job, is certainly a quick ticket to being able to move out of your parents' house.

Good luck, whatever you end up doing!

Jan 22, 2012, 1:19 AM
Ok, first I gotta say I *loved* your phrasing about "my husband and my other two dogs"...hilarious.

Ha ha ha That isn't how i ment that lol But now that i look at it....Very funny!
I meant really that i can only have my boy dog live with me at mom's and my two girl dogs live with a friend....

Thanks all for your help I guess i am just frustrated and at whits end and then last night my car went down....:eek::rolleyes:

Jan 22, 2012, 6:30 AM
Ok, first I gotta say I *loved* your phrasing about "my husband and my other two dogs"...hilarious.

But if you want to earn decent fast money, then you might try waitressing. When I was young I did it, and both enjoyed it (and hated it, of course), and made really quite decent money. Of course, you have to be good with both people and time management (it's much like thinking very hard about a LOT of things that aren't terribly important)...and it can be somewhat physically demanding. But a major benefit is that you can earn tips even before that first paycheck comes rolling in...of course, the paychecks tend to suck...but as you get better, the tips definitely make up for it (and typically don't get reported by your employer for tax purposes...at least not all of them).

I would say waitressing, while not an ideal job, is certainly a quick ticket to being able to move out of your parents' house.

Good luck, whatever you end up doing!

I don't know how tax on tips works in ur part of the world, Annika, but here you are supposed to inform the revenue of any tips received... if you dont, and you are in a job such as waitressing, pub or club work, you will be assessed and provided with a tax coding through PAYE assuming that you have received a certain amount in tips over a tax year and be provided with an appropriate tax coding so that tax can be collected...

So it can be ok in one sense.. if you earn lots in tips and the coding doesnt reflect the amount u have gained.. you are quids in.. if however as happens in many places, especially for instance in poorer areas where tips are not so common, this can bite your arse and you will be provided with a tax coding which will gather more tax than the tips you have earned.. in such instances it is up to the individual to prove the tax coding incorrect and argue the toss with the revenue.. but as anyone who has had any dealings with the revenue knows.. they are very miserly and extremely reluctant to admit they were wrong and chapter and verse, evidence and hopefully some support from an employer will be needed or tough.. u are landed with paying on money you have never had and never likely to see...


My own advice is that if you want to earn quick good money, dont do any job that is reliant on tips to boost very poor pay... not only is the cash poor for the job done, the level of tips are inconsistent and can mean paying out more in tax on tips than you actually earn in tips...

No matter what we do, get rich quick schemes are notoriously unpredictable and usually doomed to failure.. if you have a particular skill you may employ that to earn money (such as folk singing, art or crafts or a trade) but quickly? No Red.. maybe the sex trade if ur "lucky", not necessarily in the selling of ur body for sex.. but even then it can take time for the dosh to roll in... I do have a friend who is an escort, but even she pretty as she is, took time to get established and that can be a bit of an unpredictable life...... nothing is sure in life and I'm afraid its the long hard plod for most...

Jan 22, 2012, 9:40 AM
Hand crafts such as knitting, crochet, sewing can be sold on sites like Etsy (http://www.etsy.com/), Ebay (http://www.ebay.com/). You might even use a financial service like PayPal (http://www.paypal.com/), or alternatives (http://www.screw-paypal.com/alternatives/alternatives_general_recommended.html). The hardest part being calculating material cost + time cost and giving someone a fair price. My wife has made things for people, having them agree on paying all material cost and a token for time paid. A lot various electronic magazines often take filler pieces, you could write up seasonal articles, quick pieces of 1,500 words or less.

Annika L
Jan 22, 2012, 10:41 AM
I don't know how tax on tips works in ur part of the world, Annika, but here you are supposed to inform the revenue of any tips received... if you dont, and you are in a job such as waitressing, pub or club work, you will be assessed and provided with a tax coding through PAYE assuming that you have received a certain amount in tips over a tax year and be provided with an appropriate tax coding so that tax can be collected...

To clarify/elaborate for the OP, I waited tables four summers at two (very) different places. Each had a way of estimating your tips, based on how much food your customers ordered, and this was reported for tax purposes. Yes, if your tips were lower than that, you were just screwed. But in four summers at two places, this never happened to me...I always made significantly more than the estimate.

Yes, you were supposed to report any excess, but there was no mechanism at either place for checking up on this...and since the system was inherently unfair (the place paid under minimum hourly wage, and you weren't allowed to claim you'd made less than their estimate in tips, even if you did), I felt (a) justified in accepting their estimate whether it was too high or too low, and (b) secure that there was no way for anyone to know either way. You're not gonna get rich from the tax savings...it was just a nice perq of a low-income occupation.

I do not claim that any person can and will make excellent money waiting tables. I did and do claim that decent money can be made there. It's not easy work, by any stretch of the imagination (physically demanding and often quite frustrating and demeaning)...and so is an educational job to do for a while. But it also doesn't require any prior skills/training (they can train you on the job in a week), and you can make enough pretty quickly so that you can live on your own...which was the OP's need.

Jan 22, 2012, 12:08 PM
I suppose "mistressing" can be quite easy money and very profitable.. I dont mean just being the boss's bit on the side, having a quickie after work or a mucky weekend or two with some down and out loser, cos that depends on just how well off the boss is.. but being an rich ole mans darlin'.. or a rich young 1's.. if ur young espesh, attractive, usually female and u catch the big boss's eye or some other guy who has a few quid that can be petty immediate good money if u play ur cards right.. maybe set up in ur own place, nice things and treated like a goddess...

.. this 2 isnt something I could do but I've known a few... seems much too restricting to me, and it does have its drawbacks.. its likely to end sometime although not necessarily and know one woman who has been just such for many years.. and married can mean the wife getting in on the act by giving the "mistress" and the old man a right hard time both socially, physically and financially.. to say the least.. arguably its a form of prostitution but none the less legal and in my view not something anyone should be considered less for... the future of "mistressing" is decidely uncertain but maybe for a short term immediate change it would do the trick.. long term prospects being somewhat unpredictable and likely to last only until someone younger and prettier catches the eye of the beholder and coffer up of goodies and riches...

...all u have to do is strike lucky and find some guy with the wherewithall who fancies ya enough to set up and make u his mistress...

Jan 22, 2012, 12:53 PM
With the current advancement in technology, there really are a lot of changes already and the usual work done on the office can now be done online, at the comfort of your own place. And I guess, you could try your luck there, though that is not something that you just roll out for.

And while it is a lot easy when you are already starting with it, the competition is much stiffer (and we would not hope that is the only thing left at that)