View Full Version : Animal cruelty?

Jan 19, 2012, 9:03 AM
Not the way to tackle a puddy cat.


Jan 19, 2012, 11:01 AM
I read the original story of a cat in the UK, who rode the bus every day with amazement when it came out back around '07. When this story hit the wires, I was saddened as I remembered the furry man from the story a few years prior. Here's Casper the Cat.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1244106/Cat-boarded-bus-day-years-killed-hit-run.html :(

Jan 19, 2012, 11:10 AM
I read the original story of a cat in the UK, who rode the bus every day with amazement when it came out back around '07. When this story hit the wires, I was saddened as I remembered the furry man from the story a few years prior. Here's Casper the Cat.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1244106/Cat-boarded-bus-day-years-killed-hit-run.html :(

i used to catch the bus with the cat lol when based in the dockyard.

Jan 19, 2012, 11:21 AM
When I seen your story on the tigger on top of the building, I thought of this story on the cat. Doing a search I put in "cat on bus in the UK" it became apparent that cats taking the bus in Britian is somewhat of a common thing. LOL I know I got the right story on the cat, but I seem to remember another one where the cat rode on the bumper, and got off at a particular spot every day, and went and schmoozed his way into some free vittles. There is another awesome story of a pet penguin in Japan, complete with a backpack full of ice to keep him "in the chill" as he saches his way into town to chow down on some fish. Amazing.

Jan 19, 2012, 12:20 PM
I read the original story of a cat in the UK, who rode the bus every day with amazement when it came out back around '07. When this story hit the wires, I was saddened as I remembered the furry man from the story a few years prior. Here's Casper the Cat.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1244106/Cat-boarded-bus-day-years-killed-hit-run.html :(

Sad that some one would heartlessly hit and run. those people really piss me off. I am a pet owner and my dogs are my kids. I would be very upset if one of them was hit and killed.

But on another note the tiger thing was tooo funny. I had a white one from a game at an amusement park. when i brought it home my dogs thought it was real and would sniff and growl and bark. My rats and bunny loved it until my biggest dog got sick of it and at the poor kitty.

Jan 19, 2012, 1:45 PM
When I seen your story on the tigger on top of the building, I thought of this story on the cat. Doing a search I put in "cat on bus in the UK" it became apparent that cats taking the bus in Britian is somewhat of a common thing. LOL I know I got the right story on the cat, but I seem to remember another one where the cat rode on the bumper, and got off at a particular spot every day, and went and schmoozed his way into some free vittles. There is another awesome story of a pet penguin in Japan, complete with a backpack full of ice to keep him "in the chill" as he saches his way into town to chow down on some fish. Amazing.

Edinburgh zoo is famous for its penguins and has a very successful breeding programme.. the lil pengis have all my life been the zoo's most popular attraction and loved by all... the lil birdies are taken for a nice walk each day by keepers and feeding time is loved by kids of all ages... however..

..don't mention pengis to the zoo's latest aquisitions.. 2 bloody great giant pandas... the lil pengis took a dim view of bein replaced as the zoo's top attraction by the pandas an' have taken to the pastime of chucking shite at the big fluffy bears an all who visit them...


Fran's lil Steiff Panda is bein kept well away from such thuggery.. pengi poo mings.... trust me...

Jan 19, 2012, 2:15 PM
OMG, Fran. I read that story and outside of finding it hilarious, I am a bit bewildered as to how a penguin, with no opposable thumbs..lol is able to throw its own poop? I also looked up what a rock hopping pengie looks like; do they just look devious or what? LMAO

Jan 19, 2012, 5:45 PM
The kitty riding the bus, aww - that's so sad! I can only think that someone couldn't stop in time?

As far as the tiger goes, white people should learn to mind their own business..I have the same problem driving down the highway - if there's an accident across the median they all have to slow down to look, even if our side is clear. Trust me, you really don't WANT to see someone being scrapped out of the bottom of a wheel well.

Jan 19, 2012, 6:47 PM
WHITE PEOPLE, Elian? LOL.......I am sure that is a typo, right? :eek:

Jan 19, 2012, 8:39 PM
Sure <grins> - sorry every once in a while the bigot seeps out..

Jan 20, 2012, 8:30 AM

What's even more disturbing about this story, is seeing what this guy looks like. One thing I don't get though; is it animal cruelty, which he was charged with, to simply eat a cat? The story doesn't say that it was Sylvester who was owned by anyone. What if he was wearing the entrials of a raccoon that he had just finished up? Ferile cats are a major problem in many communities these days and besides, just where do you think that chicken, in the chowmein came from....hmmmmm?