View Full Version : Growing old at 23

Emotional Masochist
Jan 18, 2012, 12:12 AM
So this is my sad sad tale of how I became an old man....:( heheh so today on my wonderful day off id ecided to go downstairs and watch some tv. But my cable is out because some idiot hasn't payed the bloddy bill.... anyways i had recorded some of my shows so i was lying on the couch when my evil mother decides to make me get up and start her car so she can go to work:rolleyes: so braving the cold and the rain i ran out started the car and ran back inside. i then decide to jump into the couch like i always do. 5 seconds later my back seizes up and i have to get up because im in absolute agony.i decide to try and make it up the stairs and get some pain killers and a lie down. but as i start climibn my knee starts acting up and starts cracking ehhe so i ended up spending my day vegetating trying not to bend my back. couldn't lie down for most of the day because i couldn't bend it just hurt so much so just sat in the couch for most of the day and when the pain went down i came up to bed and have just been lying here all afternoon. :( so this is me at 23 time will only tell what i will be like at 30

Long Duck Dong
Jan 18, 2012, 12:26 AM
what will you be like at 30 ? older :tong:

how active are you normally ? I am talking about normal exercise, not gym work etc... and do you stretch much ?

drugstore cowboy
Jan 18, 2012, 2:54 AM
Your mom doesn't sound evil. She allows you to veg all day at home, watch TV, and take painkillers while she's at work. Don't complain about her making you get up from the couch to go outside to start her car.

Jan 18, 2012, 7:52 AM
Your mom doesn't sound evil. She allows you to veg all day at home, watch TV, and take painkillers while she's at work. Don't complain about her making you get up from the couch to go outside to start her car.

I know right? Most of us at 23 were out on our own and working. (Now I don't know if the OP works, but I know what I do on my days off work, I clean the house and do a bunch of errands, like I am doing today.) Getting up and doing something even when you don't feel like it is part of life.

Jan 18, 2012, 8:17 AM
Why would anyone even put out that they're a lazy friggen slob? At 23 no less. Damn!

Jan 18, 2012, 8:19 AM
Your mom doesn't sound evil. She allows you to veg all day at home, watch TV, and take painkillers while she's at work. Don't complain about her making you get up from the couch to go outside to start her car.

Drugstore...don't you get it? She's the "idiot" who forgot to pay the cable bill.

Jan 18, 2012, 9:47 AM
Drugstore...don't you get it? She's the "idiot" who forgot to pay the cable bill.

Ya, until they start paying the bills they can't call anyone an "idiot" for not paying them.

Emotional Masochist
Jan 18, 2012, 11:05 AM
K first of all this was supposed to be bit of a laugh at myself over a bad moment in my life. i had lots of errands and shit to do yesterday which i could't get done because of my hurt back. i only vegetated on my couch because i coudln't move. The remark about my mother being evil was suposed to be a joke hence the :rolleyes:. Yes she is the idiot who hasn't paid the bills but that's not the issue and for fuck's sake don't judge me without knowing me. This is my house. I pay bills that don't belong to me to keep this stupid house moving and yea i still live with my parents but that's only because im still in college oh and yea i do have a fucking job. sadly enough im the one going into debt to fucking keep things running so don't fucking start with me. I am not complaining about the $400,000 mortgage in my name or the bloody thousands of dollars of credit card debt im in. look i pay bills. i pay the the internet, the home phone, the home insurance my car insurance, all the stupid credit cards they have racked up in my name. trust me i have all the right to flip out on them when they forget to pay bills for three months and instead waste moeny on expensive gifts and bs. sorry money and my family life isn't a fun topic. im not a saint or anything of the kind. I am just a guy who knows what he has to do and does it.trust me having a day to just lie in bed and do nothing is a blessing i am not often afforded. in fact when i wrote my first post i was laughin about how i was glad i was in pain because i got to finally spend a day doing nothing. so do me a favour don't over analyse it. just read it for what it is. a stupid kid complaining about growing old at 23.

And to ldd thank you for sticking to the real topic. i was just talking about howi felt old. i hurt my back at my job when i was eighteen and then got into a car accident, so my body is a little messed up. i try to do stretches everyday so things like this don't happen. but i might have over done it day before which could have added to this. i must admit i got a little lazy over the holidays hence i'm might have over compensated now. i rarely go to the gym, but i am not a very active person. i run around a lot at work and i have started trying to avoid elevators.but realistically i'm not active

Jan 18, 2012, 5:02 PM

Only joshing EM.:tong:

Emotional Masochist
Jan 18, 2012, 10:18 PM
ehhe lol gearbox :bigrin:

sorry folks if i went a little of the deep earlier today. I kind of just blew up on my mother and my family for the crap they are pulling and yeah kind of came here and saw that.... i apologise for taking out my frustration on you guys. :( It wasn't deserved and i reacted terribly. so again i have to say im sorry...

drugstore cowboy
Jan 18, 2012, 11:19 PM
You're 23 and in college. There's no reason that you should still be living at home. Move out into a dorm, or get an apartment with friends.

Or keep living at home and stop complaining when your mom asks you to do things for her while you still live there with her.

Jan 18, 2012, 11:24 PM
K first of all this was supposed to be bit of a laugh at myself over a bad moment in my life. i had lots of errands and shit to do yesterday which i could't get done because of my hurt back. i only vegetated on my couch because i coudln't move. The remark about my mother being evil was suposed to be a joke hence the :rolleyes:. Yes she is the idiot who hasn't paid the bills but that's not the issue and for fuck's sake don't judge me without knowing me. This is my house. I pay bills that don't belong to me to keep this stupid house moving and yea i still live with my parents but that's only because im still in college oh and yea i do have a fucking job. sadly enough im the one going into debt to fucking keep things running so don't fucking start with me. I am not complaining about the $400,000 mortgage in my name or the bloody thousands of dollars of credit card debt im in. look i pay bills. i pay the the internet, the home phone, the home insurance my car insurance, all the stupid credit cards they have racked up in my name. trust me i have all the right to flip out on them when they forget to pay bills for three months and instead waste moeny on expensive gifts and bs. sorry money and my family life isn't a fun topic. im not a saint or anything of the kind. I am just a guy who knows what he has to do and does it.trust me having a day to just lie in bed and do nothing is a blessing i am not often afforded. in fact when i wrote my first post i was laughin about how i was glad i was in pain because i got to finally spend a day doing nothing. so do me a favour don't over analyse it. just read it for what it is. a stupid kid complaining about growing old at 23.

And to ldd thank you for sticking to the real topic. i was just talking about howi felt old. i hurt my back at my job when i was eighteen and then got into a car accident, so my body is a little messed up. i try to do stretches everyday so things like this don't happen. but i might have over done it day before which could have added to this. i must admit i got a little lazy over the holidays hence i'm might have over compensated now. i rarely go to the gym, but i am not a very active person. i run around a lot at work and i have started trying to avoid elevators.but realistically i'm not active

Something is wrong with this picture! How does a 23 year old college student, working his way through school, end up with a $4oo,ooo house, making mortgage payments & also paying the lion's share of the bills to maintain that house? And if that's the case, his parents are living with him! This reeks of major bs to me, just more of what we need here!:cool:

Emotional Masochist
Jan 19, 2012, 12:38 AM
heheh thanks folks. i am quite proud of my life. whether you believe my sorrowful tale or not doesn't concern me.hehe

but like i was trying to say earlier this is off topic from my original post. and like is said earlier the comment about my mother was a joke get over it. I love doing little things like that for my mother. i also made her cofee and breakfast because I felt like it, but i didn' feel like bragging about how hard I work to keep her happy;). seriously it was a joke she asked me to start her car and move mine cause she cant drive a manual so i did. was as simple as that. trust me i call my mother evil and old all the time but that is because I love her and its how we are. she calls me Satan spawn and dumass. its nothing new to us.my nickname for her is literally "old lady" in Tamil and hers for me means "midget". yes i have issues with my family but i love them. I don't know how i ended up defending my life or my love for my mother. this was supposed to be a simple post about me hurting my back.i have read and reread the post over and over and i can't understand where i went wrong in my message. maybe i shouldn't have been so detailed. maybe it got overcomplicated with all the extras.either way doesn't matter. i regret my post and this whole thread.i apologise for starting

Jan 19, 2012, 1:26 AM
heheh thanks folks. i am quite proud of my life. whether you believe my sorrowful tale or not doesn't concern me.hehe

but like i was trying to say earlier this is off topic from my original post. and like is said earlier the comment about my mother was a joke get over it. I love doing little things like that for my mother. i also made her cofee and breakfast because I felt like it, but i didn' feel like bragging about how hard I work to keep her happy;). seriously it was a joke she asked me to start her car and move mine cause she cant drive a manual so i did. was as simple as that. trust me i call my mother evil and old all the time but that is because I love her and its how we are. she calls me Satan spawn and dumass. its nothing new to us.my nickname for her is literally "old lady" in Tamil and hers for me means "midget". yes i have issues with my family but i love them. I don't know how i ended up defending my life or my love for my mother. this was supposed to be a simple post about me hurting my back.i have read and reread the post over and over and i can't understand where i went wrong in my message. maybe i shouldn't have been so detailed. maybe it got overcomplicated with all the extras.either way doesn't matter. i regret my post and this whole thread.i apologise for starting

I once had a pinched nerve in my back, the result of extremely heavy lifting on my job; it was the most extreme backache I've ever endured. The only place I could find relief was laying flat on my back on my carpeted living room floor. For awhile, it was so intense, I feared I was going to be incapacitated for life!

Jan 19, 2012, 2:35 AM
First, if the story is true (and you have to admit how it would sound false to many), then you are a good son.
Second, If you are having back problems and knee "complaints" at 23, you are in serious trouble. I know this is rude to ask, but are you overweight? I made the mistake for most of my younger life of working INSANE hours and not taking care of myself. I won't go into complete details. Seriously, at 23, if you are having these issues, the first thing you need to do is hire a nutritionist for a few weeks, to teach you how to eat properly. And then you need to hire a personal trainer to come up with four complete workout routines for you. Rotate them every 3 months, because your muscles become used to the movements after 12 weeks and unless you challenge your muscles, you are wasting your time.
DON'T make the mistakes I did! I have 3 kids under 18, an ex-wife, and a 22 year old STUNNING fiance. And at 45, I am 6', 325 pounds. But for some stupid reason, which I cannot figure out, my fiance loves me anyway. I have been diabetic since age 38 and am currently taking 65 units of insulin (by shot) twice daily. Plus metformin. I have had high blood-pressure since I was 37. Before that, EVERY doctor visit, my blood pressure was 110/70. EVERY time. Absolutely perfect. It totally spiked when I turned 37. I was in the hospital for an emergency appendectomy 2 years ago. My BP (and I was taking meds for it at the time) was 213/168. What I am saying is don't make the mistakes I did. Take time for yourself. To keep both your body and mind fit.
Start slowly and build into good exercise. I have the knowledge (I have studied exercise and nutrition on my own and with the help of others since I was about 35.). I just suck at executing it. I eat fairly well. Very little fast food or friend food. A lot of natural food. But I am a programmer by trade and sit at a desk all day and by the time I get home at night, I have ZERO energy.
I DESPERATELY want to get in shape for my fiance, but make the excuse of being so tired all the time. She is 5'1", 105 lbs. and easily blows away any Miss Philippines ever crowned.
As for your mom and the issues (hehe), quite frankly, you chose the issues. Sorry for the kick in the butt, but you deserve it. If you don't like the situation, you have the power to change it. And no, I don't mean the part about moving and starting cars. I am talking about financial and emotional. Nicknames are cute. Cut downs are not. Doesn't matter if they are from parent to child or from child to parent, they don't belong in a family dynamic. SELF-deprecating humor is another matter entirely. But someone putting you down in the family is not cool and you putting someone else down in the family is not cool.
Sorry for the long winded response, but if you keep on the way you are going (sedentary lifestyle, working insane hours, school, emotional burden because of financial commitments), you are heading for an early death. Seriously.
However, if the post is BS, then my response is of no consequence. lol

Jan 19, 2012, 6:00 AM
heheh thanks folks. i am quite proud of my life. whether you believe my sorrowful tale or not doesn't concern me.hehe

but like i was trying to say earlier this is off topic from my original post. and like is said earlier the comment about my mother was a joke get over it. I love doing little things like that for my mother. i also made her cofee and breakfast because I felt like it, but i didn' feel like bragging about how hard I work to keep her happy;). seriously it was a joke she asked me to start her car and move mine cause she cant drive a manual so i did. was as simple as that. trust me i call my mother evil and old all the time but that is because I love her and its how we are. she calls me Satan spawn and dumass. its nothing new to us.my nickname for her is literally "old lady" in Tamil and hers for me means "midget". yes i have issues with my family but i love them. I don't know how i ended up defending my life or my love for my mother. this was supposed to be a simple post about me hurting my back.i have read and reread the post over and over and i can't understand where i went wrong in my message. maybe i shouldn't have been so detailed. maybe it got overcomplicated with all the extras.either way doesn't matter. i regret my post and this whole thread.i apologise for starting

Yes, back problems suck, they last forever and each person has a different threshold for pain - like falcon, I think if there is any hope for you of getting medical relief or therapy I would persue it..medications suck - half the time the side affects are worse than the symptoms they cover up.

We didn't know that those were just affectionate pet names that you used for each other.. That reminds me of the first couple I dated, I just couldn't get over how they would bicker with each other all the time, "Oh don't let it bother you -that's just how we talk!" <shakes head>

Jan 19, 2012, 12:41 PM
I can sympathize with you EM i am 25 and have killed my body in sports injuries. I fractured 2 vertebra when i was between sophomore and junior yrs of High school , Had to completely have my right knee rebuilt when i tore MCL and ACL as an 8th grader, Threw a softball side armed so long that I have "tennis" elbow basically and I have arthritis in my hands. Like i said i am only 25. The Dr.s have told me when i get to be 50+ that i am screwed

Jan 19, 2012, 4:27 PM
I can sympathize with you EM i am 25 and have killed my body in sports injuries. I fractured 2 vertebra when i was between sophomore and junior yrs of High school , Had to completely have my right knee rebuilt when i tore MCL and ACL as an 8th grader, Threw a softball side armed so long that I have "tennis" elbow basically and I have arthritis in my hands. Like i said i am only 25. The Dr.s have told me when i get to be 50+ that i am screwed

I suppose a knee trembler is out of the question then........:tongue:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jan 19, 2012, 11:02 PM
I suppose a knee trembler is out of the question then........:tongue:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Ha ha ha Chook, Ask my husband about that one lol. Being on top kills my knees but you know what never stopped me:eek:

Jan 22, 2012, 12:56 PM
It really is hard when you start to age and you should do just about anything to stay fit as you grow older. Before, I have really tried to move up and down to maintain my weight and that is something tough when you look at it by the number.

I started with trying to live it as a lifestyle and everything just got a tad easier with that. I mean, imagine not having to watch each intake because you know that what you are all getting are good for you.

Jan 22, 2012, 12:59 PM
I work at 62 to take a break from things at the house. Deal

Jan 22, 2012, 3:09 PM
For women and your parents you are still young, but for the gay world you are not young any more (18 +- 4). That's bisexuality - being young and old at the same time!