View Full Version : Bowling and sexuality

Jan 15, 2012, 1:13 AM
So, I am Bisexual. I came out to my husband about a year ago. He loves the idea. But that is besides the point.
Went to the club about a week ago and met a bi guy and his straight roommate. They are great people. We went bowling with them last night. After we met them at the club the guy told me he thought my hubby was hot. Well he has said a few times he wants to turn my husband bi.
At the bowling alley last night my bi friend was all over the hubby. Am i the only person that would find it amusing to watch some one try to turn their significant other?:bipride:

Long Duck Dong
Jan 15, 2012, 4:39 AM
I would find it interesting....

I would be keen to watch the interaction between my straight partner and my bisexual / lesbian sister ( if she was still alive )

I would not see it as a contest but definately would be curious to see how my partner reacted to it and how my sister would have *worked * my partner.....

if something happened between them, I would not have blinked, as it would have been between them.... and no I would have not been interested in being involved, as I would have more interest in how my sister had * broken* a straight person.....

the only time I may have stepped in, would be if it crossed the line to extortion or blackmail... or the use of drugs and / or alcohol..... cos to me, thats outside of the boundaries of the *challenge *.....

Jan 15, 2012, 6:45 AM
That is a bit difficult. Your husband may be accepting your bisexuality but that doesn't mean that he will be comfortable with men hitting on him. He may and you might know better. From a certain angle, I find people who are trying to convert /seduce others to their sexuality not much better than a homophobe. All people are not bisexual or gay. Respect them. If this guy hits on your husband with your permission, your husband says politely no, and he continues would be be urging your husband to "turn bi" and try or tell the other guy to back off?

Jan 15, 2012, 6:59 AM
That is a bit difficult. Your husband may be accepting your bisexuality but that doesn't mean that he will be comfortable with men hitting on him. He may and you might know better. From a certain angle, I find people who are trying to convert /seduce others to their sexuality not much better than a homophobe. All people are not bisexual or gay. Respect them. If this guy hits on your husband with your permission, your husband says politely no, and he continues would be be urging your husband to "turn bi" and try or tell the other guy to back off?

I agree with you here, Tenni, with this proviso.. quite often when I was available, I was attracted to and hit on single women some of whom were heterosexual.. or claimed to be.. mostly I have always tried to look for signs through a woman's body language that she was interested or that she was bisexual or even gay, but sometimes even if those signals were not present I began a flirtacious dance which occasionally paid dividends... where I do agree is that once being told no, they arent interested, it is time to retreat and cease making advances.. people should be respected you are right.. but a game of seduction is a game of seduction and it can be and is quite complex.. people are not simply pieces of meat.. men or women.. but human beings who are who they are.. and we should never press them to be other..

Jan 15, 2012, 7:09 AM
I see your point darkeyes. Men have different codes than women though when it comes to touch.

It is one thing for a hetero husband to be accepting of his wife's bisexuality but another for his own sexuality. This might come back and bite the OP in the arse with her husband. If she gets hints that he may really be open to same sex action that is one thing. If it is to convert or tititlate, that is another. Only she knows why this intrigues her. She has posted and seems to want validation for wanting her husband to try same sex action. Its a dangerous thing to enter into how to sexually approach men who are hetero. If a mild flirtation works ok. She says the bi guy was all over her husband. Maybe, he is willing to try same sex. Maybe, she is putting him in an awkward place of discomfort.

Jan 15, 2012, 7:20 AM
I see your point darkeyes. Men have different codes than women though when it comes to touch.

It is one thing for a hetero husband to be accepting of his wife's bisexuality but another for his own sexuality. This might come back and bite the OP in the arse with her husband. If she gets hints that he may really be open to same sex action that is one thing. If it is to convert or tititlate, that is another. Only she knows why this intrigues her. She has posted and seems to want validation for wanting her husband to try same sex action. Its a dangerous thing to enter into how to sexually approach men who are hetero. If a mild flirtation works ok. She says the bi guy was all over her husband. Maybe, he is willing to try same sex. Maybe, she is putting him in an awkward place of discomfort.

I agree Tenni.. the most immediate risk, and a continuing one if he enters it reluctantly, is her partner's resentment of her trying to force him into a situation that he does not wish to be placed in.. or simply gets pissed off with her trying to persuade him to do something of which he is sexually and psychologically incapable.. trouble in store..

Jan 15, 2012, 10:39 AM
Harassing someone until they give in to same sex play is not a good thing. I know this from experience. When I was newly friends with an ex of mine, he was fascinated with me being bi. He had a female roommate that he was intimate with. He irritated, harangued, and harassed her all evening to play with me, and I was so horny for some girl lovin that I went along with it. All three of us were playing but mostly FMF. With his goading, I got more and more forward with her. She did allow me to please her, but she would not return the favor. At the time, it seemed like an ok thing to do, but looking back, it was not a nice thing. We forced her to do what she was not comfortable doing.

I understand the concept of wanting to see your mate in a "forbidden" situation, but you and the guy must be willing to let it end if your hubby says NO.

Jan 15, 2012, 1:27 PM
When I was about 12 we went south to visit my gran when the school holidays started.. in her part of the world there is a game called Crown Green Bowls.. it was just about the only human activity and fun I ever saw my gran have and the only times I saw her smile as she sipped her glass of stout in between games and it was about the only times I ever witessed her socialise anywhere near normally..

..until one Sunday afternoon on a scorching hot summer day when a very butch girl made a beeline for my sister.. she wouldnt take no for an answer.. my big sister, who was almost 17 at this time, was quite unnerved by these attentions but all was well when Gran finally noticed, stormed over waving her walking stick and threatened to brain the offender if she didn't back off.

I'm not sure this is strictly to do with the thread but it is an incident to do with a form of bowling linked to sexuality and people forcing their attentions on someone who wasnt interested... a little light relief if u like...

Jan 15, 2012, 3:12 PM
I think it's pretty rude to 'be all over' someone who hasn't at least expressed an interest in you. I'd hate to go bowling only to be the nights entertainment for some twat who thinks I'd obviously fek them cos they are so gorgeous etc.

There's 'Flirtation', and there's 'Badgering'. Sexiness dies a fast death when the former becomes the latter.;)

drugstore cowboy
Jan 15, 2012, 5:03 PM
I think it's pretty rude to 'be all over' someone who hasn't at least expressed an interest in you. I'd hate to go bowling only to be the nights entertainment for some twat who thinks I'd obviously fek them cos they are so gorgeous etc.

There's 'Flirtation', and there's 'Badgering'. Sexiness dies a fast death when the former becomes the latter.;)

I agree.

It reeks of desperation and immaturity.

Jan 15, 2012, 9:11 PM
I would love it too see a woman all over my wife and another man for that matter (not a man in public though just in the bedroom)

Jan 15, 2012, 9:56 PM
My husband was not put off by the "flirting" He let it go on. I was amused and would not mind if he explored his sexuality a little more maybe open his mind a little. I would not lovehim less either way. I agree that harrassing someone and pushing yourself/sexuality is not the right was to go however this was not the case. My bi friend was just having fun. My husband went with it. Including the comment that if he were to swing his vote that he would want someone like our friend for a 3way:bigrin:

Long Duck Dong
Jan 15, 2012, 11:33 PM
sounds like ya hubbys a real cool guy and open to harmless joking and flirting.......and its awesome that he likes ya friend and is open about how if things in the future change, that he would choose your friend....

Jan 16, 2012, 1:52 AM
sounds like ya hubbys a real cool guy and open to harmless joking and flirting.......and its awesome that he likes ya friend and is open about how if things in the future change, that he would choose your friend....

he tries to be open minded in all situations and i love it bc i like to explore:tong:

Jan 16, 2012, 2:28 AM
lol Hey Duck? Does this mean I can grin lecherously at DD? Just kidding hon, I'll just hafta wink naughty at Rock....LOL
Silly Cat

Long Duck Dong
Jan 16, 2012, 2:31 AM
lol cat, sure.... lol...... bribe her with cookies and you may get a kiss :tong::tong:

Jan 16, 2012, 11:46 PM
lol cat, sure.... lol...... bribe her with cookies and you may get a kiss :tong::tong:

HEY HEY HEY CALLIN ME FAT lol lol:tongue:

Jan 17, 2012, 12:50 AM
lol Hey Duck? Does this mean I can grin lecherously at DD? Just kidding hon, I'll just hafta wink naughty at Rock....LOL
Silly Cat

Cat, my favorite pussy, since when did you need his permission? :tongue: