View Full Version : Why can't people just accept other poeple for who they are?

Jan 15, 2012, 12:09 AM
I'd like to apologize to start off with because I am in an inebriated state and just had a good night end badly. That said, the thread title pretty much expresses my current state of mind.

I'm the kind of person who can accept anyone for who they are no matter what. Well, maybe not quite, I can't stand people who hurt others intentionally and such. But why are there so many people in this world who can't accept others for who they are? I just don't understand this. What bothers me more though is those people who seem to accept you for who you are and then suddenly seem to change their minds.

What is wrong with this world?

Long Duck Dong
Jan 15, 2012, 12:25 AM
in simple and blunt terms, its cos we are not clones... we are individuals..... and cos we are not being mindless puppets and *doing as we are told * it creates conflict.....

freedom of rights, expression, belief etc.... the empowerment to be who we are.... and get annoyed cos the rest of the world exercises the same thing and doesn't conform to what we want.... which is our vision for the world to become a reality......and our refusal to accept that it will not make everybody happy....

Jan 15, 2012, 1:03 AM
First, It will be ok! People in general are not accepting of change or diversity. In the world today we have both. Many are in an "old world" mind set. So, Interracial relationships, Bi/gay/lex/trans, Goth, emo and more are not accepted bc that means things are changing things are diverse. My Pap recently "grew Into" the idea of diversity but still has an old world view as well. It is ok for my aunt to date a black man but it is not ok for me to try to date a man and a woman. All you can do is let it go. If someone is not open minded they can not move past there ideals. You flip em off and be you!:bigrin::flag3:

Jan 15, 2012, 1:19 AM
I'd like to apologize to start off with because I am in an inebriated state and just had a good night end badly. That said, the thread title pretty much expresses my current state of mind.

I'm the kind of person who can accept anyone for who they are no matter what. Well, maybe not quite, I can't stand people who hurt others intentionally and such. But why are there so many people in this world who can't accept others for who they are? I just don't understand this. What bothers me more though is those people who seem to accept you for who you are and then suddenly seem to change their minds.

What is wrong with this world?

Amazing! If you can express yourself this clearly and concisely while intoxicated, what are you like when sober?:)

Jan 15, 2012, 4:55 AM
lol People have been trying to figure this out for Centuries, Sweetie. Its because humans are what they are...human. Some people have this pre-concieved notion of who folks should be, How they should be, and they want them to fit in this teeny-tiny neat little box. Well not all of us were meant to Be in that convieniant little box, and arent of society's norm. We are Who we are. The un-enlightened cannot accept what isnt within Their realm of norm. Sucks ta be them, huh....;)

I would 1000 times prefer to be misunderstood for who I am rather than have to conform to someone elses perceiption of what They think I should be. But that's just my way of thinking...:bigrin::cool:;)
Be You. Plain and simple. :}

Jan 15, 2012, 6:33 AM
There are probably lots of reasons. I think that one reasons is that the person feels threatened. They may feel threatened for a lot of reasons and it is often xenophobia.(fear of strangers). You may not technically be foreign to them as from another country, culture, religion etc. but you are not similar enough to them that it threatens their security. Even if they appear to have been accepting of you, your behaviour may not conform enough with their expectations and the fear of being threatened over rides their former tolerance.

Jan 15, 2012, 8:30 AM
It is easier to surrender to fear and then to hate. The harder choice is to be courageous and learn, live, love. People rather take the easier route in general. This is sad but true.

Jan 15, 2012, 10:37 AM
hmmm ithe only thing i hate in this world is hate it self. with that said the reasons people set others out is they are like sheep, they feel comfortable when someone else agrees with them. it's always been easier to get the majority to agree against the minority. animal pack theory. same with racial hate bigotry is bigotry no matter the cause or reason, people hate to put them selves above others to make them selves feel superior. they hate to give themselves cause , something to do that others would agree with them. they need to feel supported. people who hate for something as simple as sexual orientation , race , religion, are just hateful people looking for an excuse a reason just something to do. i noticed bored people look for shit, and if anyone looks hard enough they will find it. these hatreds i find are sometimes in the most docile of people who you would think to be a saint. it runs deep in some brought up with biases and hatetred, sometimes by religion, politics, upbringing, siblings, neighbors, friends ect... when a friend starts a conversation like waht your feelings on gays and you say they dont bother me i dont bother them and he says well i dont like them they are an abomination to the bible, there ya go the bible teaches bigotry. the bible teaches to hate, because you wouldent like who your god dislikes would you because you might be judged. religions take a big part in propagating hate. muslims hate christians, christians hate sinners. and it goes on and on. religion is deep rooted into people very souls above even familys. i could go on and on with this post because i see the reasons for hate, i see how it starts where it originates and where it's going and all i can say is i hate hate and people who hate.... this is my :2cents: on this topic

Jan 15, 2012, 3:05 PM
I'm the kind of person who can accept anyone for who they are no matter what.

Thieves are okay then? Rapists? You accept them no matter what? Child sex offenders? No matter what.

You're describing anarchy. So ask yourself, why is the world not cool with anarchy?

Jan 15, 2012, 5:32 PM
Animal Pack Mentality is dead on! As for Race: There is one satient race on this planet-HUMAN. There are no such things as the Caucasian Race,Black Race,Latino Race.....that is ethnicity,heritage,etc NOT RACE. Frakkin idiots sow hate and destruction no matter who does what,wears what,drives what or fucks what....it's pure malice with no true purpose.....

Jan 15, 2012, 5:42 PM
Lots of valid scientific reasons for why people are unaccepting of (or worried by) people who are different than they are, most of which goes back to protecting one's self, family, clan, etc., but I suspect you weren't really looking for that kind of answer...

So, I think it just has to do with people being unable (or simply unwilling) to imagine themselves in another person's situation. And also, many times, those who are intolerant are afraid of being discovered as "different" themselves.

Jan 15, 2012, 7:50 PM
First and foremost? There is no love, no altruism instead of egoism.. Lack of education is a close second - although it doesn't take education to know what it feels like to be hurt. Not saying that everyone needs to overly "smart" either - just that they need to know enough to develop their talent (I believe that everyone is good at SOMETHING), survive, not be taken advantage of and make good choices. Lack of opportunity would be third..

As long as people perceive the world as having limited resources and the three conditions above exist then there will likely always be strife - but foremost it all starts with a lack of love. Funny that, people always think the world has finite resources, but can any of us say that nature does not provide? You ARE always loved by somebody, somewhere.


If there is light in the soul,
there will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in the person,
there will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house,
there will be honor in the nation.
If there is honor in the nation,
there will be peace in the world.

-Chinese Proverb


"Voice still and small, deep inside all,
I hear you call, singing.

In storm and rain, sorrow and pain,
still you remain singing.

Calming my fears, quenching my tears,
through all the years, singing."

-Rev. John Corrado

Is it any wonder (self included) why so many people "self-medicate" with religion. Of course religion reminds us that there is a community and a world wider than just ourselves - that is generally a good thing.

Jan 15, 2012, 9:31 PM
The conservative party here is having their big "run-off" to see which of them will be left standing to compete in the big general election. The economy really isn't getting any better. Iran now wants to get their time in the spotlight too. Some people we once thought of as infallible heroes and institutions we once thought of as trustworthy are showing their moral failings. The media blasts these messages over and over again. We have 24 hour news channels but not 24 hours worth of news.

All of these things contribute to a world where people are holding their breath, afraid to breathe and appreciate what they DO have. The way I see it we have two choices, we can continue to live in fear, hate and isolation, or we can try to learn to forgive. Although we should not allow ourselves or others to be abused, the ability to forgive is an attribute of a strong, courageous person.

What does it really mean to fail? I submit that every human being fails, institutions made up of human beings are just as vulnerable. Maybe failure is not something to be ashamed of as long as we LEARN from our mistakes instead of trying to cover them up.

Jan 16, 2012, 9:33 AM
Thieves are okay then? Rapists? You accept them no matter what? Child sex offenders? No matter what.

You're describing anarchy. So ask yourself, why is the world not cool with anarchy?

one does not have to accept everyone i was talking about hate, the ones you speak of are criminals who hurt people in society, thats where laws come in, if someone is labled does that mean they are guilty, too much doubt exists today like in illinois with so many being released from death row because of innocence. to hate because of a label is just ignorant, personaly i dont care what your label is i will treat you the same but be watchful and judge you at face value and i will not hate you and will listen to your story, i believe most of what i hear till i can prove different but use common sense which seems to be lost today. i tolerate everyone yet am on guard for them that would transgress against me or my family. i will protect my family without hate, i can kill you if you threaten the saftey of my family without hating you. once someone commits a crime no matter how heinous and they serve their time are released and off paper with no obligition to the state they have paid their debt to society and are deemed not a threat anymore otherwise they would still be in prison and to hate them is to just be ignorant and make your self miserable and affect your life putting hatred in your heart is never good or positive. for we all make mistakes in life. there is no excuse for hate.:bipride: