View Full Version : gender bender?

Jan 14, 2012, 9:00 PM
what is your gender?

Long Duck Dong
Jan 14, 2012, 9:03 PM
my gender is gender undefined, as I will wear unisex clothes at times..... and I do not use clothes as a means of defining my gender

my biological sex is externally male and internally intersex with a lean towards the XYX chromosomal spectrum

my sexuality is bisexual with an asexual nature

Jan 14, 2012, 9:05 PM
LDD have the guts to commit and not sit on the fence.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 14, 2012, 9:18 PM
LDD have the guts to commit and not sit on the fence.

gender is the traits that define a person as masculine or feminine.... so I answered according to my GENDER.... the fact that you list sexuality and biological sex, is not my problem..... so I edited and added my sexuality and biological sex

btw, if your thread gets threadjacked cos people want to argue my sexuality AGAIN, it ain't my fault

Jan 14, 2012, 9:21 PM
..gender bender eh?..is that sort of like the morning after you wake up from attending a swingers' party? :)

Jan 15, 2012, 8:36 AM
Void checks with authorities. They say I can say, "I'm a bi guy."

Jan 15, 2012, 8:45 AM
I was unsure whether i could use the phrase sexual orientation in case children might get upset about having sex on this site!

Jan 15, 2012, 8:54 AM
The site name is bisexual.com, it is an adult themed site. If parents don't want kids here, reign them in. About ready to leave the site here, tired of all the crap on it, and not just the new sponsoring by CC companies. A vicious cycle keeps going round and round, same bullshit constantly rehashed for no purpose. Reminds me of our local laundromat.

Jan 15, 2012, 8:56 AM
Well I guess this proves those wrong who think this site mainly has straight females. lol. I always knew it was mostly bi males on here.

Jan 15, 2012, 9:03 AM
Jobel, ahh but who posts the majority of replies and starts threads....now thats a question LOL

Jan 15, 2012, 10:04 AM
It may be true that women constitute the majority of the posts, but ask yourself. Who is stopping all those bi males from posting, starting threads, etc?

Seems to me that many do not want to enter the fray for fear of being attacked, or they just have no interest in arguing something to death.

Of course some folks have to post on every thread, but without them some posts would never get a response.

Quite a few of the posts are actually from bi males...

Jan 15, 2012, 10:18 AM
I checked the front page and tallied how many threads were started by males or females, how many str8, bi or gay.

My statistics show that out of the 15 threads, 10 were started by bi males, and one by an unstated male. That 11 out of 15, or 73%.

Four threads were started by women, two bi, one gay and one unstated.

Where are ALL THE THREADS started by women??????????? Especially straight women????????????????????

Some of you will consider me male, and some will consider me female, that's your problem, not mine!

Jan 15, 2012, 10:23 AM
whoa ...handbags at fifty paces........ jeez "calm down dear" its only thread LMAO.

you females are SO easy to wind up it's unbelievable!

Jan 15, 2012, 10:34 AM
For the record, "transsexual" is not a gender, it is a medical condition of having your gender incongruent from your sex.

I marked "female bi", cause female is my gender, and bi is my sexuality.

Jan 15, 2012, 11:16 AM
For the record, "transsexual" is not a gender, it is a medical condition of having your gender incongruent from your sex.

I marked "female bi", cause female is my gender, and bi is my sexuality.

I know right?

Jan 15, 2012, 12:09 PM
For the record, "transsexual" is not a gender, it is a medical condition of having your gender incongruent from your sex.

I marked "female bi", cause female is my gender, and bi is my sexuality.

Are you absolutely sure this is correct? why is it referred to as transgender then... I know nothing on the subject and wish to be enlightened.

I would also liked to put couple in as well but not enough options to be absolutely definitive.

Jan 15, 2012, 4:35 PM
Are you absolutely sure this is correct? why is it referred to as transgender then... I know nothing on the subject and wish to be enlightened.

I would also liked to put couple in as well but not enough options to be absolutely definitive.

Yes, I am absolutely sure this is correct.

I have been diagnosed and treated for transsexualism, and during this process have read a LOT about the condition and related issues.

Transsexualism and transgender are not interchangeable words, as you imply. Transsexualism is the medical condition I described above. Transgender is a blanket term that covers a wide range of practices and descriptors, frequently including transsexuals, but also including cross-dressers (which are very different from transsexuals), the genderqueer, androgynous individuals, two-spirited individuals, "3rd gender" individuals, and CAN include pretty much anyone who crosses gender norms (which CAN include gays, lesbians, and bisexuals).

So if you view transgender as a gender category, it is not even a single gender category, but incorporates many. But transsexual is not even close to a gender category.

This website offers only three gender categories to members: Male, Female, and Transgender. And I don't think I'm alone in being uncomfortable with this. I marked myself as "Transgender" rather than "Female" for my profile, because that made more sense for some of the purposes I came here for (in part I wanted advice on trans issues from other trans members), and because I have been criticized on other sites for "lying to people" about my sex/gender. I keep trying to decide if I should change that, but as transchk says, there will always be some who can only see me as a man, despite having a vagina, a legal female name, female birth certificate, driver's license, passport, and living as a woman, including using women's bathrooms and locker rooms. :(

I hope that helps. If you want more information, feel free to ask here or in private.


Jan 15, 2012, 4:53 PM
I didnt even refer to transexualism which is a condition I am aware of and avoided using that term.

So are gender forms incorrect all over the UK for requesting whether you are m/f or transgender?

Jan 15, 2012, 5:27 PM
I'm a straight, male cocksucker.

Jan 15, 2012, 11:30 PM
why should it matter to people what gender others are? just love and accept us for who and what we are. that is my:2cents:

Jan 16, 2012, 12:57 AM
I have been trying to figure that out for at least the last 300 years and still haven't come to conclusion. :cutelaugh

Jan 16, 2012, 2:24 PM
Answered Male Bisexual but fact is I am a bigender bisexual
For today its
gender 80/20 female/male inside ie how I feel
80/20 male/female external presentation born male

sexual orientation 80/20 attraction to woman /men emotionally
80/20 attraction to men / woman sexually

Its complicated but a lot of fun.

Jan 16, 2012, 2:26 PM
Think we got enough for a damn good orgy now. Crack open the lube n condoms!:tongue:

Oh bi male here. Yooohooo! Lets start shoving the loving.;)

Jan 16, 2012, 9:38 PM
I didnt even refer to transexualism which is a condition I am aware of and avoided using that term.

So are gender forms incorrect all over the UK for requesting whether you are m/f or transgender?

Yes you did refer to it, max. Read your poll. The 7th item is transsexual. I wouldn't have mentioned it if you hadn't.

No, I would not say the forms are "incorrect". It is becoming somewhat standard to list transgender as a gender category that basically means "other" - which is an improvement over only acknowledging two categories.

But I would say that the forms are unclear or incomplete. For instance, it is not clear what they would want me to mark. My gender is definitively female. And yet many would expect me to declare myself as transgender, because I transitioned my sex from male to female. It all reflects a huge swatch of ignorance in society around these topics.

Forms like that frequently annoy me, because most of the time it's pretty clear that either it isn't necessary for them to know my gender, or it is really my sex they care about and they're asking the wrong question, and giving the wrong options.

Miyu Scene
Jan 17, 2012, 1:49 AM
Oh, wow. I was wondering where all the girls were. But, I guess the bi male domination for this site is somewhat fair as it is a little harder for our bi boys to meet and greet each other openly. Guess its back to the bar for me

Jan 17, 2012, 4:44 AM
I seem to alternate between gay male and bi male. Right now in the gay male phase.

Jan 19, 2012, 10:15 AM
hmmm... i tend to be almost 50-50 in my bisexuality. i need woman and men. if i only have sex with a woman everyday, i tend to need a man, if i only have sex with a man every day, i tend to need a woman. it's not like it's a choice for me. i have to have both. if i am having sex constantly with a woman at a point i am not satisfied, and the reverse is the same with a man. so it is not just a choice for me it is a need not just a desire or want. this is why i think i am truly bi-sexual in my nature and whole being. for some it is a choice and can take it or leave it, for some it is a curiosity, while for some it is just something different that excites them enough to do maybe just on weekends or once a month. to me it is in my being it is what i am, and need both just as much as most need to have sex with either.my ideal situation would be to be in a triad with a woman and a man married to both. and being in the middle. i was in a triad married to two woman for 5 years with more then enough sex to keep me worn out, but even then not sexualy satisfied because the man was not there. only when we had another bisexual male top play with us could i be satisfied with both my male and female energys. :flag2:

Jan 19, 2012, 7:39 PM
I am a male bi. If you want to get into my fantasies though, im actually an other- a person who sex couldn't be told from appearance. I stay more on the gay side ussually, like a 60-40. I need men and women, but men ussually seem to like me more.

Jan 20, 2012, 4:15 PM
My gender is androgynous. I have a very feminine side and an equal masculine side as well. I have the ability to build a house or make a beautiful floral arrangement. The thing I find the most interesting is to be able to look at the world through two different sets of eyes and experiences the feeling and desires of a woman and the feminine attraction to men. I feel just as comfortable in sexy chemise as I do in a pair of work boots and jeans. I love the scent and taste of woman and the scent and taste of a man.

Jan 25, 2012, 7:15 PM
TranscendMental: don't give into social pressure about what sex you should mark in profiles. So you have the physique of a woman who's had a hysterectomy, so what? If you're not female, then a lot of women aren't either. The next time someone tells you you're 'lying' tell him or her to fuck him or herself so that you can have something fun to watch.

Jan 25, 2012, 7:31 PM
For BigBadMax' poll: I pick 'other'=human. My profile explains my opinions in detail, if you think you'll live long enough to read through it. Gender is a passing fad like hairstyles; 'transgender'= young folk who don't dress like me, in my experience. I have never felt masculine or feminine in anything I do, and how can I? How can I feel my chromosomes or my testosterone? I do what I do because it increases the level of dopamine in my brain, which makes me feel nice.