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Jan 11, 2012, 2:11 PM
nice article (http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/peter-g-tatchell/sex-future-beyond-gay-and-straight_b_1195017.html).

Jan 11, 2012, 2:47 PM
What a nice thought... The end of orientation as something anyone cares about..

Thanks Void!

Jan 11, 2012, 3:42 PM
Interesting. Thanks for that. I've often pondered what would happen to the profusion of labels and pride parades, etc. once it simply didn't matter whom one loved. I agree that to a large extent the labeling would cease and people would simply be; the parades along with all the advocacy organizations and efforts we still need would disappear; rigid dichotomies and binaries would likely fade, and people would simply deal with a come on with interest or not, regardless of the sex and gender of the person making the advance.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 11, 2012, 7:19 PM
cheers for posting that void.......

I dare say that in some aspects the bisexual community have helped by blurring the lines between gay / lesbian and heterosexual, by being a * bridge * of sorts... thats a personal opinion tho....

I tend to look at my friends, not as LGBT ( defining them by sexuality ) but as people that have a sexuality.....and its caused some interesting conversations about their sexuality with other people, when they say to me, " omg that friend of yours is gay " and my reaction is " shit, I never noticed, they have never shoved it in my face so I never really noticed that they have a gay / bi partner of the same gender, and that they were gay "

norty, I know.... but we are people with a sexuality, not a sexuality with a aspect of human being attached lol

Jan 11, 2012, 10:27 PM
cheers for posting that void.......

I dare say that in some aspects the bisexual community have helped by blurring the lines between gay / lesbian and heterosexual, by being a * bridge * of sorts... thats a personal opinion tho....

I tend to look at my friends, not as LGBT ( defining them by sexuality ) but as people that have a sexuality.....and its caused some interesting conversations about their sexuality with other people, when they say to me, " omg that friend of yours is gay " and my reaction is " shit, I never noticed, they have never shoved it in my face so I never really noticed that they have a gay / bi partner of the same gender, and that they were gay "

norty, I know.... but we are people with a sexuality, not a sexuality with a aspect of human being attached lol

Reminds me one of the few times I was out and about. There was a huge bash on some private property. The guy had a huge tract of land that lots of seedy and rough types, bikers, outlaws all called Devil's Aery. Right up against mountains, a high perch area overlooked the valley.

He would hold these bashes at random times. Word passed through channels. It was about the time some garage band had started out, they were speed metal in the U.S.. *chuckles* Mosh was a spiritual thing once. At any given I sat down at a poker game.

This gal started chatting me up a bit. "Hon, you can play cards really good" & "you were slamming in the pit". So, she sat by me, I was enjoying a really heady rush off tequila. Felt about halfway horny. She kept flirting, egging on. Finally, the poker had to go.

A buddy comes over and whispers in my ear, "man she's a he if you didn't know already!' I shrugged. Me and her enjoyed a good roll in the wild, nice visit afterwards. She was indeed a he, but only half way. Buddy comes at me latter, "dude that's so wrong, you fucked a tranny bitch"

I just laughed, shrugged. "What's wrong is you need laid, too bud."

Sorry, I've always been a people are people guy. You can be purple or wear knickers and sip petro for tea, I don't care. Act like an ass hole toward me, or someone I care about, c'ya. I don't like ass holes and abusers. By the same token, been told I'm an ass hole at times. Can admit to a fair share of that. No one is perfect, anyone says different is selling bullshit.

I try not being an ass hole, and if I am; I hope it is the good type of ass hole. The world needs more of the good type.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 11, 2012, 10:44 PM
void, I love you, dude, you just put a big grin on my face........ and just for you I am sharing this dancing with a man (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2WCbbyChJ4)