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Jun 3, 2006, 12:26 PM
Just lately I've started to notice an emergence of what is termed " Two-Spirited " peoples. Myself having some Wolastoqiyik|Maliseet heritage has piqued my interest in this area. Anyone else out there echo those setiments? How does it affect our sexuality, or not?

The term Two-Spirited when used in the GLBTT community is referring to an Aboriginal term used to describe people that embody both the male and female spirit. Two-Spirit people were highly valued in many pre-colonial Aboriginal cultures because they brought harmony and balance and were honored to be able to sit in both the male and female camps. The term Two-Spirited is being reclaimed by many gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Aboriginal people to identify themselves, but is also used by heterosexual individuals who identify as Two-Spirited within Aboriginal culture.

Jun 3, 2006, 3:05 PM
As *I* understand it, the term "Two-spirit" can only be used on American Indians.

But if i were an American Indian, i would be a two-spirit. From reading up on it, the term does NOT say anything about who you sleep with. It's more like you have two souls, male and female. But some of them did marry same sex partners.

I really wish i could be considered an honorary two-spirit, but i am quite White. :rolleyes: And Indians don't trust White people for good reason.

(also i'm not using anything more PC than "American Indian" because, from what i've read, the Indians don't want me to.)

Jun 4, 2006, 10:24 AM
Lorcan:As *I* understand it, the term "Two-spirit" can only be used on American Indians.

Two-Spirited applys to NATIVES, First Nations (Canada), Native Americans (US). First Nations is a common title used in Canada to describe the various societies of indigenous peoples of North America located in what is now Canada, who are not of Inuit or Métis descent. The proper term for all three groups collectively is Aboriginal peoples in Canada or
First Peoples. The First Nations of Canada are represented by the Assembly of First Nations.

Jun 4, 2006, 10:32 AM
"Two-spirit" originated in Winnipeg, Canada in 1990 during the third annual intertribal Native American/First Nations gay and lesbian conference. It comes from the Ojibwa words niizh manitoag (two-spirits). It was chosen to distance Native/First Nations people from non-Natives as well as from the words "berdache" and "gay." :flag4:

Jun 4, 2006, 10:32 PM
Oh Sorry. Just my US American ignorance; I forgot about Canada. :( SO it applies to American Indians and Canadian Native/First Nations. What i really meant to imply is that it's not a term for Whites.

But i like the idea that it doesn't say anything about who we sleep with. It's something else. Something i feel.

'Course I don't know if contemporary people take it that way. I'll never know.

Long Duck Dong
Jun 5, 2006, 1:44 AM
lol ok two spirited people refers to people that embody the male and female aspects.... not just who they sleep with

and the term two spirited is used by the polynesians, abboriginals and native american indians... i first heard the term used when i was 8....28 years ago
the term was even explained to capt james cook to explain people in the polynesian races, that doubled as male and female

I was honoured to be presented to the spirit world by a shaman who told me that my path of one of two worlds... and that each part of me would walk a seperate path in the same body....he told me that one part of me was the spirit essense of a lady healer and the other part was that of a warrior chief....
over the years i have studied GLBT behievour and spirituality....and only now in my 30's do i actually understand exactly what the shaman was saying
two spirited never meant that i was bisexual... it meant that i was two different essenses in the same body, which presenting themselves from time to time... many people around me do notice that my mannerism, way of thinking and interaction changes as the balance shifts and each essense becomes more dominant

in regards to sex.... my body desires the contact sexually... but the trouble is the submissive essense rises to the head after sex and of course it starts emotional and mental turmoil... hence I steer clear of relationships...enjoying the sexual freedom...but missing greatly the love of stablity of a relationship

two spirited is not the best of both worlds....it is a experience of two worlds