View Full Version : Penance, rope and a story.

Jun 3, 2006, 7:13 AM
This is the penance I promised for posting ‘Fantastic names’ thereby poking fun at people. Its also part of some self administered therapy, telling the truth rather than running and hiding.

The story I am about to tell is absolutely true and I have never, ever, told anyone about this before, not anyone, not ever! It must be this site that does it. I do hope that it amuses you and that my penance is paid. You see in part it’s about my first ever sexual experience which was not with a girl or a boy but a – rope!

It took place in gym class, when I was eleven years old, at an all boys boarding-school that I was sent to. I know what you’re thinking its going to be corny, and you have heard it before, but hear me out! I was the small skinny kid, never quite the worst at everything, but close to it, (in P.C. speak I think I was ‘slow to develop’). Well we seemed to have endless lessons centred on climbing those big ropes which hung from the ceiling. There were only four ropes and the rest of the class had to sit and watch as everyone took a turn climbing. Normally I couldn’t even pull my body off the ground and get my feet onto the rope (as it was a bit too high), so usually after several attempts, and red faced with embarrassment, I was told to give up.

But this day I managed to pull myself up and stand on the knot at the end of the rope. I looked across at the lad climbing next to me, feeling ridiculously pleased with myself, and then all of a sudden found I was really turned-on by him, in fact totally mesmerised by, his body! I hugged the rope tightly and climbed a bit further up, staring at him, not really conscious of what I was doing, then there it was from out of nowhere came an erection! These had just started arriving with embarrassing, and truly disturbing, frequency. For this was a school where having a ‘stiffy’ meant you were a ‘bender’ and that meant having your head ‘flushed’, and other unmentionable tortures. So far, these ‘hard-ons’ of mine had avoided detection, but this time, with the whole class staring at me, I knew that the ‘bulge’ in my shorts would be spotted the second I got off the rope. As scared as I was, there was really no choice, I had to climb up in the hopes that it would go away by itself!

As I edged up, I pressed my guilty ‘hard on’ against the rope, in the hope that it would be hidden from sight. Whilst this concealed me from sight, the tactic backfired, because as I slowly edged up the rope, I was effectively rubbing myself, so my erection grew bigger and started to ‘tingle’ (I am sure that you will appreciate I had limited words to describe this sensation). For a while I kept climbing, oblivious to everything around me, enjoying the sights and the feelings, then something new happened. I stopped climbing and with eyes tightly closed, I gripped the rope even tighter and – I ejaculated.

Oh $#^! what was this!

The teacher shouted up at me, too either get a move on and go up to the top, or get, “the bloody hell of that rope.” I realized that the ‘hard on’ had gone and for a moment thought I had won, I could at last come down. But then I felt the ‘wet’ in my shorts. Not being sure what it was (in fact I felt slightly panicky that somehow I had broken it) I also realized that I wasn’t free of the rope. I climbed on, straight to the top, absolutely terrified, needing to conceal this patch; I reached the steel hooks in the ceiling and froze. Unable to look down, I could hear the class cheer and the teacher shout, ‘well done Lad!’

My muscles by know were shaking, I couldn’t hold on much longer and started to edge down. Half way back I slipped down to the ground still holding the rope, burning my legs and my hands. Accidentally, and trust me painfully, I had stumbled on the only way out of my shame. I hit the ground and lay there in a heap, almost no skin left where I had gripped the rope, but no one noticed my shorts. Wait, that is not quite true, Matron did. For later, after she had administered to my burns in a stony silence, she said in utter disgust ‘you dirty boy!’

There were four first time experiences during this:
I had found someone sexually attractive.
I had my first orgasm (whilst awake).
I had beaten other boys (as most of the class couldn’t climb to the top)
I heard praise from a teacher!

But why, oh bloody why, did it have to be with a mankey old rope!

Jun 3, 2006, 9:26 AM
Oh my, sulu. I believe you have paid your penance. But thank you for making my day better!

Driver 8
Jun 9, 2006, 8:46 PM
But why, oh bloody why, did it have to be with a mankey old rope!
I will personally start a collection to buy you a nice, new, soft nylon rope for your next sexual experience. Maybe beating the other boys will be involved, too.

Jun 10, 2006, 12:04 AM
yes you paid you pentance lol but way to go on hidding it from all the rest of the boys and beating them on climbing the rope :flag2: