View Full Version : Fantastic names

Jun 2, 2006, 4:18 PM
This comes dangerously close to poking fun at people, and yes, I know I shouldn’t, I really do! But I can’t resist it, I have to share!

I will do a huge penance and later will ridicule myself in recompense. I promise!

Today I came across one of the best names I have ever heard. A lady called, “Gay Power”. I think that it is absolutely wonderful and I am now ranking it among the top three names I have ever heard.

My previous all time best was talking to a man in Africa, a few years back, called “Everard de Cock,” I swear that’s absolutely true and I know he wasn’t making it up as I saw a cheque he wrote out. Even better and I almost broke a rib trying not to laugh is that he mentioned having a cousin called “Suckie”!

Has anyone else found names that are too good to be true?

Jun 2, 2006, 8:04 PM
There is a street here named Gay Brewer...I think he was a golfer cuz all the streets in that particular part of the blvd. are golfers names... :paw: :paw:

Jun 2, 2006, 8:15 PM
Peter Marshall, who was the game show host of Hollywood Squares, was really named Peter LaCock.

Jun 2, 2006, 9:00 PM
I once knew someone with the last name Camarota, which means "the Broken Bed" in Spanish.

I had never heard of the last name Meloduro, but I once heard a drag queen used the name Aida Meloduro, which sounds like "Ay, damelo duro!" Or, "yeah, give it to me hard!!!" A similar trick was behind the drag queen named Aimee Tizaca, which sounds like "ay, mete y saca," Or "Please, stick it in and take it out!"

I also once met someone whose name in Spanish was Urgente Guerra which means "urgent war." It was family tradition to use the name "Urgente" for some reason, and Guerra is a common last name.

Also, I knew someone name Maya I. Burns, which sounds like "My eyes burns."

Other than that, some other ones that are not as funny: James Shoo, otherwise known as Gym Shoe, Penny Nichols, and Candy Brownie. Lastly, a girl named Blanche Bianca Weiss, whose name means white in French, Italian, and German.


Jun 2, 2006, 9:07 PM
Those names were fantastic Johnny V!!

meteast chick
Jun 3, 2006, 3:33 AM
Okay, this is a good one for me! As a mother and a former customer service rep, I can tell you I've come across some doozies. A woman who called in quite often was Amanda Goodenbed. I couldn't help but snicker every time she called in. There was also Cinnamon Bunns. I think her mother must have hated her. I worked with Tera Torri (territory). She was desperate to get married for obvious reasons.

I worked at a place sending out mailers for people whose kids qualified for preschool at a low income level, and some of these names...wow...there were many Unique's, Imagine's and Precious'. There was a child named God, Jesus (not the Spanish pronunciation), and the best was Shithead(they pronounced it sha-theed).

When I was pregnant, people would always tell me names that they found interesting. My friend, a junior high special ed teacher, said for 2 young girls in her class it was obvious what her mother hungered for during pregnancy...Orangejello and Greenjello (pronounced orahn-zhello and grahn-zhello).

Sometimes I think the Bob and Mary's in this world got off lucky.

luv and kisses,

Jun 3, 2006, 3:35 AM
well, let's not forget the legendary Richard Head, aka "Dick" ! :bigrin:

and, i swear this is true; i was working the Haitian releif effort 10 years ago. while at a vehicle repair site, i ran into the guy in charge, an Army Captain.....his name?;;;;Richard Weide [ pronounced, of course, "weed"] ..yep, they called him "Dick " too!!

lady friend in san antonio is a delivery room head nurse who specialized in teenagers who were pregnant.. her all time worst name for a child came from a 14 yr. old who wanted to name her duaghter , [and please pardon my spelling, med school is long ago] "Chlamydia"

meteast chick
Jun 3, 2006, 3:39 AM
OMG that reminds me of this kid I used to know when I was in high school! He called himself T. It took me awhile to find out his name was Thermopaly Weed (and I'll refrain from posting his last name, which was completely normal). His parents were serious hippies and now we know why he called himself T.

I also know a girl called Teshara House, and I swear I didn't make any of these names up!!!

luv and kisses, again

Jun 3, 2006, 4:51 PM
Here there used be a resturant called " Fuck off ". Off, which means chicken here.

Jun 3, 2006, 5:01 PM

Where did everybody's screen names come from? I was thinking of posting the question as a separate thread... I was wondering about why people chose the names they use on bisexual.com

For instance, I am "Johnny V" after the character Jean Valjean in Les Miserables.

If anyone else sees this and feels like it, let me know where your names came from, too.


Jun 3, 2006, 5:13 PM

Where did everybody's screen names come from? I was thinking of posting the question as a separate thread... I was wondering about why people chose the names they use on bisexual.com

For instance, I am "Johnny V" after the character Jean Valjean in Les Miserables.

If anyone else sees this and feels like it, let me know where your names came from, too.


I think you should make this a new thread...I have wondered the same thing.

Mrs.F :)

Jun 3, 2006, 6:33 PM
Ms. F

You should do it! Post it as a new thread. I've posted so much in the last couple months, I'm scared of putting anything else under my name!!!!
