View Full Version : Bi/lesbian 'codes/signals'

Jun 2, 2006, 11:51 AM
Hi all! I'm new here, and was wonderng if you could give me a hand.

I'd love to know if there are any bi or lesbian 'codes' or signs or signals like the gay hanky code out there. I'm relatively new to this and finding it hard to work out whether the people I fancy are gay or bi without asking them straight up!

Thanks :)

Jun 2, 2006, 7:00 PM
There are no signs that I know of, but hey, why don't we start one and make things simipler for everyone. Any ideas?


Jun 2, 2006, 10:19 PM
Some one post this on another thread which has some bisexual codes:

Jun 2, 2006, 10:34 PM
Thanks :)

Jun 2, 2006, 10:35 PM
Some one post this on another thread which has some bisexual codes:

SweetBlackAngel do you remember that other post about that site?

Jun 3, 2006, 2:02 AM
There are no signs that I know of, but hey, why don't we start one and make things simipler for everyone. Any ideas?

Great idea but lets not use hankies.
Braclets would be good,hang some different charms or something :bipride:

Jun 3, 2006, 2:21 AM
That Kodesex site was cool, but didn't really give info about everyday situations. You know, certain hints you can drop that a straight person wouldn't usually get, but a bi/gay person would.

Jun 3, 2006, 2:32 AM
This topic is indeed covered in other threads from time to time. As is Bidar, and Flags, bracelets and all...

... I know this because I posted some of them

:bigrin: heh ;)

Jun 3, 2006, 3:45 AM
I am into bdsm so I will sometimes wear a leather bracelet on my left wrist or a keychain on my left belt loop to mark that I am mostly dominant/top.

I haven't been cruised around here but people are very closeted in this area and I think that most people try their hardest to appear/"pass" as heterosexual. I know this because one of my friends is bi and deeply closeted and it's rather obvious to me and I think he is jealous that I am open about it, as in I don't deny it like he does but I am not "out" either but if someone asked me I would tell them the truth.

I know a gay man in the midwest that wears a leather cockstrap on his left wrist to symbolize that he's into leather/cockplay.

Jun 3, 2006, 3:53 AM
DO girls ever need aguy

Jun 3, 2006, 7:54 AM
How to Determine if Someone Else Is Gay: Tips From eHow Users


Jun 3, 2006, 10:59 AM
This was posted once befor. It might be of help to you.
Which ever way you signal/advertise, No matter how clandestine or subtle, it will only work if those you are trying to attract know what the hints and what not mean.
I like the arm band/braclet Idea. I like the Kodesex thing too, although I think its kind of limiting.
My idea is to wear something with the bi-pride colors on it and in a fasion that means something to you. If we all use this method, then no matter where we go, we will know the perons with the pink,purple, and blue is like us too. ;)
check out some of the bi pride jewlery sites.

And this is how they do it in Aus.
or so this article says.

Google "bi pride" and you will find plenty.
Hope this helps
Lyon :bipride:

Jun 3, 2006, 11:26 AM
There is also an old-fashioned way, called FOA:



Flirt by sending out some feelers
Observe the responses you get
Ask when you feel the responses are promising.

The problem is that there's another old fashioned game called KEG -- Keep 'Em Guessing.


Jun 3, 2006, 7:16 PM
As a practising bi-lady, I know how difficult it is to ascertain another's sexuality.
I am not a habitue of "gay bars" or that obvious scene, so for me, making that contact relies on old fashioned communication.
Mostly my partners come from the business/government environment where for varied reasons, flaunting one' sexuality is a no-no. :( Black suits are the norm.

But just talking; good old "getting to know you" chats usually clears away the fog of uncertainty.
You mostly find the person you're interested in is not gay/bi, but you've also made a temporary friend and a possible business contact.

But now and then, you hit pay-dirt!!!! :love1:

Just talk to people - don't look for road signs.