View Full Version : am i the only one ?

Jan 2, 2012, 1:22 PM
Are there too many threads on here that start that way?

surely people if you start looking at threads ALLREADY POSTED then you will 99/100 times find an answer to your question.

oops i forrgot...ive posted this thread before.

Jan 2, 2012, 5:21 PM
I've been here for only 3 months and I've seen that opening more times than I would like to remember. But check this out, Max; in a day or two, your topic will have Lincoln's murder being discussed and the original question buried under a ton of nonsense. LOL :tongue:

Jan 2, 2012, 6:06 PM
nothing changes, except my hair...it goes grey then it just goes lol

Jan 2, 2012, 6:18 PM
I agree with Lincoln's murder being a time space extraction by aliens, but I don't think it was an accidental misalignment of "time fields' created by their craft departing Earth. I think the aliens will reveal themselves to us at some time in the not too distant future and they chose Lincoln to be their human emissary not because of his standing in history but because the aliens trust humanoids with beards but not humanoids with mustaches.

And based on my participation in other corners of the Internet it's almost impossible to get people to use a search feature or to stay on topic in a thread. That requires a little thinking and a few extra steps and the Internet is about one click instant gratification.

Now I'm off to watch a video of a squirrel trying to cary a whole acorn squash up a tree...

Jan 2, 2012, 7:53 PM
I agree with Lincoln's murder being a time space extraction by aliens, but I don't think it was an accidental misalignment of "time fields' created by their craft departing Earth. I think the aliens will reveal themselves to us at some time in the not too distant future and they chose Lincoln to be their human emissary not because of his standing in history but because the aliens trust humanoids with beards but not humanoids with mustaches.

And based on my participation in other corners of the Internet it's almost impossible to get people to use a search feature or to stay on topic in a thread. That requires a little thinking and a few extra steps and the Internet is about one click instant gratification.

Now I'm off to watch a video of a squirrel trying to cary a whole acorn squash up a tree...

The whole time they were tracking Lincoln it was through his hat. Evidense suggests that the stove top hat of that period was most condusive to inter gallatic communications. That's why the connection with the Hopi Indians of the SW were not correct; smoke signals have varying degrees of interferance due to wind velocities. I had a mixed degree of audiance satisfaction, at the last Star Trek convention out in LA, when I suggested my theories on this.

Jan 2, 2012, 8:30 PM
Are there too many threads on here that start that way?

surely people if you start looking at threads ALLREADY POSTED then you will 99/100 times find an answer to your question.

oops i forrgot...ive posted this thread before.

that's a bit harsh. "oh we've covered that now...next....."

Jan 2, 2012, 9:06 PM
am i the only one ?

Metaphorically? Perhaps.

Literally? No.

Jan 2, 2012, 9:18 PM
New people join, others leave.
New people have the right to explore the same isssues as those that are no longer here.
Your still here?
Why not consider some old and more importantly some fresh opinions that represent new members.

Jan 2, 2012, 9:52 PM
And considering the incredibly rapid technological times we live in, it should come as no surprise that a thread would end up in archival obscurity rather quickly.:2cents:

Jan 2, 2012, 11:10 PM
Many people feel that they are the only ones experiencing certain feelings. I'm glad when I can chip in and say, "No dude, you're not alone."

When I was experiencing my bi feelings, as a married man and a father, I felt so alone and many here comforted me even though , I'm sure, it was "covered" many times before.

And I'm so glad they did.

Long Duck Dong
Jan 3, 2012, 12:16 AM
this reminds me of something that arose in a site where I was head forum mod... and a person started to complain about the *repeat * threads appearing and how I should do something about them cos he was sick of reading them.....

it was in the public forum, not by internal message, so i posted nice and politely back to him......

" there was once a wise man that would sit in the square each day and answer the all the queries and questions that others had to ask and test his wisdom.... one day there was a a disgruntled person that waited for their turn to speak, and they said, " why the fuck is it that people keep asking the same fucking questions time after time, why do they not just fucking listen when others ask the same question ", the wise man paused for a moment then pointed over to the fence and told the man to go and stand over there for 30 minutes.

the guy did as he was told, getting more and more irate cos now he could not hear anything that was being said so after 30 minutes, he marched back over to the wise man, stood in front of him and demanded to know the reason that he was standing with he could not hear anything and the wise man held up a hand for silence, then said softly, " do you hear the echos of what was said ? the guy replied " only when others talk about it, but by then the subject has been resolved amongst the others and I have not had a chance to talk and have my say, and if I was to speak up now about it, my voice would not really be valued......"

the wise man nodded " now point out whom amongst the people here, sits here every day, sharing the same advice to the same questions asked by different people ? the guy answered " you give the advice and I sit here to listen to your advice that you share with others, but its newcomers that ask the same questions over and over and over and I am sick of it "

the wise man just smiled " 20 years I have been answering the same questions asked many times, but each time, its a different voice so each time, the voice needs to be heard and the question answered, and then that person will move on and share that wisdom with others...... you just sit there day after day after day and now you are bored because you are hearing the same thing over and over again and think that others should listen for the echos and feel that their voice is lost in the wind "

" if you want to hear different voices ask different questions, go to another village, but do not disrespect those that have found their voice and come seeking wisdom for there is many more that are going to come and ask their questions and people like me will answer them time and time again for the next 20 years, because people like you will not... and that is what makes me a wise man...."

Jan 3, 2012, 12:46 AM
The way I look at it, every one deserves to have their situation looked at individually. We aren't all cookie cutter cutouts when it comes to sexuality and issues here. So what if a lot of the threads seem to be the same old same old, we can either read and offer help or ignore them as does happen in a lot of cases. I see threads with multiple views and few responses. Now whether or not people read those threads and think they already got the good advice and another post wouldn't help or they read them and think go read the other threads, I don't know, nor do I really care.

When we start putting everyone into one box it is when we start having problems and arguments begin with everyone trying to prove they are not the stereotypical bi, gay, les, trans or hetero. We are all unique and deserve to be looked at that way and we need to look at others as unique. There we find the value in even in the new posts.

Jan 3, 2012, 2:33 PM
The way I look at it, every one deserves to have their situation looked at individually. We aren't all cookie cutter cutouts when it comes to sexuality and issues here. So what if a lot of the threads seem to be the same old same old, we can either read and offer help or ignore them as does happen in a lot of cases. I see threads with multiple views and few responses. Now whether or not people read those threads and think they already got the good advice and another post wouldn't help or they read them and think go read the other threads, I don't know, nor do I really care.

When we start putting everyone into one box it is when we start having problems and arguments begin with everyone trying to prove they are not the stereotypical bi, gay, les, trans or hetero. We are all unique and deserve to be looked at that way and we need to look at others as unique. There we find the value in even in the new posts.

Couldn't agree more!!! So very true.

Jan 3, 2012, 2:35 PM
Many people feel that they are the only ones experiencing certain feelings. I'm glad when I can chip in and say, "No dude, you're not alone."

When I was experiencing my bi feelings, as a married man and a father, I felt so alone and many here comforted me even though , I'm sure, it was "covered" many times before.

And I'm so glad they did.

How well I can relate to your comments...very true!

Jan 3, 2012, 6:15 PM
We are all unique and deserve to be looked at that way and we need to look at others as unique.

This is a massive fallacy that is covered in first year psychology courses. Our notion of individuality is greatly overstated in our own minds. Think about it, any treatment, medical or psychology would be nearly impossible if everyone was "unique".

Human personalities and the situations they find themselves in are far from unique. They fit in a nice tight bell curve.

Jan 3, 2012, 6:29 PM
This is a massive fallacy that is covered in first year psychology courses. Our notion of individuality is greatly overstated in our own minds. Think about it, any treatment, medical or psychology would be nearly impossible if everyone was "unique".

Human personalities and the situations they find themselves in are far from unique. They fit in a nice tight bell curve.

...an that me luffly is bull... cos we all react ver differently to treatments medical an psychological.. we have similarities but we have huge differences... our personalities r unique cos no two r quite the same... u slippin an slidin gain ... suggest ya wheesht for a bit...

Jan 3, 2012, 6:42 PM
plus the fact that its a really miserable and unfriendly way to greet new people to the forum, and doesn't reflect the openness or friendliness of its existing members.


Jan 3, 2012, 7:21 PM
You're right, Daf...sometimes, when a person comes here, it may be their last resort. They may be troubled and hurting; they certainly don't deserve to be bombed, as soon as they enter the scene!

Jan 3, 2012, 7:30 PM
Daffyd, you of all members should note sarcasm, dont be a jewish princess.

there is no one policing the threads nor the chat room.

I believe in freedom of speach and the right to protest, but with a little decorum and forethought. no one reports members for being offensive in the chat room, very rarely in threads....people should remember that once in writing, it is recorded more or less indefinately.

I grant others with intelligence but sometimes as keefer states...no matter what is posted..members will ALWAYS change the thread to something off topic.