View Full Version : This Site's Statistics

Dec 29, 2011, 10:34 PM
It would be very interesting to know some stats about the membership of this site. Average age, numbers of males, females, couples etc. Has the management/owners ever thought about posting those. Anonymously of course, not seeking non public info! Just wondering.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 29, 2011, 11:56 PM
bobble, drew is doing the site wide update about mid january, not sure if there will be site stats available, tho it would be interesting to see the spread of age and gender in a non personal aspect.....

drew posted a thread a couple of months ago, asking for member input to see what they would like in their site with the coming update.... so yes the site owner and manager is active in the site and regularly logs in to check on things....

Dec 30, 2011, 12:03 AM
I personally recognize an older clientele here. It's no biggie to me, just an observation. And I personally think it's a 100m/1f ratio around here...