View Full Version : Bonus at nude beach Western Australia

Dec 29, 2011, 9:27 AM
We went down to a Town called Bunbury,a two hour drive from Perth in Western Australia over Christmas.I left my wife every morning at the hotel and went to the nude beach,It's not her thing.I was there to top up my G String tan lines,and a hope of some male contact,no luck unfortunately.But what I did see on Christmas Day was a bonus,Just as I was about to enter the calm pool like sea a dark long shadow was in front of me 20yds away.I nearly shit myself,but it turned out to be a dolphin,what a great sight.What have you seen at the beach apart from men and women?

Dec 29, 2011, 9:40 AM
I was sitting on the nude beach on the big island of Hawaii when I saw my first whale jumping out of the water,there were some other sights of the sexy variety as well. A group of 5 younger guys having an impromptu circle jerk party. A guy getting a blow job from his girlfriend,and of course there was plenty of rustling in the bushes....what a great beach!

Dec 29, 2011, 7:29 PM
When stationed on an island off the coast of Oman for the first Gulf War, I was body surfing. On one particularly good set, I look to my right and there, touching the tips of my fingers, was a manta ray gliding on teh waves beside me!

Still one of my fondest memories.


Dec 30, 2011, 10:05 AM
Along with seeing nude bodies at some beaches----I too have seen all sorts of non-human wildlife---at beaches in various places----whales swimming close to shore as well as dolphins, and at one spot in Florida---there was a group, pod, cluster or whatever a collection of manatees is called---were swimming about in the waters that surrounded a very small island I had paddled my kayak to. The water was rather shallow and clear with a sandy bottom that even though it was winter---got pretty warm thanks to the sunshine--so it was easy to see them while standing on the little sandy beach of the island. I have also seen sting rays at some places and in the sky, have seen birds like Ospreys, Eagles and pelicans. The scariest creature I have seen in such places---was a Florida crocodile swimming near a hammock in the far south and eastern part of the Everglades not far from where the glades meet the Atlantic Ocean---it was a small one----but as they say---if there are small ones around---their parents are somewhere around. We were in canoes and kayaks---which is kind of scary to think that a croc can grow to be bigger than our boats. I have also seen small sharks and barracudas in those same waters. It's been years since I last went out to those areas in the Glades---along with those critters that are native to the area--you know have to be concerned that you don't run into a big and hungry boa constrictor or python--or even worse--that these snakes are mixing and breeding a new "supersnake" species that is becoming acclimated to the local environment and are big enough that a person can be on their menu list.

Dec 30, 2011, 10:11 AM
When I was about 16, some friends and I were swimming nude off a beach south of Vero Beach, Florida. I swam through some deep water, to a sand bar, about 50 yards out. The water, there, was about 4 feet deep.

I was standing in the bright moonlight, enjoying the water and being naked. The surf was thundering and mostly drowned out everything else.

I was looking out to sea, when I turned my head with one ear towards the beach. I could hear my friends on the shore yelling something. I turned to face them and they were jumping up and down, pointing frantically to the south.

I looked down the sand bar and saw a fin sticking out of the water, coming my way! In my mind, the fin was 6 feet tall, so the animal had to be BIG!! (The fin was probably less than a foot...still, the shark was big)

It was, what I believe now, to be a sand shark. They are not known to be particularly aggressive, but I wasn't thinking SAND shark...but more like MAKO, GREAT WHITE, or LEMON shark!

Just as I turned to take off toward the beach, he hit me, knocking me off my feet. Sharks will often do that, then return to have dinner! One fin scraped my leg hard enough to make it bleed...blood in the water, when sharks are present, is not a good thing! ! Luckily, he didn't turn around and kept on cruising north.

When I finally made it back to the beach, my friends thought that was a great adventure! I, however, had erection issues for the rest of the night!

I still am not a huge advocate of swimming in the ocean...naked, or not!