View Full Version : Recreational sex...

Dec 28, 2011, 2:53 PM
This is a term I've heard a few times but don't fully understand it. Can ya'll please explain it to me? Thanks.

Dec 28, 2011, 3:05 PM
yeah; good one.

Not sure about it myself as it seems to me it's always recreational. But it probably stems from those who define it as recreational when it's with those that they're not emotionally in a commited relationship with. I'm just guessing but that seems to be the case.

Dec 28, 2011, 3:11 PM
It seems to have a couple of meanings. The first is to have sex without any intention of having it as an act of reproduction. Sex for fun! :bigrin: So even married people can have recreational sex with their partners. I guess all same sex couples do as well.:bigrin: Emotions may be in recreational sex or not.

The other that may be combined is to see it as Euro stated...sex without any emotional attachments but recreational sex is the over riding aspect of ..."Friends With Benefits" or "Fuck Buddies". There is a difference between Friends With Benefits and Fuck Buddy as well. Both Friends with Benefits and Fuck Buddy do not plan on it as being for reproduction :eek: and so they fit...:bigrin:

Here is one person's interpretation of the difference between the two and both are recreational sex.

For the full article go here:



Calling Pattern:

Calls or texts are initiated to see what is happening that night or around town. Calls are usually focused around the social scene and whether paths will cross during the night.

Social Behavior:

Fuck buddies are able to be with each other in public. They often bump into each other at the same parties, bars, and clubs. Fuck buddies will seldom make plans with each other. Meetings are usually more spur of the moment or if there is nothing better happening. Fuck buddies can meet at the venue where the other fuck buddy is at and then go home with each other, whereas, booty calls will usually just meet where they will have sex.


Fuck buddies are social play friends. The relationship is built on fun, casualness, and sex. They may be actively dating other people and are not interested in dating the other fuck buddy. Fuck buddies will usually only hang out if sex will ensue afterwards. Depending on the relationship, sex could be exclusively with each other or open to other people. This type of relationship ends if one of the members starts to seriously romantically date another person. However, if that partner returns to single status, the fuck buddy relationship can be reestablished.


Calling Pattern:

Will call to just talk or make plans to hang out.

Social Behavior:

For the most part, these two people are friends. The big difference between their other friendships is sex. Friends with benefits have the ability to go out on date-like activities, which is useful for formal parties and weddings. However, real dates are not initiated because there is no romantic interest between the partners. The intention of hanging out is because they enjoy similar activities and each other’s company. Sex is an optional part of the relationship. If one partner has sex outside of the relationship, it does not end their friendship. Instead, the sex element is taken out of the relationship and they continue to be friends. Sex can also come back into the friendship when both parties are ready for it.


This relationship is primarily about friendship. Friends with benefits care about the other; however, they are not interested in romantically dating each other. They are able to have sex with each other without it being awkward because they either have a good foundation for their relationship and/or communicate really well with each other. Since friendship is more valued than sex, sex is oft

Dec 28, 2011, 3:30 PM
That pretty much sums it up.
I never realized it was a mystery to anyone.

Dec 28, 2011, 4:08 PM
I view it much like ErosUrge.

In my circle of friends, and they way I have used it in my posts, it is used to differentiate "Making Love" (sexual activities with someone you are "In Love" with) and those you do not have any emotional commitment to.

Tenni has a good one too. The difference between recreational and procreational. That works!


Dec 28, 2011, 4:19 PM
It may be true for you that there is a difference between "making love" (sexual act with someone that you are in love with) and having sex. However, some people "make love" to /with fuck buddies and friends with benefits. They may do the same for a one night stand as well. The physical movements and actions are very tender and loving even though they do not have any emotional attachment to the lover. There is a caring for that person at that moment in time. It is also possible to experience an almost spiritual connection with the lover if only briefly. The two bodies may speak to each other non verbally. For some it is ingrained into their fibre and preference to be sensuous and passionate even though there may be no emotion involved or perhaps no permanent emotion. I suppose that the words "I love you" do not roll off their tongue though.:tong::bigrin:

All are recreational sex.

Dec 28, 2011, 5:31 PM
Having sex in the middle of a small field.

Dec 28, 2011, 5:40 PM
The term 'recreational sex' is as old as I am. To me, it is not a "fuck buddy" as that is a much more recent term and implies a known relationship. Recreational sex is as simple as picking up someone at a bar, or wherever, and taking them home and having some great, if you can remember it, sex. No expectations of dating, exchange of phone numbers and maybe some embarrassment the next time you meet.

Dec 28, 2011, 6:12 PM
Sex as a means to unwind, like a hobby or enjoyable pastime.:)

Dec 28, 2011, 6:13 PM
Recreational sex is sex for fun and pleasure and may include any number of persons from one upwards, and can involve ourself alone, spouse, lover, friend, fuckbuddy, acquaintance or stranger.

Dec 28, 2011, 7:01 PM
My Bad! The recreational vs. procreational comment was made by ErosUrge. Sorry for the misidentification.

It may be true for you that there is a difference between "making love" (sexual act with someone that you are in love with) and having sex. However, some people "make love" to /with fuck buddies and friends with benefits. They may do the same for a one night stand as well. The physical movements and actions are very tender and loving even though they do not have any emotional attachment to the lover. There is a caring for that person at that moment in time. It is also possible to experience an almost spiritual connection with the lover if only briefly. The two bodies may speak to each other non verbally. For some it is ingrained into their fibre and preference to be sensuous and passionate even though there may be no emotion involved or perhaps no permanent emotion. I suppose that the words "I love you" do not roll off their tongue though.:tong::bigrin:

All are recreational sex.

In differentiating between "making love" and "recreational sex," I did not mean to imply that all sexual acts within the "recreational" class were base, animalistic occurrences. If the only objective was the pursuit of an orgasm, it can easily be accomplished with ones self.

Nor did I mean to imply that sex with someone you were not "In Love" with was devoid of emotion. You gave an excellent description of our preference. Taking time, being in tune with another's responses and movements, seeking to extend their pleasure, being sensuous, and letting passion rise should all be a part of the sexual journey. This gives rise to our view that the journey is much more pleasurable than the arrival at the destination. If during that journey you can also experience that feeling you describe as a "spiritual connection" it becomes a memorable event.

I fully understand the idea that you can "make love" to or with someone with whom you do not have a permanent emotional attachment or commitment. The only difference we have is that I use the term "love" a bit more selectively, reserving its use to signify those I do have that permanent emotional commitment to (am "In Love" with). And the third person in my life with whom I use the reference will now become my bride in about 68 hours.

The individual who is cold, lacking of emotion, unwilling to give or themselves, and seeks only their own gratification becomes a one-night-stand with no possibility of another invitation. And yes, there are one-night-stands that would be welcome again should circumstance permit.


Polar Bear
Dec 28, 2011, 7:42 PM
Damn, I thought it meant sex in a Winnebago!:flag3:

Long Duck Dong
Dec 28, 2011, 8:18 PM
Recreational sex is sex for fun and pleasure and may include any number of persons from one upwards, and can involve ourself alone, spouse, lover, friend, fuckbuddy, acquaintance or stranger.

and thats about the best defination of recreational sex I have ever read...

Dec 28, 2011, 8:28 PM
This is a term I've heard a few times but don't fully understand it. Can ya'll please explain it to me? Thanks.

Non-competitive league-based sex.

Dec 28, 2011, 8:49 PM
So, recreational sex is anything other than sex for procreational purposes? ok. And it can be done with yourself, your partner or a complete strangerand amoumts to about the same thing, not making love but fucking.

Good to clear that one up. Was curious. Thx.

Dec 29, 2011, 6:34 AM
So, recreational sex is anything other than sex for procreational purposes? ok. And it can be done with yourself, your partner or a complete strangerand amoumts to about the same thing, not making love but fucking.

Good to clear that one up. Was curious. Thx.

I dont see why a little recreational sex and procreational sex are exclusive. How often have we heard of stress and desperation having some bearing on whether or not we conceive? What better way to relieve stress than recreational sex while trying to have a baby? There u are guys. An excuse for a little responsible and fun barebacking.;)

Also are recreational sex and making love exclusive? I dont think so having made love many times within a bout of recreational sex.

Dec 29, 2011, 8:38 AM
There u are guys. An excuse for a little responsible and fun barebacking.;)

Readin summa the posts on site Sam.. responsible barebackin' isnt quite as much in demand as it shud b babes...:rolleyes:

Dec 29, 2011, 10:54 AM
To get the most out of any recreation you need quality equipment:2cents:

Dec 30, 2011, 7:32 AM
Isnt gay an lessie sex by definition all recreational sex? Wetha ya make luff or just fuck... no procreation possible...

...personally I have neva just fucked.. well mayb the first time I ever had sex but that didnt last long enuff 2 really call fuckin'...although do recall usin the word as he penetrated...so I fucked, he did summat but wudnt care 2 give it a name 'cept 2 say that is the only entry in me journals which was given a zero rating... apart from 'is first failure wich resulted in a minus and me wiv sticky legs and knickers...and ne who think of either experience as makin' luff need ther head looked... ne ways the daft bugger never got another chance an promptly became an x bf...

Long Duck Dong
Dec 30, 2011, 7:51 AM
Isnt gay an lessie sex by definition all recreational sex? Wetha ya make luff or just fuck... no procreation possible...

lol I am surprised that its taken this long for anybody to realise the issue with the defination of recreational sex as sex not for the purpose of procreation

hence why I love sammies defination cos it covers all genders and sexualities.... and leaves room for the procreation sex and love making that people may see as different aspects.....

"Recreational sex is sex for fun and pleasure and may include any number of persons from one upwards, and can involve ourself alone, spouse, lover, friend, fuckbuddy, acquaintance or stranger."

Dec 31, 2011, 4:03 AM
Why can't rec sex be considered "Sex sans love or longing attachment?" Covers all sexualities and backgrounds, imo.

Dec 31, 2011, 4:12 AM
Why can't rec sex be considered "Sex sans love or longing attachment?" Covers all sexualities and backgrounds, imo.

Because you can have recreational sex with one you love..

Some days we make love, some days we fuck (recreational). But even if it is just recreational fucking, if it is with one you love, at least to me, it is different than recreational sex with someone you don't love.

So I agree with Sammie's def... It's the intent of the moment: just for fun, regardless of who it is with...



Dec 31, 2011, 4:15 AM
Ah, didn't think of that. Nice point.

Dec 31, 2011, 3:44 PM
Some days we make love, some days we fuck (recreational). But even if it is just recreational fucking, if it is with one you love, at least to me, it is different than recreational sex with someone you don't love.



Whoa! Me likes that. Thanks.

Dec 31, 2011, 4:15 PM
So, recreational sex is anything other than sex for procreational purposes? ok. And it can be done with yourself, your partner or a complete strangerand amoumts to about the same thing, not making love but fucking.

Good to clear that one up. Was curious. Thx.

It took you this long to figure this out along with the input of others?rolleyes:Guess you were never a horny, exploring, experimenting teen.:shades:

Dec 31, 2011, 4:21 PM
As a teen, my recreational sex took place in the locker rooms or the showers, thus the misguided definition.

Geez I'm so naiieve. I saw how dumb my question looked as soon as the answers started comming in, but it was too late to delete it. Oh well. Don't tell anyone, ok? Thx. :)

Dec 31, 2011, 4:29 PM
As a teen, my recreational sex took place in the locker rooms or the showers, thus the misguided definition.

Geez I'm so naiieve. I saw how dumb my question looked as soon as the answers started comming in, but it was too late to delete it. Oh well. Don't tell anyone, ok? Thx. :)

Good, self-effacing response.:bigrin:

Jan 12, 2012, 3:18 AM
Recreational sex is having a fuck buddy, friend with benefits, or having a one night stand or hook up with someone.