View Full Version : Been Cattin' Around....lol

Dec 14, 2011, 8:26 PM
Hello Loves. Anyone remember me? I got tired of hearing that I wasnt a "True Bisexual" because I dont persue females to fuck 24/7. Just because I dont play with women all of the time does not make me any less of a sexual being that any of you, and I am still me. I Do play occasionally I just dont feel the need to announce it all of the time and fuekl the jack off pleasure of some guys who are into knowing Bi women. I am mainly into men, thats been no secret from the git go. Deal wif it.

I also got tired of hearing the same people arguing, bickering, moaning their fate, and whining--and got sick of a couple of folks who feel they are superior to everyone else. I see there are still some wonderful folks here, and I see a troll too.
Oh well. this too shall pass. ;)

I am opinionated, fun loving, silly, and serious when the need dictates, but I'm still your Cat, no matter what. And I'm back here and there, once in a while :tongue: :}

Long Duck Dong
Dec 14, 2011, 8:52 PM
gives cat a scratch behind the ears and whispers about stroking pussies that purr.....

lol...... throws a log on the campfire..... sticks one of my socks amongst the wood and lights it.... and swears I did not use gas to start the fire lol

Dec 14, 2011, 9:00 PM
I got tired of hearing that I wasnt a "True Bisexual" because I dont persue females to fuck 24/7.

Ya know, there is a lot of this kind of crap on all sides.
Earlier today I was reading advice column written by a gay man in which he said there really was no such thing as a bisexual. And then of course you have the gays who say we all are bisexual or gay and there is no such thing as str8. And the str8s that say anyone that ever even experimented in ANY fashion with the same gender is gay...or at least bi. Come to think of it there are gays that go along with that as well. And on and on.

It would seem that people tend to marginalize that which they do not understand.

BTW, I hope its okay if I tell you that bisexual women at play isnt a masturbation fantasy for me. No offense! :)

Dec 14, 2011, 9:41 PM
I like you.

Dec 15, 2011, 9:12 AM
Just ignore the kiljoys Cat. I for one am very glad to see you back. I think it is safe to say most of us love ya. Hope ur feelin bed, love.

Dec 15, 2011, 9:18 AM
I am about the same as you Cat. I am a bisexual woman who prefers men. Although I prefer guys, I still like being with women every once in a while. The Bi spectrum is a large one.

Dec 15, 2011, 9:48 AM
glad you are here.......here's the flipside bi-guy who prefers a nice soft wet pussy and and the soft curves of a women....and when the bi-itch is there i prefer a C/D , TS , TV, SHEMALE or just an effeminate panty guy i just believe in letting a person be who and what they need to be and if i can help in achieving a sexual gratification i'm here......take care cat and please stay here more people like you is what is needed

Dec 15, 2011, 10:04 AM
Welcome back Cat-Lady!

You're a nut, I love ya!

Dec 15, 2011, 10:09 AM
there was a young cat in the hills,
who said, "For me I'll take stuffin' and thrills!
I do like a muffin' but prefer some stud buffin'
and the rest can go piss up the hill"!!

Dec 15, 2011, 10:31 AM
Welcome back Cat!!!!

I have missed your humor sooo much!

(from the other thread: Thanks for sliding down the chimney and coming back :-)

Dec 15, 2011, 11:15 AM
Welcome back Miz Cat.

I think that you have to just take all the bitchin' and moanin' on here as being part of the way the site is----as we used to say in the Coast Guard---"A bitchin' crew is a happy crew!" SO---we must be a really happy bunch here!!!!

I know that for me--- I am no doubt guilty of doing my share of it on here too---it's just a way to let off some steam when I read something in the paper, on the net or see it on some video source that makes my blood boil---it's just a way of letting off some steam, I guess.

It is kinda too bad that people will "get personal" about what gets said on the boards and that just starts a round of people going back and forth.

Glad to see that you are feeling better-- once again----welcome back!

Dec 15, 2011, 1:49 PM
Welcome back Cat!

As Jobelorocks said "The Bi spectrum is a large one." It goes anywhere from nibbles and licks to wild rocking times to lifetime commitment." The variety is both refreshing and wonderful.

While my bi side may find greater, or lesser, expression than others, I am one of those guys who has never developed a love interest in a man. To me, there is nothing better than being in love with an understanding and supportive bisexual lady.

I salute all of you lovely ladies no matter where you are on the "Bi Spectrum."

On New Years Eve, I'll marry the third love of my life :bibounce::love1: . As an old guy of only average height, a bit overweight, who will never make the cover of GQ Magazine and has never been able to claim he was hung, I have no need to be religious 'cause I've found heaven on earth. LOL Naturally, neither of us expect that the ceremony will produce any major transformation in us. Come New Years Day, we will both still be Bi!

After the honeymoon we will both be playing again, so ladies, whatever your Kinsey classification, feel free to contact us. While we would both like to share your charms and bring you pleasure, we also love to sit back and observe the other having fun. [We are not discounting the guys, but have to admit that with them we are a bit more selective. :bigrin: ]

Cat, I know that you are comfortable in your own skin. No need to change [unless you want to.) Just continue being who you are and the hell with anyone who is unintelligent enough to think that there is a "Bisexual Norm."


Dec 15, 2011, 7:19 PM
Hey Cat, welcome back. I was wonderin' what happened to you.

Don't sweat it. I'm not "bi enough" either cause I don't sleep around as much as I could. I got one gal and one guy and that's enough for me (but also allow for the odd slip up here and there) :bigrin:.

Dec 15, 2011, 8:17 PM
To be honest I've been tuning out a lot of noise, surely no one is insinuating that a person is MORE or LESS bisexual based on the actual amount of sex they have? Feelings of attraction are genuine whether we act on them or not..

For example I often enjoy watching shirtless men jog down the side of the road while I am driving home but you don't see me pulling the car off to the side and propositioning any of them..

Anyway, I hope you are feeling well.. <nuzzles>

Love & Hugs!


Dec 15, 2011, 9:31 PM
"Momma who? Cat who? Huh, wha?"

Nope, done forgot ya. :p

Excuse me ... *snogs elian, ensuring he even meets Federal standards for molesting, does things possibly not legal in 42 states* ... *"whew"* ... Okay.

*looks at elian all wolfishly* Mmmhmm. Yeah, been missing you Cat. Figured you were all taking a pull off. Life gets that at times. No need to explain amongst friends.

*howls, growls and runs off after elian*

Dec 16, 2011, 11:08 AM
I have read many of your posts over the years and you have alternately made me laugh and made me cry and just snort coffee out of my nose on a few. I am getting really tired of seeing "true bisexual" splattered around the place and it's out there, not just on the forums, but out there in the world. The worst thing is to hear it from homosexuals that find your interest in the opposite sex disgusting yet judge you for not having sexual relations with the opposite sex at the same time you are pursuing a relationship with the same sex. Apparently that proves I am not a "true bisexual" sorry I don't want to be a "true bisexual" I just want to be a "true me"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :2cents:

And welcome back, Cherokee :)
