View Full Version : Unsure

May 31, 2006, 10:05 PM
Hi all!

I bring a familiar question/situation to the table. I am a 26 year old, married female that is, for the first time in my life, having sexual and emotional feelings towards another woman and I am feel completely comfortable with these feelings.

These feelings are so unlike me...this is the first woman that I have ever had relationship feelings towards. I think about her a lot...in ways that were strictly reserved for men in the past.

Here is the situation. My husband and I are separated and he is not an issue. The woman of interest teaches boxing and other aerobic classes at my gym. She and I seem to have a few things in common; both athletic, bubbly, friendly, etc. She is the type of person who gives her undivided attention to whomever she is speaking with and she seems to take her job pretty seriously...but I still think that she might be attracted to me too...but I'm not sure. She seems to be looking at me every time I look at her during class...if she were a man I would think that she's interested, but I just DON'T KNOW :)

I'm not sure what to do or how to pick up on if she is bi-sexual or a lesbian...could I just have a major girl crush or is this something more?!?

Thanks to whoever has the time to help me out!

May 31, 2006, 10:22 PM
Maybe you could start by asking her to join you for coffee or lunch or something like that. Get to know her more on a one on one basis. If she is either a lesbian or bi maybe she'll be open to telling you once she gets to know you better. And also you'll be able to tell more about your feelings for her.

Jun 1, 2006, 1:35 AM
Ditto on what Arana has stated above. Also, does the gym have a steam room, sauna or a locker room where a little friendly flirtation might open an avenue to something more? A smile and a "friendly invite" for an after workout cooldown may also help...Anyone else have suggestions? :paw: :paw:

Jun 1, 2006, 5:43 AM
Is it her strength, confidence and interest in your wellbeing that might have set off your sexual interest? You said it's 'unlike' you...or maybe it is just a definite wake-up alarm! This is a time of freedom to explore in your life.

Interacting one-on-one with conversation is a great idea (and excuse) to test the water. My guess; if she's interested in you, she will make a definite move once she knows it's ok.
So...ask her for extra stretching advice...get her to demonstrate (why not check her out close-up too), and when you ask her to check you out...watch her eyes. Interacting away from her workplace too. While she's there, she has a job to do. So be aware of that.
Conversation is a wonderful way to know the person. Ask questions and really listen to her responses.
Make sure you let us know how it goes!

Jun 1, 2006, 11:49 AM
Maybe you could start by asking her to join you for coffee or lunch or something like that. Get to know her more on a one on one basis. If she is either a lesbian or bi maybe she'll be open to telling you once she gets to know you better. And also you'll be able to tell more about your feelings for her.

I think arana is actually a jedi, disguised as a normal human and sent here to give us sage advice.

I agree with everything she said. Get to know this girl, introduce yourself to her, and see where it goes on it's own.

:bowdown: arana

Jun 1, 2006, 7:20 PM
Maybe you could start by asking her to join you for coffee or lunch or something like that. Get to know her more on a one on one basis.

Excellent advice.
Just break the ice. If nothing eventuates, maybe you've made a good friend.
On the other hand ......... who knows where it may lead?? :female: :female:

Jun 6, 2006, 11:02 AM
Pics please :bigrin: