View Full Version : Is anyone else getting sick and tired of all the psychobabble going on here?

Dec 13, 2011, 9:47 PM
For fuck's sake! Some people just give me a headache with all their intellectual diarrhea. They have to debate every single point ad nauseum. Everytime someone tells how they feel, some text book idiot has to chirp up and tell then how wrong their feelings are. No one has the right to devalue someone else feelings, either in person on on a message board. And folks, this IS a message board, not the ivy league of accademia. Yes. it's nice to learn something, but at what cost? If you need to spew your shit and put others down just to feed your fractured ego, then maybe you should think twice before hitting the send button.

I'm just sick of all the intellects who think they know it all. Shut up already and listen to people! Science has been very wrong in the past, and the human psyche is evolving all the time. Listen and learn something.


Dec 13, 2011, 10:20 PM
OK FESS UP......Which one of you bastards disagreed with Mikey3000?????

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Dec 13, 2011, 10:21 PM
ah Mikey?:(

Bad day? Hug man!

drugstore cowboy
Dec 13, 2011, 10:30 PM
Keep in mind folks that this is being posted by someone who loves to cause drama and who actually believes that human sexuality is somehow a "choice". :rolleyes:

Dec 13, 2011, 10:32 PM
Naw, man. No bad day. I'm just sick of the annoying chick who loves to tell bi/gay men which of our feelings are valid or not cause she studied it in some book.

Dec 13, 2011, 10:48 PM
Naw, man. No bad day. I'm just sick of the annoying chick who loves to tell bi/gay men which of our feelings are valid or not cause she studied it in some book.

Man, do I know who you are talking about and I agree one hundred percent. By the way; I think it's a choice also.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 13, 2011, 10:53 PM
lol mikey, you forgot to post valid links as proof that your opinion is fact that you are annoyed, otherwise its only your opinion that you are annoyed and therefore your opinion that you are annoyed, is not a fact...:tong::tong:

I would run and hide under the bed, but with all the people mass hugging on the bed, it may collapse on me lol... so I think I will join you all on the bed, join in the mass hug and learn something new about hugging....

Dec 13, 2011, 11:00 PM
lol mikey, you forgot to post valid links as proof that your opinion is fact that you are annoyed, otherwise its only your opinion that you are annoyed and therefore your opinion that you are annoyed, is not a fact...:tong::tong:

Maybe she can google it and find the wiki listing under "suck ass". But I digress. Maybe fucking for $$ all through college makes you some sort of expert on sexuality, but sure as hell not my reality.

Dec 14, 2011, 12:20 AM
For fuck's sake! Some people just give me a headache with all their intellectual diarrhea. They have to debate every single point ad nauseum. Everytime someone tells how they feel, some text book idiot has to chirp up and tell then how wrong their feelings are. No one has the right to devalue someone else feelings, either in person on on a message board. And folks, this IS a message board, not the ivy league of accademia. Yes. it's nice to learn something, but at what cost? If you need to spew your shit and put others down just to feed your fractured ego, then maybe you should think twice before hitting the send button.

I'm just sick of all the intellects who think they know it all. Shut up already and listen to people! Science has been very wrong in the past, and the human psyche is evolving all the time. Listen and learn something.


OK..... so now we're debating ur point! I listen to The Sounds of Silence all the time! So who r u venting against, some chick or the rambling, confused pseudo-intellectuals that pop up here? This comes across as a generalized shotgun blast to me.:cool:

Dec 14, 2011, 2:29 AM
While logic tells me not to exacerbate this thread, logic does not have a sense of humor and when the chickens all come home to roost, there are just some things I cannot resist doing, like this......


Dec 14, 2011, 4:09 AM
While logic tells me not to exacerbate this thread, logic does not have a sense of humor and when the chickens all come home to roost, there are just some things I cannot resist doing, like this......


You are just completely childish and I hope Mikey joins a lot of us in having you on ignore. You do everyone a disservice when you try to invalidate everyone's opinions because you have the internet for looking things up rather than actually experiencing life. Don't you realize yet all the studies you are so fond of posting are conducted with real people...you know the ones on the forum that are responding to questions asked based on their experiences in real life. So pretty much just Cachau Dy.

Dec 14, 2011, 4:45 AM
Wow! I'm gone a while and there's Psyco-babbling and mass huggings on a bed..and I Missed it!!!! :eek:

And yes, Sex IS a choice..:}
Yer Wayward Cat.

Dec 14, 2011, 10:36 AM
For fuck's sake! Some people just give me a headache with all their intellectual diarrhea. They have to debate every single point ad nauseum. Everytime someone tells how they feel, some text book idiot has to chirp up and tell then how wrong their feelings are. No one has the right to devalue someone else feelings, either in person on on a message board. And folks, this IS a message board, not the ivy league of accademia. Yes. it's nice to learn something, but at what cost? If you need to spew your shit and put others down just to feed your fractured ego, then maybe you should think twice before hitting the send button.

I'm just sick of all the intellects who think they know it all. Shut up already and listen to people! Science has been very wrong in the past, and the human psyche is evolving all the time. Listen and learn something.


Yep Yep Yep....true true true....

Dec 14, 2011, 10:54 AM
Don't u worry 'bout what they say to ya, æon hun.. not everyone will like what ya say all the time and some will absolutely loathe whatya say all the time and u sure as hell wont be right all the time.. but some think ya have summat 2 say.. don't let them intimidate ya in2 silence.. if u have summat 2 say.. say it... and if peeps choose 2 ignore ya thats fine... peeps ignored Christ and the Prophet for a long time and see how far they have come whatever we happen to think of them..;)

Dec 14, 2011, 11:19 AM
OK Mikey
I may be partially disagreeing with you. I do enjoy reading well thought out perspectives or intelligent observations. I also enjoy and benefit from self disclosure postings but not over emotive anx comments thread after thread either.

Some of us do have some training and education in a variety of topics. Some may know how to debate or discuss issues. Its when someone goes overboard that may irritate you?

As far as psycho babble, I don't know. Do you find these posts judgmental and dismissively disrespectful of the OP? What I do not enjoy is when a poster refers to themselves and gives themself "expert status" and it is apparent that its just another topic that they think that they "know it all". They don't know how to put an intelligent thought together:eek:. They don't know how to stay on topic of a thread and introduce other issues distracting and disturbing any intelligent thought flow in the thread. They disrupt the flow of the thread by turning it into a personal flirt off topic discussion for more than two posts. That's irritating..:eek::bigrin:

Dec 14, 2011, 12:35 PM
OK Mikey
I may be partially disagreeing with you. I do enjoy reading well thought out perspectives or intelligent observations. I also enjoy and benefit from self disclosure postings but not over emotive anx comments thread after thread either.

Some of us do have some training and education in a variety of topics. Some may know how to debate or discuss issues. Its when someone goes overboard that may irritate you?

As far as psycho babble, I don't know. Do you find these posts judgmental and dismissively disrespectful of the OP? What I do not enjoy is when a poster refers to themselves and gives themself "expert status" and it is apparent that its just another topic that they think that they "know it all". They don't know how to put an intelligent thought together:eek:. They don't know how to stay on topic of a thread and introduce other issues distracting and disturbing any intelligent thought flow in the thread. They disrupt the flow of the thread by turning it into a personal flirt off topic discussion for more than two posts. That's irritating..:eek::bigrin:

So you would prefer an essay (http://www.ukessays.com/essay-help/essay-structure.php)? Are we still in school, then, professor?

Dec 14, 2011, 12:44 PM
Keep in mind folks that this is being posted by someone who loves to cause drama and who actually believes that human sexuality is somehow a "choice". :rolleyes:

I think its far greater and inspiring when someone exercises their choice over their love and love making than their choice to be casually cruel. Don't lump the rest of us into your meaningless put-down by calling us 'folks' as if you're speaking on our behalf, with a nudge and a wink and a cheeky eye roll to pepper out ur behaviour as if your bantering with friends..

As a general response to the lack of empathy in other posters responses, people do love to chip in with a handful of snide sometimes, and at worst when there is no provocation. I've read some really horrid insults recently that have been glorified as brave, dare-do responses.

It's sad but I suppose logical that this site is a microcosm of society. People have their own ideas about how they should treat people, and what they deserve. People can thrive on aggression here, when they've been in the victim status most of their lives, a status that the media/society loves to place LGBTI individuals. (The sick, the disenfranchised, the hiddden, the shameful, the attacked, the unequal, the closeted etc).To come here and experience how easy it is to become the attacker must be very alluring, addictive almost. Whilst I can see the possible cause, it still isn't good form.

But lets remember we're not just text on the screen but people as well. This isn't a fight for survival, to achieve ultimate http respect, clambering over each other for the last word, striving to plant the flag in the final peak of a debate. Words do become weapons here: if you feel you must defend yourself and your very right to exist, if you must fight for your very rights against the oppressive armies of opinions and voices that cut so deep everytime you...oh wait..
every time you ...log on....
to... a website.

this is where your finest hour of debate is, squeezed in between a poll about how many people eat their own cum, and a post where we celebrate the liberation of a forum where you can represent yourself by a your cock pic.

In this maelstrom, we flounder I suppose, for without corporeal form, physical strength is useless here. If you're going to win your battles, and hope to survive, you have nothing but you're mastery of vocab, a zero threshold for anybody who disagrees with you and a general disgust for anything that you haven't done yourself. Otherwise you would have done it.

In the silence and non-consequence of net space, people can invent their own applause at what they say. And there are no consequences to it. Consequences that I doubt they would be prepared to suffer in the real world, where a similar response would be too terrifying to imagine. Some, not all.

Or maybe i'm mistaken. Perhaps I'm being as judgmental as those that i'm moaning about. I'm sure these people put as much bravado into their quick-witted face-offs with homophobes that they have to deal with everyday.
Im sure they're also all 'out' about their bisexuality, as they certainly sound confident and articulate enough here.
Being 'out' is difficult: your boss, your loved ones, your neighbours, your community. But these posters though don't suffer fools: to be as honest and tough and uncompromising in their morals in everyday life as they are here, that's pretty admirable.

Wait...i'm just assuming that everyone here *is* out to everybody in their lives about their sexuality. I mean I just assumed that from how smart and erudite the posts were. I dont believe for one second the computer acts as some kind of shield, the anonymity providing a swig of dutch courage and the edit function a little refinement time to their 'off the cuff' reply. Yes I like the edit button, gives me time and ability to reconsider my words.

but i cant believe its the internet that makes a difference....surely?. i can see some of those angry posters now... walking over to that that gang of youths who've been shouting that being gay/bisexual is unnatural, and gross. That tall dude is even looking down at them..."you lot want sex like u want an ice cream. so many flavours, too many choices for you".

Its strange to think really who out of those so pedantic about being questioned would move forward, and who would walk away. I know that Mikey wouldnt be someone you'd disagree with then. You'd want to be on his side when he steps forward to defend your right to love someone of the same sex (regardless of why).

Anybody who is currently in a same-sex relationship experiences the daily struggles that we intellectualize here. Correct me if Im wrong but Mikey lives that too. Whilst some sit hunched indignantly over keyboards, proudly sacrificing their time in the fight for bisexual intelligensia, and seemingly trying to change an already converted corner of the world (one reply at a time) others are holding hands with their partner in a supermarket somewhere and making the CHOICE to live their love as openly as possible, to argue with people face to face that really hate them knowing that there will be consequences to such courage. Not everyone can do that, and that's okay. But if you know that you can't fight publicly for those rights, don't be so eager to defend them to the death here. Channel your anger where its really going to be useful. Get pedantic and smart at the real culprits, for it is those out there that have made it impossible for you to show a picture of you face in here.

Dec 14, 2011, 12:51 PM
While logic tells me not to exacerbate this thread, logic does not have a sense of humor and when the chickens all come home to roost, there are just some things I cannot resist doing, like this......

I can appreciate humor. Fond of various forms, satire, irony, morbid being a few among them. That noted, it is a bit difficult seeing humor in your post. Oh, I do but it is seen as something of a jab at someone else.

That seems rather to illustrate the original poster's point of people making themselves appear better by tearing another down. And this is something I agree with the poster on. Many here do as such and it is tiresome, especially since rule "2. Be polite - flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person.", is there.

Then again I'm sure this is merely mad raving opinion of an ill educated lunatic and means nothing t'all.

Dec 14, 2011, 12:59 PM
So you would prefer an essay (http://www.ukessays.com/essay-help/essay-structure.php)? Are we still in school, then, professor?

To be honest, I wouldn't mind a longer well thought out intelligent written section (1000 word max). Perhaps written in the sections that use to have well written essays on this site. Why not members being able to submit them with commentary posted in forums?

Sound bite size comments are good at times but longer passages also have their place.

I would be interested if it had an academic slant as long as it was communicating. We don't all comprehend & write at a grade 4 reading level but excessively complex language probably is inappropriate. Big words are not necessarily communicating but lets not be anti-intellectual either. Isn't that just another form of bigotry? I don't think that is what Mikey is objecting to but I may not have been reading the threads that he is posting about.

Do you have a problem with intelligently, well written, articulate passages on this site?
Void I've never thought of you as uneducated. You are an intelligent, individualistic good guy.

Dec 14, 2011, 1:15 PM
How about a simple short direct honest sensibly constructed voicing of intelligent thoughts? :)

To me the essays are boring...not to mention often just a futile wordy exercise between individuals attempting to appear 'academic'.

Remember, arguing on the interweb is like competing in the special olympics.
You can win but youre still retarded. ;)

Now I suppose someone will be 'offended' at my joke. :tong:

Dec 14, 2011, 1:37 PM
How about a simple short direct honest sensibly constructed voicing of intelligent thoughts? :)

To me the essays are boring...not to mention often just a futile wordy exercise between individuals attempting to appear 'academic'.

Remember, arguing on the interweb is like competing in the special olympics.
You can win but youre still retarded. ;)

Now I suppose someone will be 'offended' at my joke. :tong:

totally agree. long posts fill me with dread, but those who write them i'm sure have a sense people will either take them or leave them.....i expect people to do the same to mine. long posts are probably more about acts of catharsism anyway, so by the very fact they're up, they've done most of their job. your special olympics joke wasn't offensive don't worry, it was just unfortunately crass, especially when u cant see who your telling it to. just saying.

Dec 14, 2011, 1:40 PM
your special olympics joke wasn't offensive don't worry, it was just unfortunately crass, especially when u cant see who your telling it to. just saying.

Well, I have never been one to care much about being 'PC'...and dont intend to start now. If people cant see humor for what it is thats their problem and I certainly wont make it mine. . ;)

Dec 14, 2011, 2:26 PM
"Conventional people are roused to fury by departure from convention, largely because they regard such departure as a criticism of themselves."

- Bertrand Russell

Dec 14, 2011, 2:41 PM
Keep in mind folks that this is being posted by someone who loves to cause drama and who actually believes that human sexuality is somehow a "choice". :rolleyes:


Dec 14, 2011, 4:36 PM
Why not members being able to submit them with commentary posted in forums?

Isn't that just another form of bigotry?

Do you have a problem with intelligently, well written, articulate passages on this site?

You suggest roughly one thousand words, which does seem a good word count. Agree on the reading level. One has to write to not abash others with intellectualism nor assail with grotesque dullness, quite a feat to attempt. Yes, I do think appeasing either dumbing down or smartening up would lend to some bigotry, or at least condescension where it may not exist.

Have no problems with intelligent, well written passages here. Ultimately though I'm left to wonder then if such would imply no propaganda. For example, in due fairness one would write of several different views on a subject instead of only one. This could perhaps, serve as adversity if sources are required.

I have asked Drew about plans to offer payment for such articles. Justifiably, he is unable to offer payment. It is a free site. This does not present the notion of writing such articles as favorable. Exposure as payment is of course, nice. But such nice does not help contribute to welfare. May write a few out of fun and for exposure, beyond that it's unknown.

Revenue would be nicer. But it is what it is. One thousand words written is easy, unless one is really researching, finding sources and so on. Then, it becomes a bit of a job. One then expects being paid. And I think that is reasonable, understandable.

Dec 14, 2011, 6:12 PM
Everyone has their thoughts, ideas and opinions. People are wrong, right and both when it comes to all that.
This post will seem like a rant to some, some will see it as a truth, others will get upset with it, some will believe it should be deleted.
Everyone has their own opinion on everyone's post.

Now mine opinion,
I know what you are talking about because I have too many people in my life who are the same.
I have made posts close to one like this, but this one is more pointed towards one person instead of tons of people and if you have a disagreement when the person, don't post about it. Write to them, Drew or put them on your ignore list.

Dec 14, 2011, 6:40 PM
wtg want2havefun my mind to your mind sorry about the star trek reference, but u hit the nail on the head. kit

Dec 14, 2011, 9:56 PM
I love it. It is so different from my real life.
So much fun to read and sometime laugh at and sometimes get insights on my life and others that are really important.

Dec 15, 2011, 1:32 AM
Don't u worry 'bout what they say to ya, æon hun.. not everyone will like what ya say all the time and some will absolutely loathe whatya say all the time and u sure as hell wont be right all the time.. but some think ya have summat 2 say.. don't let them intimidate ya in2 silence.. if u have summat 2 say.. say it... and if peeps choose 2 ignore ya thats fine... peeps ignored Christ and the Prophet for a long time and see how far they have come whatever we happen to think of them..;)

1) Obviously, some people need to get a hobby, like sex or something.

2) Too many mistake "form" for "substance."

3) In college (yes the dreaded "liberal" education) I took a course in public speaking. Part of it had to do with handling impromptu discussions. One day the prof told the class to divide itself up into two groups, for and against abortion.

I hate abortion debates and discussions. To use a Star Trek analogy, they are all like the "Kobayashi Maru" and end up in huge arguments. Anyways, of the class of 32, 29 went to the anti-abortion side. I didn't want to get involved but it was so lopsided, I felt compelled to take the pro-choice stance. Both groups were given ten minutes to prepare. Our group of three chose me to do the talking. We were going to get graded on delivery form, structure, content and clarity. We all had to depend on what we knew in our heads.

I took the basic constitution VS bible position, yadda yadda, but with a twist. I kept referring to the fetus as anything but a fetus....a zygote, cellular tissue, protoplasmic non-entity, etc...in other words, any description that took away human characteristics...to dehumanize.

That so unnerved the other side, many opposing members lost control and started calling me every name in the book. If looks could have killed, I would be dead. Classroom decorum broke down and the prof stopped the test.

After class, the prof asked to speak to me and gave me a tongue lashing about deliberately provoking this incident. She also told me it that considering how lopsided this debate was, that my tact was necessary. While there was no winning and losing, one was being graded on how well you could respond in an academic manner, without getting emotionally involved. To that extent, I taunted the opposing side by merely measuring my words. In technical terms, they broke the structure of the discussion and failed the test.

Moral of this story, if one cannot handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Dec 15, 2011, 5:57 AM
"Conventional people are roused to fury by departure from convention, largely because they regard such departure as a criticism of themselves."

- Bertrand Russell

The last time I heard that quote was at a lecture some years ago. The lecturer was waxing lyrical about Russell and was enraged when a smart arsed (male) student drew attention to the fact that his fly was undone and his knob was on show. :eek:

A tadge insensitive I thought but helluva funny...

My favourite quote of Russell's however should be really be in another place but there ya are..

"Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principles of liberty, which are embodied in one maxim: The fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate."

Nope.. not pysycobabble...

Dec 15, 2011, 6:44 AM
1) Obviously, some people need to get a hobby, like sex or something.

2) Too many mistake "form" for "substance."

3) In college (yes the dreaded "liberal" education) I took a course in public speaking. Part of it had to do with handling impromptu discussions. One day the prof told the class to divide itself up into two groups, for and against abortion.

I hate abortion debates and discussions. To use a Star Trek analogy, they are all like the "Kobayashi Maru" and end up in huge arguments. Anyways, of the class of 32, 29 went to the anti-abortion side. I didn't want to get involved but it was so lopsided, I felt compelled to take the pro-choice stance. Both groups were given ten minutes to prepare. Our group of three chose me to do the talking. We were going to get graded on delivery form, structure, content and clarity. We all had to depend on what we knew in our heads.

I took the basic constitution VS bible position, yadda yadda, but with a twist. I kept referring to the fetus as anything but a fetus....a zygote, cellular tissue, protoplasmic non-entity, etc...in other words, any description that took away human characteristics...to dehumanize.

That so unnerved the other side, many opposing members lost control and started calling me every name in the book. If looks could have killed, I would be dead. Classroom decorum broke down and the prof stopped the test.

After class, the prof asked to speak to me and gave me a tongue lashing about deliberately provoking this incident. She also told me it that considering how lopsided this debate was, that my tact was necessary. While there was no winning and losing, one was being graded on how well you could respond in an academic manner, without getting emotionally involved. To that extent, I taunted the opposing side by merely measuring my words. In technical terms, they broke the structure of the discussion and failed the test.

Moral of this story, if one cannot handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

It's why you create characters: so you can argue with yourself.

Dec 15, 2011, 6:52 AM
It's why you create characters: so you can argue with yourself.

Would you like some aged Wisconsin cheddar with your whine?

Dec 15, 2011, 7:00 AM
Would you like some aged Wisconsin cheddar with your whine?

Actually, you are quite fine, so I'll just take you and gag ya.

Dec 15, 2011, 11:32 AM
My suggestion is that if someone doesn't like posts on the thread board of a particular type--then simply don't read them if all that is gonna do is get you pissed off.

If there is someone that you just cannot abide them for whatever reason---then I suggest putting them on your ignore list so what they say won't bug ya anymore.

It really is a simple matter.

I know I am often guilty of putting up rants of my own with some of them getting long winded---as I said in welcoming back Cat---for me doing that is just my way of letting off steam about something that I read or saw in a video someplace. I can say that there are many times that I have gone to post up something that after spending time writing it---I just hit the back button and never post it----the number of such near miss posts far outnumbers those I actually wind up posting to the board.

I will say that if what I say pisses ya off and you cannot stand it or me for that matter---then put me on your ignore list as well---while I do self-censor myself more times than not--as long as I continue to come to this site---I will continue to put up the sorts of posts that I have been doing since the time I first came to this site.

Dec 15, 2011, 1:12 PM
Actually, you are quite fine, so I'll just take you and gag ya.

Interesting thought...You and what army?

Dec 15, 2011, 3:12 PM
Interesting thought...You and what army?

That would qualify as "kinky" no? LOL

roy m cox
Dec 15, 2011, 6:17 PM
get's a bag of popcorn and a pop sits back

Dec 15, 2011, 6:48 PM
Would you like some aged Wisconsin cheddar with your whine?

LOL!LOL! LOL! If we want some "aged Wisconsin Cheddar", we'll just re-read some of your old posts.


Dec 15, 2011, 9:17 PM
1) Obviously, some people need to get a hobby, like sex or something.

2) Too many mistake "form" for "substance."

3) In college (yes the dreaded "liberal" education) I took a course in public speaking. Part of it had to do with handling impromptu discussions. One day the prof told the class to divide itself up into two groups, for and against abortion.

I hate abortion debates and discussions. To use a Star Trek analogy, they are all like the "Kobayashi Maru" and end up in huge arguments. Anyways, of the class of 32, 29 went to the anti-abortion side. I didn't want to get involved but it was so lopsided, I felt compelled to take the pro-choice stance. Both groups were given ten minutes to prepare. Our group of three chose me to do the talking. We were going to get graded on delivery form, structure, content and clarity. We all had to depend on what we knew in our heads.

I took the basic constitution VS bible position, yadda yadda, but with a twist. I kept referring to the fetus as anything but a fetus....a zygote, cellular tissue, protoplasmic non-entity, etc...in other words, any description that took away human characteristics...to dehumanize.

That so unnerved the other side, many opposing members lost control and started calling me every name in the book. If looks could have killed, I would be dead. Classroom decorum broke down and the prof stopped the test.

After class, the prof asked to speak to me and gave me a tongue lashing about deliberately provoking this incident. She also told me it that considering how lopsided this debate was, that my tact was necessary. While there was no winning and losing, one was being graded on how well you could respond in an academic manner, without getting emotionally involved. To that extent, I taunted the opposing side by merely measuring my words. In technical terms, they broke the structure of the discussion and failed the test.

Moral of this story, if one cannot handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

1) Obviously, some people need to get a hobby, like sex or something.

Oh wow, you got sex. May I get some, please?

I actually do have a few hobbies. Some involve things such as tracking game, studying herbs, following weather patterns. These are possibly quite dull to your high brow styles. That's alright. Not everyone likes field dressing a deer in under three minutes. Not everyone likes growing their own food, sewing up their own clothes, hauling in a mess of fish for a village's dinner.

See, my hobbies are those which are considered practical skills. At least they were about a hundred years or so ago. Rather be fit and able to live anywhere, anytime, anyhow than bother keeping up with the newest I-toaters, having the newest leased out car, the most pretty suit blazer.

2) Too many mistake "form" for "substance."

Sex does sound nice, though. But I'm sorry the substance of you and me having sex, well, it's just not there. I'm not interested and that is not any fault of yours. Call me old fashioned. I like being loyal to a Lady, and a Lord only. And if that means I have dry patches, no worries.

Go ahead and parade the form all you like though. Nice to look at if nothing else.

Some of us do see the form, luv. We're awaiting the substance. You don't offer much.

3) In college (yes the dreaded "liberal" education) I took a course in public speaking. Part of it had to do with handling impromptu discussions. One day the prof told the class to divide itself up into two groups, for and against abortion.

"blah blah blah ..." <snip>

My wife tells the same tale. She's pro life but chose argue pro choice. Big deal, hon. You are still not offering substance. Teach me to make a penny walk like a C note, maybe then you'll have something.

Told my wife the same, "So you learned how to advocate an opposing argument. Great, you learned how to use propaganda. Now you can recognize it. You can also see when not to use it, never if you ask me."

If you were bringing heat, maybe it was directed elsewhere?

*yawn* Good for you?

N.B. If you were not liked, you would not get such flack. Piss on ya. :)

Dec 15, 2011, 9:24 PM
That would qualify as "kinky" no? LOL

In the colloquial sense, perhaps. An army travels on it's stomach I understand.

Dec 15, 2011, 9:28 PM


Dec 15, 2011, 10:08 PM
In the colloquial sense, perhaps. An army travels on it's stomach I understand.

You state that it would take an army for me to take you; well, you have no idea of what a Marine can do. I do see that you have no respect either for the armed services, as your inferance to an army traveling on its stomach is to equate it as one who grovels. The only one here that I see as a consimate whiner is no one other than you.

Dec 15, 2011, 10:49 PM
Risking the ire of others on this thread, I admire your intelligence, profile & pics; you've never offended me, so I don't have a problem w/u. We even seemed to agree on Ann Coulter somewhat. You're brash, flamboyant like her, the spice of life! I once read a definition of courage as " be yourself and let the chips fall where they may.";)

Dec 15, 2011, 10:51 PM
Oops; this was for Aeonpax!

Dec 15, 2011, 11:04 PM
You state that it would take an army for me to take you; well, you have no idea of what a Marine can do. I do see that you have no respect either for the armed services, as your inferance to an army traveling on its stomach is to equate it as one who grovels. The only one here that I see as a consimate whiner is no one other than you.

LOL...you are one very confused pup. An "army travels on it's stomach" is an old axiom referring to feeding an army. From there, you make up all sorts of bizarre conjectures. Get a grip.

Here is another saying poindexter; "Online, no one knows your a dog." Now I'm going to have to explain this to you....anyone, can claim to be anything, online....doctors, lawyers, whatever. Just becuase you allude you are a Marine means absolutely NOTHING to me. You could also be a Joe The Plumber, for all I care. All I know is what I see from your words and those words paint you as a closed minded, right-wing conservative...not a person I would care to know in real-time.

Take a hint, if you have nothing constructive to say, say nothing.

Dec 15, 2011, 11:21 PM
Risking the ire of others on this thread, I admire your intelligence, profile & pics; you've never offended me, so I don't have a problem w/u. We even seemed to agree on Ann Coulter somewhat. You're brash, flamboyant like her, the spice of life! I once read a definition of courage as " be yourself and let the chips fall where they may.";)

I am polite and considerate with those whom extend to me, the same courtesy. The problem comes to opinions on two very hot topics; politics and religion. Regardless of a person's orientation, there will always be disagreements on these. I'm willing to allow vast differences on opinion while still maintaining respect. Unfortunately, there are a few people here that shall remain nameless, that must carry on a disagreement outside the topic. If they attack me, I will respond...as simple as that.

I've had some very good private chats here with people whom are my polar opposite, and yet, we have much more in common than what keeps us different. That's the key to a good forum, to me.

Dec 15, 2011, 11:30 PM
Aeon; when everyone is asking you to please be quiet, maybe you should listen. That last rant you vomited at me made little to no sense at all. All you are doing is as I said earlier...creating charactres so you can argue with yourself. Most of us here know words that are more than six letters long, but find no need to administer them in a fashion that suggests something wrong is going on somewhere in our lives. Grow up, live long and prosper like the rest of us who are mature in mind and spirit.

Dec 16, 2011, 3:11 AM

You're trying to speak? Shame the education was wasted.

Yes, indeed.

"Take a hint, if you have nothing constructive to say, say nothing."

Pot to coffee.

Dec 16, 2011, 11:02 AM
Simple answer, Yes. But then I've been reading the forums offline for years and it seems to come and go as more posters armed with internet truth seek to preach to the masses. Ignore, I have found, is a lovely tool.


Dec 16, 2011, 5:02 PM
Yes, agreed. Too much. Like it. Don't like,or quit.I enjoy the buzz and don't need a shrink.

Dec 16, 2011, 10:25 PM
I do not have any trouble sorting it all out into good, bad and ugly categories.

Dec 17, 2011, 12:26 AM
I do not have any trouble sorting it all out into good, bad and ugly categories.

*fetches spurs, chaps, water based six gun, shovel* "They say treasure lies in the cemetery of Boot Hill ..."

*cues the Ventures, wiggles eyes, pans camera to the eyes of others, spins it round the circle slowly in pan*