View Full Version : web cam chat rooms

Dec 9, 2011, 8:05 AM
I like web cam chat rooms ,there is nearly always a gay chat room or bi chat room and i visit both. Today I sat nude for 60 minutes with the cam on my nude form,and it was nice chatting with others who are bi or bi curious. If you like to chat or email, let me know.:male:

Dec 9, 2011, 8:19 AM
I like web cam chat rooms ,there is nearly always a gay chat room or bi chat room and i visit both. Today I sat nude for "60 minutes" with the cam on my nude form,and it was nice chatting with others who are bi or bi curious. If you like to chat or email, let me know.:male:

aw.. too bad Andy Rouney missed it

Dec 11, 2011, 9:20 AM
Any suggestions for good webcam chat sites?

Dec 12, 2011, 11:59 AM
IMO, cam fun is best enjoyed with someone you have a R/L friendship with.
But, sometimes it can be enjoyable with the right person. Most cam sites are full of obnoxious trolls.

Dec 13, 2011, 3:47 PM
IMO, cam fun is best enjoyed with someone you have a R/L friendship with.
But, sometimes it can be enjoyable with the right person. Most cam sites are full of obnoxious trolls.

I would agree with you wholeheartedly. Whether the people be straight, bi, or gay, to see people displaying themselves for strangers and receiving vulgar remarks, is quite distasteful and in some room to see people begging for sex...be it on cam, or real time is very sad. There are a lot of lonely people on those sites and they fall prey to the game players and believe every word they say. Of course, not all sections of a web cam site will be sex rooms, but it does tend to become a little incestuous, when prople who chat fully dressed, in some rooms, will become sexually active, with the same people, in other rooms. These people think it's OK, because it's the Internet and just fun. In the long term, they harm themselves, because it becomes their dirty little secret, because they wouldn't behave like that at the mall, the bank, in the street etc etc.

Dec 14, 2011, 5:47 AM
I would agree with you wholeheartedly. Whether the people be straight, bi, or gay, to see people displaying themselves for strangers and receiving vulgar remarks, is quite distasteful and in some room to see people begging for sex...be it on cam, or real time is very sad. There are a lot of lonely people on those sites and they fall prey to the game players and believe every word they say. Of course, not all sections of a web cam site will be sex rooms, but it does tend to become a little incestuous, when prople who chat fully dressed, in some rooms, will become sexually active, with the same people, in other rooms. These people think it's OK, because it's the Internet and just fun. In the long term, they harm themselves, because it becomes their dirty little secret, because they wouldn't behave like that at the mall, the bank, in the street etc etc.

OK I agree the vulgar remarks are not cool. Assholes. but that goes anywhere. If you throw yourself out there and someone doesnt appreciate it, well then they should just go away. Unless you are looking for them. However if someone is begging for sex, maybe that is what they are into. Who are you to judge. And how do people harm themselves? If they did what they did online and they dont like the results they should wake up and shut thier computer off, 0therwise they got what they wanted. The only thing you are right about IMO is it is the internet, and that is why anyone who is the least bit smart knows it will always remain thier dirty little secret. That is what has always made the internet so cool. People can act the way that makes them happy, online, then return to thier normal life.Why knock it.Its true freedom. (Unless you arnt using a proxy or post it in a social network of course)

On the other hand I do agree most sites are full of obnoxious trolls.....

Dec 14, 2011, 6:02 AM
I prefer real life for taking my clothes off. I really don't like to cam in THAT way because you have no control over the "footage" at the other end - someone could archive whatever you do and upload it publicly without your permission..

Dec 14, 2011, 6:42 AM
OK I agree the vulgar remarks are not cool. Assholes. but that goes anywhere. If you throw yourself out there and someone doesnt appreciate it, well then they should just go away. Unless you are looking for them. However if someone is begging for sex, maybe that is what they are into. Who are you to judge. And how do people harm themselves? If they did what they did online and they dont like the results they should wake up and shut thier computer off, 0therwise they got what they wanted. The only thing you are right about IMO is it is the internet, and that is why anyone who is the least bit smart knows it will always remain thier dirty little secret. That is what has always made the internet so cool. People can act the way that makes them happy, online, then return to thier normal life.Why knock it.Its true freedom. (Unless you arnt using a proxy or post it in a social network of course)

On the other hand I do agree most sites are full of obnoxious trolls.....

Not judging the people as people, Ryan, but maybe the whole money making set up. I would say that people do harm themselves, because they have reached such a low ebb, are lonely, desperate etc and self esteem and self respect have gone out of the window. People can fall prey to the many players and users that haunt these sites. People do record the videos...it's a known fact. I have seen people talk about recording quite innocent activities, so it's obvious the same thing can happen with any sexual activity...any. Is it really true freedom, to behave, act, do things, in a manner, people would not consider doing, in everyday life. The very fact that a fantasy life, can, in many circumstances, take over from reality, is a rather frightening one. When people get dressed up, for a night out on the town, with their computer and begin to believe that the many faces upon their computer screen, strangers...are actually best friends, life is taking a very wrong pathway. To pay to use your own web cam and believe the business blurb from the site owners, that one is paying for the privilege of viewing the cams of others, becomes an absurd outlook, for if everyone is paying, the business blurb means nothing and is cancelled out. As for people waking up and realising that it's all a con, a fantasy....umm...that's the point...they don't. There would be far less lonely people and far more real relationships, if people left their computers and went out into the world to meet people. You have to realise that many of the regulars see strangers, as their 'real' friends, when they can know nothing about a small cam picture and a line of type and in most cases, not even voices are heard. One could go round and round with this, it's really a case of what is too much and what is taking people away from their real lives....and that does happen...a lot. I'm not saying that web cam sites are wrong....not one bit...just the way they can end up getting used and how people can end up being fooled by someone they may think a great person, but in reality, they can know nothing about them.

Dec 14, 2011, 6:43 AM
I prefer real life for taking my clothes off. I really don't like to cam in THAT way because you have no control over the "footage" at the other end - someone could archive whatever you do and upload it publicly without your permission..

You are correct elian...this can and does happen.

Dec 14, 2011, 1:24 PM
Its best not to ever show/do anything on cam that you wouldnt want shared.
I tend to avoid the general web cam sites due to the above concerns and the aforementioned asshole trolls. That being said, I have enjoyed a long term C2C erotic friendship or two with carefully selected friends. Its been quite some time since I have engaged in that activity though. Its tough to find the right friends, especially if you seek them on a cam site.

Dec 14, 2011, 4:07 PM
Any suggestions for good webcam chat sites?

I have found iWebcam.com to be the best cam chat site. Free cam chatting, and the free membership and pay accounts (only $5 for 30 days access - and other members can help to upgrade you.) Any registered user can set up his/her own room, and can actually make a little bit of money with a popular room.

I wish the owners of bisexual.com would set up an account with them, and add a room. If you read this, get back to me and I can help set up a chatroom at iWebcam.