View Full Version : Communal Orgasmic Yoga for Men

Dec 8, 2011, 12:54 PM
Well,well well :bigrin:

I'm not sure if you can access this youtube without being a signed up member but the idea is interesting. Try though.


some quotes from the video

"Sex is a vibration in the body"

"You have to train to learn to tolerate higher erotic states. Its like training to run"

"A real dilemna is that most men had shame about sexuality."

One of the biggest taboos in our culture is men being in each others presence erotically."

There's a freedom. Wow! Its ok that I can be an erotic person in a social situation"

What are your thoughts gentlemen?

Dec 9, 2011, 12:40 AM
Thanks for posting this----I think it is a good thing this guy is teaching those classes and he has an audience for it--of course--it does seem to be taking place out in California they have long been more accepting of things of this nature out there----don't know if "it would play in Peoria" though--meaning that it might not go in middle America even though even more men in middle America could no doubt benefit from something of this sort.

Dec 9, 2011, 10:06 AM
I have done nude yoga before- with both mixed-gender and gay male groups- but there was no sexual conduct allowed. I know of nude yoga groups that involve allegedly 'tantric' masturbation though.

Dec 9, 2011, 10:18 AM
One thing that is interesting about the words and video is the aspect of erotic.

The nudity is part of it. Just being naked with other men and yet they go a bit further in the video suggesting that nude men remove the clothes of another man with his permission. The man took a breath before giving permission to remove his items of clothing one at a time. Is that sexual or some form of erotica different than sex itself? There was also more than one man removing the clothes. This in part reminds me of other theories about men gathering together in ritualistic manners for self discovery. There was also a lot of touching and ritual hand holding in a circle raising arms etc. This seems to be a form of removing taboo and possibly rejecting homophobia in men? I also suspect that there might be more than one man who might get an erection during the rituals. There would be thoughts about that shared by at least this leader.

Dec 9, 2011, 10:23 AM
As I said, no sexual conduct was allowed in the group itself. The group involved a session of partner work, with physical content. The physical content was not sexual, but it was stimulating to be in contact with a man's naked body, especially knowing it was a man who has sex with men.

Dec 9, 2011, 10:30 AM
Yes, I have not done nude yoga but I have been to naturists parks where the idea of nudity and sex are separated.

In this form of yoga is he promoting erotica rather than out and out sex? In the nude yoga that you participated in you mention physical contact /content and I get the idea that sexuality and erotica are not part of the form of nude yoga that you participated in. Do you see any difference based on the short video or do you see them as the same?

Dec 9, 2011, 10:55 AM
Nothing about the group was intended to be erotic. Yoga is actually hard work. More effort went into keeping up with the difficulty of the yoga than into enjoying the scenery. I only saw a guy with an erection there one time.

However, there is a certain amount of erotic stimulation simply from being around a group of nude men and especially in close physical contact with them. That is even more so when the men are gay and the man whose body you are touching is at least potentially a sex partner.

Dec 9, 2011, 11:11 AM
I sure would like to try nude yoga and the place they did it in the video looks nice-the only thing about those groups--they seem to be hetero guys who are all scared about being naked around other guys and don't want to touch another naked guy or have other ones touching them----so that part I am well past since I like all of those things. I do kind of like the idea of searching for more ecstatic erotic experiences though.

Dec 9, 2011, 12:08 PM
I sure would like to try nude yoga and the place they did it in the video looks nice-the only thing about those groups--they seem to be hetero guys who are all scared about being naked around other guys and don't want to touch another naked guy or have other ones touching them----so that part I am well past since I like all of those things. I do kind of like the idea of searching for more ecstatic erotic experiences though.

You have an open invitation to be my partner....:bigrin:

Dec 9, 2011, 12:49 PM
Hi all. As open minded as I am, I still don't think I would do Yoda. Sorry but I have to draw the line somewhere. He's over 800yrs old.

Dec 9, 2011, 4:10 PM
900 actually, or so tells he the Skywalker Luke.

Dec 9, 2011, 5:09 PM
So let me get this straight, the instructor studied as Jesuit priest for 11 years? - what exactly did he study? Are those the same guys who invented the missionary position?

I wonder where in the country this is located.. it sounds interesting - my poor feeble unenlightened mind .. I couldn't help but think of some of the rather eccentric things I have heard about out West. It would take at least some trust for me to do this.. I remember taking a martial arts class when I was an 18 year old just out of high school, I was so nervous and self-conscious. The partner that sort of found me in that class made me feel quite special because we definitely practiced kicks and sweeps 'n stuff but he would not let me fall..

Bottom line, sex always sells right?

Tenni, didn't you say that you have some breathing techniques that you use to help you along raising your tantric energy?

Definitely not for everyone but I think that most people enjoy sex, intimacy or both and it's often more hurtful to sweep that fact under the rug constantly. It's a neat idea that men can express that intimacy, I think there is a lot of pressure from society NOT to trust and express love and eroticism - for having to save face, etc. what does come out sometimes is more like a cartoonish caricature.

Dec 9, 2011, 5:33 PM
This sounds a lot like a different facet of neotrantra, in this case, something advocated by the Guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 9, 2011, 5:38 PM
lol elian, I can help with a bit of understanding about the class....

its about breaking down the self imposed *pre programming * that we develop, the * nakedness means sex and sexual contact * thinking that many males have

in simple terms, its about * transitioning * from a person that is * aware * in a shower full of males, to a person that can walk around a nudist camp without being affected by all the eye camp......

where it can help is less of a sexual reaction to erotic contact and more of a erotic reaction to sexual contact...... lol think of it as the difference between waiting for a guy to strip off so you can suck his cock and and waiting for a guy to relax and open himself to you sharing a very erotic experience such as lowering yourself to your knees so you can run your hands up his legs, undo his pants, slip them down slowly to reveal his cock, drawing it closer to your mouth with each breath then making love with it, only using your lips and tongue to take it all into your mouth, embracing it with warmth and soft pressure...

its something we all can do, we just need to take our time, relax and find the right partner to share the experience with....

Dec 9, 2011, 6:03 PM
<pant pant pant> - Ok LDD! Where is the sign up sheet?

I have done some of that type of work innately already, that's why I try to appreciate the intimate contact I do have as a GIFT and not just a reason for and an ability to get my rocks off..someone is being naked an vulnerable next to you..why not love them?

This must be a lot like all those Finnish guys I see in Saunas who just sit around, talk and appreciate each others company.

Being sexualized from such a young age, and not having that much intimate contact anyway, it's a little hard not to think of sex first...but I can enjoy a good wrestling match the same as the next guy.

Come to think of it, this is probably something I really SHOULD go through, but I'm afraid of what it would do to my mind when I come out the other side..like you say I was programmed that way from a very young age - it's hard to imagine anything else as anything but a dream or a wild fantasy.

I know more than one nudist would probably kick my ass..given enough time I think I could get used to the idea of being nude - but I think I'd have to get a slip cover for the couch..and I'd definitely have to move to a warmer climate.

Dec 10, 2011, 10:31 AM
<pant pant pant> - Ok LDD! Where is the sign up sheet?

I have done some of that type of work innately already, that's why I try to appreciate the intimate contact I do have as a GIFT and not just a reason for and an ability to get my rocks off..someone is being naked an vulnerable next to you..why not love them?

This must be a lot like all those Finnish guys I see in Saunas who just sit around, talk and appreciate each others company.

Being sexualized from such a young age, and not having that much intimate contact anyway, it's a little hard not to think of sex first...but I can enjoy a good wrestling match the same as the next guy.

Come to think of it, this is probably something I really SHOULD go through, but I'm afraid of what it would do to my mind when I come out the other side..like you say I was programmed that way from a very young age - it's hard to imagine anything else as anything but a dream or a wild fantasy.

I know more than one nudist would probably kick my ass..given enough time I think I could get used to the idea of being nude - but I think I'd have to get a slip cover for the couch..and I'd definitely have to move to a warmer climate.

Just wait baby. I'm bound to strike it rich. Once that happens there are plans for a place in the Caribbean. Let you go nude all day and night if you like.

Of course, you might also need to get used to the idea of hammocks. *g* Plan on also having several triced up on the island, and in the huts. Void wanders off thinking about a nice evening whiled away in a hammock.

Dec 15, 2011, 9:32 PM
My one gay friend was just telling me about an experience he had when he was in his mid twenties..he remembers a younger man falling asleep against him on a bus trip had rested his head on my friend's shoulder. I think that's nice, and although I would find it somewhat erotic I wish more men could do that without sexual connotation.. Not sure "erotic" is the best word..happy to be able to exercise compassion?

Dec 16, 2011, 3:00 AM
You're speaking of tahata realized through equanimity and mutta. If not then, not far away our grasp of such concept in difference. Thank you for this gift, my love. Over the past while, I have journeyed far and the butterfly of happiness visits often.

Presently, at nearly 3 AM I am listening to how some rather large financial institution took advantage of investor funds. It's something on television, congress vision or some such. No anger, no sadness despite hearing these people say we're all essentially screwed over a barrel.

Ah, switched it as all that legal and political stuff could drone on and still make no sense. A movie about a guy brought back as a woman. *sighs* Probably better to sleep. I will too. A few moments more, to enjoy stillness.
Then off to slumber. Of course, you know I genuinely do not. *grins and kisses*

Rest my star man.Vigil is thine.