View Full Version : The "Churchies" win again.

Dec 5, 2011, 2:21 AM
This past weekend, the governing party in Oz had their biennial Conference, where major planks of the party policy are "debated."
In Oz our governing party is the so-called progressive of the two.
As well as debating Uranium Sales, refugee policy, party reform and work-place laws, the party seriously debated the question of Gay Marriage, which in a referendum in Oz would be carried easily.
They welched on the deal and ended up with giving each member a Conscience vote if a bill legalising such marriage should ever come to the floor of Parliament - knowing full well, the Opposition will vote as a bloc (regardless of individual views) against it.
Therefore Gay Marriage will not occur in Oz in the near future.

The reason is pure politics - as I said, at a referendum, it would carry easily - about 60-65% of Oztralians support the legalisation.
However it has all to do with seats in Parliament, where a few seats in "Knuckle-dragger" land in Western Sydney and Queensland (it's the "Deep North" folks) would not be in favour and said seats would be lost.
So much for "The Light On The Hill."

Dec 5, 2011, 2:33 AM
Speaking of "Knuckle-dragger(s)", among the clowns in the US vying for the GOP nomination for president, we have one candidate whose husband operates a business whereby he will "pray" the Gay out of someone...for a fee, of course.

Regardless of the country, politics is a low-life business.

Long Duck Dong
Dec 5, 2011, 2:43 AM
I read reports about that here in NZ, with remarks like gillard did it to *save * her own political career.....

if what I read was correct, they used a standard politic tactic.... " we should not force people to support something that goes against their personal beliefs AKA, fucked if we are going to do anything that costs us the next election and look bad in the public eye "

65% of the citizens of the 3rd island of new zealand :tong: may support open marriage, but any party will look at the overall stance in terms of support for the next election and keeping their jobs.....

personally I think it should be a compulsory law under the heading of basic human rights and that no other person should have the power to deny people the same rights that other people exercise themselves......

its one of the few remaining major aspects that prove when it comes to human rights, many of those in power, talk out their asses when they say they are acting in the best interests of people....

Dec 5, 2011, 4:50 AM
65% of the citizens of the 3rd island of new zealand :tong: ...

That's a bit harsh - just because you won the World Cup - and then sooked because the French stared down your haka...

But does a 9 wicket test win mean anything.

I relation to your post - you are 100% on the ball otherwise. :)