View Full Version : Pepper Spraying Cop is Virtual Star!

Nov 21, 2011, 4:04 PM
I found this site--thought it was kinda funny:


The dude is a cyber world star!!!

Nov 21, 2011, 4:29 PM
LMFAO...I viewed that video on the Huffington Post and I have to admit it was pretty damn funny. They just sat there like a bunch of tomato plants getting fertilized.

Nov 21, 2011, 4:36 PM
I replied to your post 12, before I went to the website you have there. That was not 48 hours ago and look how busy someone was with Photoshop. LOL

Nov 21, 2011, 4:55 PM
Although I hear the Campus Police Chief has been put on unpaid leave. Good maybe next time he'll think before sending out people to pepper spray unarmed and peaceful students.


The chancellor of the University of California, Davis, said Monday that its police chief had been placed on administrative leave, three days after two campus police officers sprayed seated protesters with pepper spray during a demonstration aligned with Occupy Wall Street...

The university said Sunday that it had been flooded with comments, including some from alumni who pledged to stop donating.

“We’ve been inundated with people sending messages,” said Mitchel Benson, the associate vice chancellor for university communications. “It literally brought down our servers.”

In her statement on Sunday, Ms. Katehi said: “I spoke with students this weekend, and I feel their outrage. I have also heard from an overwhelming number of students, faculty, staff and alumni from around the country. I am deeply saddened that this happened on our campus, and as chancellor, I take full responsibility for the incident. However, I pledge to take the actions needed to ensure that this does not happen again.”

The president of the University of California system, Mark G. Yudof, did much the same on Sunday, saying in a statement that he was appalled by the images and that he would convene the system’s 10 chancellors to discuss “how to ensure proportional law enforcement response to nonviolent protest.”

I am told by people at UC Davis that demonstrations happen on a weekly basis and this is the first time they've experienced such a harsh reaction from the campus police.

Nov 21, 2011, 5:18 PM
LMFAO...I viewed that on the Huffington Post and I have to admit it was pretty damn funny. They just sat there like a bunch of tomato plants getting fertilized.

So u view an unprovoked attack by a policeman upon a peaceful and legitimate protest as pretty damn funny and not an attack on the rights and freedoms that Americans fought and died for?

I suppose you think this incredibly funny too... pertinent to me since I am on holiday in Seattle next July.. I suggest you go and get a humour transplant...


Nov 21, 2011, 5:21 PM
I agree Diva---there was really no need to resort to using that stuff on those kids----they were sitting down and only "passively resisting" by remaining seated.

I have heard it reported that some of the college kids had tried to shield their faces with their shirts and the cops pulled the shirts away--spraying them directly in the face and that is violation of the rules on how to use that pepper spray which was military grade---the directions for the use of the stuff say to not shoot it any closer than from ten to 15 feet and the cops were shooting it in the faces at point blank range----with the force it shoots at that close range enough to cause things like blindness even if it were only water.

I wonder if those cops have ever read the Constitution??

Article ! reads thus:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

To wit---I would call the attention to the cops, those bozos on FOX News and elsewhere who call the Occupiers nothing but "dirty hippies who need to get jobs!!" the last two lines of the Article!!!

Seems to me that the Occupiers, instead of being such un-American scumbags as the rightwing spin machine talking heads like to portray them--those people are great Americans and are following in the footsteps of our Founding Fathers and others who fought to create and defend this ostensibly great country.

When it comes to Article I as well--Mayor Bloomberg and the brass of the NYPD had better get out their copies of the Constitution to re-read them since they prevented to press from covering their breakup of the OWS in Zuccoti Park!! It does seem that so many "lovers and defenders" of the Constitution are doing their damnedest to shred it to pieces!!

As far as finding humor in the Memes of the cop spraying things--I sure don't find the spraying of the kids at that college funny at all----I was just finding humor in all the photos and such that people are putting the spray happy cop in-----and some of them do sort of make the point that many of those things depicted that we take as being so great now, like Jesus and the Disciples at the Last Supper
and of our founding fathers meeting---both the people and their gatherings were considered to be criminals, rebels and controversial and even possibly illegal acts in their day.

Nov 21, 2011, 5:40 PM

This says it all to me.

Nov 21, 2011, 6:05 PM
[QUOTE=darkeyes;215113]So u view an unprovoked attack by a policeman upon a peaceful and legitimate protest as pretty damn funny and not an attack on the rights and freedoms that Americans fought and died for?

I suppose you think this incredibly funny too... pertinent to me since I am on holiday in Seattle next July.. I suggest you go and get a humour transplant...


I absolutely found that funny. My ideals of being an American are shat on daily by left wing zealots on this site daily. This is America and I find it amusing that those who try and wrap the Constitution around themselves like used toilet paper are the same ones who sit and spit on anyone who disagrees with them. Personally, I don't give a fucking rats ass what anyone thinks of my sense of humor or what limits I will put up with. It was pukes like this that spit on my left chest, the chest that held my bronze star and purple heart while wearing my Marine Corps dress alphas walking through Dulles Int'l Airport some time back. To me, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

Nov 21, 2011, 6:36 PM
...left wing zealots on this site daily. This is America and I find it amusing that those who try and wrap the Constitution around themselves like used toilet paper are the same ones who sit and spit on anyone who disagrees with them. Personally, I don't give a fucking rats ass what anyone thinks of my sense of humor or what limits I will put up with. It was pukes like this that spit on my left chest, the chest that held my bronze star and purple heart while wearing my Marine Corps dress alphas walking through Dulles Int'l Airport some time back. To me, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

First - No one here has spit on you or your service. We disagree with you, and prove what we say.

Second- Those kids parents weren't even born when you walked through Dulles Int'l. Bitter much?

Third - I served my country, as well. Voltie has served and you don't know what those kids are doing or have done.

I suppose you spit on the Marine Corps vet who was injured while protesting in Oakland, too.

Just call me unimpressed.

Nov 21, 2011, 6:37 PM
KEFFER.... THAT bad karma you have is staying with you in you negative attitude. What that cop did was not right no way no how and you thinking it is funny is not cool at all. That will come back on you only 10 fold. The shit is going to hit the fan and the whole world will not be the same. The US is headed for bad times, call it a class war or what ever but the divide is getting bigger and bigger. The Paretic Act was the first step to taking a way our rights. They do not care about education .... if you are uneducated you are easy to control. It is never nice to laugh when other people get hurt. If you think that is funny you have problems. I am damn glad you are not a cop! This is for sure you have a dangerous attitude.

Nov 21, 2011, 7:07 PM
[QUOTE=darkeyes;215113]So u view an unprovoked attack by a policeman upon a peaceful and legitimate protest as pretty damn funny and not an attack on the rights and freedoms that Americans fought and died for?

I suppose you think this incredibly funny too... pertinent to me since I am on holiday in Seattle next July.. I suggest you go and get a humour transplant...


I absolutely found that funny. My ideals of being an American are shat on daily by left wing zealots on this site daily. This is America and I find it amusing that those who try and wrap the Constitution around themselves like used toilet paper are the same ones who sit and spit on anyone who disagrees with them. Personally, I don't give a fucking rats ass what anyone thinks of my sense of humor or what limits I will put up with. It was pukes like this that spit on my left chest, the chest that held my bronze star and purple heart while wearing my Marine Corps dress alphas walkipiseng through Dulles Int'l Airport some time back. To me, fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

I am not an American, but am a human being above all things. My principles, which are of the left you so contemptuously despise, do not allow me to gloat so gleefully at the brutality shown in the cases in question even were they committed on those who think as you or upon any other political opponent, nor do they allow me the dubious luxury of so much hate for those with whom I may disagree.... I hope the day never comes when the "joke" is on you..

Nov 21, 2011, 7:12 PM
I must say I don't find it funny that someone was pepper sprayed but I have also read in places that there is more to the story than was captured in one picture. But I do understand gallows humor, it's the same humor that lets a policeman christen a corpse who's been burned beyond recognition "Crispy". It's a defense mechanism to survive in an insane world.

Nov 21, 2011, 7:18 PM
I must say I don't find it funny that someone was pepper sprayed but I have also read in places that there is more to the story than was captured in one picture. But I do understand gallows humor, it's the same humor that lets a policeman christen a corpse who's been burned beyond recognition "Crispy". It's a defense mechanism to survive in an insane world.

In Britain we understand and do gallows humour very well.. we are not talking gallows humour.. we are talking good old fashioned prejudice and intolerance.

Nov 21, 2011, 10:34 PM
I found this site--thought it was kinda funny:


The dude is a cyber world star!!!

I want all of you to take a look at what 12 posted. Did he espout any political bent, did he throw his head into the oven and scream "Oh the humanity?" No! All he did and what I responded to, was the humor to be found in it. If you watch the video and do not chuckle, even a bit, then you are the one with a serious hammer up your ass. For crying out loud, loosen up your shorts before you tear something.

Nov 21, 2011, 10:54 PM
The fat cop is a jerk.



Nov 22, 2011, 6:24 AM
Couldn't get Voltie's URL to run a video - found this instead


Seemed like an exercise in being heavy handed. A perk?

('As my aunt said it would be a good job for a young Vogon. The pay's not bad, the uniform is good and I like shouting. So if you don't mind I'll just get on with it........ Resistence is useless!...... Da-da-da-da? .... No!')

Nov 22, 2011, 6:33 AM
I want all of you to take a look at what 12 posted. Did he espout any political bent, did he throw his head into the oven and scream "Oh the humanity?" No! All he did and what I responded to, was the humor to be found in it. If you watch the video and do not chuckle, even a bit, then you are the one with a serious hammer up your ass. For crying out loud, loosen up your shorts before you tear something.

What Voltie posted was funny.. what you posted in respose took it into the realms of sick and insensitive political prejudice.

Nov 22, 2011, 12:42 PM
I would say that while the protesters have the right to express their opinions, whatever those may be, they are making themselves look foolish. The have no clearly defined objective, other than creating havoc for those those of us trying to conduct normal goal achieving activities, such a going to work and trying to make an honest living. Their tactics are foul and I believe they will be viewed with disdain by most people. They stand for nothing,other than being pissed off.

Nov 22, 2011, 12:47 PM
And I totally agree with Keefer.

Nov 22, 2011, 12:52 PM
And it is not about them. It's about issues. The average "Occupy" has no idea what they are even protesting about.

Nov 22, 2011, 1:59 PM
Most of the Occupy protest are not restricting people from getting to and from work as has been stated.

"Foul " tactics being? Peaceful demonstrations? I have yet to see or hear where folks are attacking the police.

Even these students did not attack this cop, even though the cop used pepper spray.

Nov 22, 2011, 2:20 PM
pepper spraying cop is a Gargantuan JackAss. there are good cops and bad cops. bad cops are the most vile and digusting creatures on the planet. all cops doing the spraying and the chief of police should be fired. the head of the school should be fired.

Nov 22, 2011, 2:22 PM
What Voltie posted was funny.. what you posted in respose took it into the realms of sick and insensitive political prejudice.

Again, you're taking this way out of context. Enough said.

Nov 22, 2011, 3:05 PM
pepper spraying cop is a Gargantuan JackAss. there are good cops and bad cops. bad cops are the most vile and digusting creatures on the planet. all cops doing the spraying and the chief of police should be fired. the head of the school should be fired.

the janitors should be fired, the grounds crew; fired.......anyone know that a week before this took place these same campus police shot and killed a maniac on the campus?

Nov 22, 2011, 4:44 PM
the janitors should be fired, the grounds crew; fired.......anyone know that a week before this took place these same campus police shot and killed a maniac on the campus?

Dennis Nilsen was a policeman. He was later convicted as a serial murderer for killing young men. Hilter was kind to children and dogs.

One accepts the terms 'same police' and 'maniac' without the obligatory challenge. Whatever happened to arresting the man alive for the Courts to deal with? Oh yes that's right. He was a 'maniac'.

One reads about 'violent protesters' incongruously recorded sitting peacefully, inexplicably beating themselves against police batons or stealing pepper spray to snort so that their lungs might bleed while a policeman pirouettes before them for artistic balance.

Nov 22, 2011, 4:52 PM
Dennis Nilsen was a policeman. He was later convicted as a serial murderer for killing young men. Hilter was kind to children and dogs.

One accepts the terms 'same police' and 'maniac' without the obligatory challenge. Whatever happened to arresting the man alive for the Courts to deal with? Oh yes that's right. He was a 'maniac'.

One reads about 'violent protesters' incongruously recorded sitting peacefully, inexplicably beating themselves against police batons or stealing pepper spray to snort so that their lungs might bleed while a policeman pirouettes before them for artistic balance.


Nov 22, 2011, 5:13 PM
Again, you're taking this way out of context. Enough said.

Not quite as out of context as your original unedited post I think. But I'm nice.. I wont kick up a stink or skoosh your pan with pepper spray...;)

Nov 22, 2011, 5:34 PM

..and that justifies doing to students protestors what was done by a guy who was not a student with the uni does it? I think ur logic is arse over tit...

Nov 22, 2011, 5:37 PM
[QUOTE=darkeyes;215223]..and that justifies doing to students protestors what was done by a guy who was not a student with the uni does it? I think ur logic is arse over tit...[/QUO

Are you on crack?

Nov 22, 2011, 7:18 PM
[QUOTE=darkeyes;215223]..and that justifies doing to students protestors what was done by a guy who was not a student with the uni does it? I think ur logic is arse over tit...[/QUO

Are you on crack?

Naaaa. Dun many things.. crack aint 1... am daft not stupid.. have been called cracked tho... but am not that eitha.. am much 2 nice an' polite... try it sumtimes.. it'll makeya feel good.. promise...:)

Do like ur persuasive arguments tho.. so sophisticated, intelligent an' convincin'... :rolleyes:

Nov 23, 2011, 12:34 PM
Not quite as out of context as your original unedited post I think. But I'm nice.. I wont kick up a stink or skoosh your pan with pepper spray...;)

She is nice. "Modest" but nice. She wont do as she says either. Keefer, what she will do is to talk you to death without taking a breath and that is a much worse fate. But she is still nice.:)

Nov 23, 2011, 2:16 PM
She is nice. "Modest" but nice. She wont do as she says either. Keefer, what she will do is to talk you to death without taking a breath and that is a much worse fate. But she is still nice.:)

Well, admittadly I can get me knickers in a snit without cause. Charactre flaw..still working on the kinks of it.

Nov 23, 2011, 6:46 PM

The article says 'on-going investigation'. The man was 'behaving strangley' and that he 'took a shot' at the police after 'brandishing a gun'. The police 'returned fire wounding him fatally'. Malevolent or mentally ill? Panic shot? lucky shot? Getting rid of trouble for the Courts? The world will never know.

However, making the assumption that everything is above board with the 'maniac', the brave police now have a documented case of callous behaviour with passive students. That has undermined their credibility of 'behaviour of absolute necessity'. What may take ages to build is almost gone in an instant.

Nov 23, 2011, 6:59 PM
Well, admittadly I can get me knickers in a snit without cause. Charactre flaw..still working on the kinks of it.

Think ya need a lil harder work mesel... well.. mayb a lil moren a lil... mayb a lot moren a lil...;)

Nov 24, 2011, 12:17 AM
Objection: "They have no clear objectives or goals."

Repeated rebuttal: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Goals+of+Operation+Wall+Street, http://www.reddit.com/r/occupywallstreet, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbXji1EGFV8&feature=related

There is also plenty more if you take some time for exploring.

A main theme which exists is to abolish corruption in politics, finance, religion. Something else which is an issue is the manufacturing of problems in order to sell solutions.

Good example:

Computer viruses which cripple Microsoft software, or even the software itself sold to businesses. This is a problem.

Lo and behold there are a plethora of security professionals, ant-virus softwares, and other softwares for protection of Microsoft software, all at outlandish costs and some even requiring renewal fees.

Making a problem in order to sell a solution was at one time considered graft. It was known as the "bait and switch" tactic, an honest con game where only the mark was burned. This was illegal once. Now, it is common place "business as usual".

Another example:

People inconveniently filling your streets because they are tired of the example above being the status quo. They may seem like the problem.

Wait until you buy the solution, marshal law for the whole nation. A dictatorship who has no hesitation in bleeding an elderly woman who recently had a heart attack, by allowing employers to request she return to work. She's in her 60's or 70's, a neighbor lady. She's lucky to do five minutes of light housework in her own home without being down again for three days. But that solution, marshal law, would put her back to work until she fell over dead.

Those people being annoyances, going limp when police say they are being arrested? They're making an effort to stop dictatorship.

Jamie may correct me if I'm wrong on this, welcome it in fact. If one does go limp as an expression of non-resistance, once an officer cuffs you they become legally responsible for your care and well being, correct? At that point you're under their custody, do not need to move yourself out of physical harm.

The officer has to bear the responsibility if I'm understanding correctly. Or is this only implied and doctrine of Geneva Convention P.O.W treatment? If so could it possible to claim actions and expression as a P.O.W, since the U.S. is at a state of war on terrorism, cop arresting you could likely rendition you as an enemy combatant? Thereby in accord of war, you do not resist, yet do not willing comply. You go limp in fear, hoping for compassion from those whom hold you as ward.

Again, may be conflating Geneva Accords in relation to something not afforded such. Unless of course one is an international citizen. At any given, now will have dystopia nightmares.

Nov 24, 2011, 3:07 AM
In keeping with the situation.....
