View Full Version : Sex and your Mood

May 28, 2006, 6:01 PM
I am wondering how many of you, my friends, have gotten into a bad mood or feel "down" and irritable, or cannot consentrate and feel depressed when you do not have sex for some time say a week because your wife/partner is out of town or she has her period and does not even want to be touched.
Are we men different when it come to sex where we have to have it or we put ourselves into trouble?
Would like to have comments from my male and female friends please.


May 28, 2006, 8:16 PM
Personally, I love and care for her first. If it's her time of the month, I'll still love you Barb, completely.


May 28, 2006, 9:06 PM
then there is the wonderfull world of masturbation,to release all that tension>>>>>>>>>>>>passion +love=great orgasims

May 28, 2006, 11:00 PM
I get VERY cranky when I'm celibate for any length of time. Masturbation is last resort for me. I just don't enjoy it enough to want to go to the effort, unless it's been so long I HAVE to have some relief.

Waiting much more than a week means I feel like a caged monster inside. Thankfully, since my divorce I've had some wonderful partners who celebrate my high libido :tong:

May 29, 2006, 12:03 AM
I don't think this is strictly a Male problem. Men go away for work and such also, leaving their women behind to ummm wait....or play amongst themselves? Men get into moods where they don't want to have sex or something happens and they can't perform. So women can get just as depressed and moody when they don't get any either. I think its a individual problem, not a gender one. The more sexual you are the more it affects you when you don't have it. Also the need for human contact is what you miss, or at least I do.

May 29, 2006, 6:38 AM
I'll agree more with arana's perspective.

I have gone through long periods of time (no menstrual pun there) without sex; but to go a day without a hug...yes I get down! Longer withdrawals of affection, connection, or physical contact; yes definitely find it hard to focus or concentrate. I'll wander through the house as if I am searching for something, not really sure what it is.
Emotional connection is far more important for me than sexual gratification.

May 29, 2006, 6:54 PM
I'll agree more with arana's perspective.

I have gone through long periods of time (no menstrual pun there) without sex; but to go a day without a hug...yes I get down! Longer withdrawals of affection, connection, or physical contact; yes definitely find it hard to focus or concentrate. I'll wander through the house as if I am searching for something, not really sure what it is.
Emotional connection is far more important for me than sexual gratification.

Exactly! Could not have said that better myself. Emotional connection is VERY important to me!

Mrs.F :)

May 29, 2006, 9:07 PM

My libido is somewhat down nowadays (long story; had a stroke) but if i go two weeks without it i get cranky. Thankfully my spouse doesn't usually leave me alone that long.

May 29, 2006, 10:12 PM
Well, I don't have a wife/husband or a "partner", yet. When I go without for a while I do find myself a bit grumpy and irritable (sorry for my spelling). I even get a little down in the dumps. I hope I answered your question alright.

May 29, 2006, 11:52 PM
I think that a normal person can not really survive without physical contact hugs and kisses and Sex. In our house I want it all the time but there are times that I am to damn tired to even think about it(3 boys who are hyper) which sucks for him :eek: . I know for him he seems a little nicer when there is regular sex. Lucky guy even if I'm not really into it he will atleast go to sleep with a smile and I get to fall asleep with him holding me. Yes I do think that there is something with Sex and moods. ;)


May 30, 2006, 6:54 PM
There really is no specific answer.
I identify with what everyone has written - the need for physical contact being more of a constant than the need for actual sex.
But then there are also periods when I am as horny as hell or conversely shudder at the thought of sex. (and its nothing to do with my cycle - these periods go far longer than 28 days.)
We're fickle creatures, us gals.

Because of our jobs, there are quite long periods of enforced celibacy for me. During that time do I miss sex? Sometimes. More often than not I can fill my day (and night) with alternate non-sexual activity - and I love it.
I'll twiddle maybe 4 nights a week, but it really is just my "sleeping pill." Its also an opportunity for me to give my bi-side a little release, tho that is happenning less and less during those times.
And then when hubby returns, its on for young and old. :bigrin:

May 31, 2006, 12:30 AM
Yes, I get very irritated when I cannot have sex. I HATE my period, I really do. I wish animals had it, and not humans. I especially hate my period because my sex drive increases 10 fold, and I don't think my body likes being told when it can't do something. I can go without sex, I just don't like to, I love it so much, I'm just too much of a freak!

May 31, 2006, 7:58 AM
ok...can see i am going to probably paint myself into a corner here...but here goes...... :eek:

I have the great misfortune of having a rather strong sex drive, that being said a lack of regular sex will result in a grouchy Tiggs. But i need to define what sex means to me! To this little chicky sex is the ultimate culmination of expressing my love for someone, it is an intensely intimate/emotionally binding act where you literally allow someone inside you and requires TRUST and a strong emotional bond!

Sex just for the sake of it does nothing for me, so outside of a relationship i find i don't need sex and the grouchiness wears off as my sex drive goes into hibernation during long periods of 'singleness'. During this peroid i do CRAVE hugs however as the intimacy i need is not getting fulfilled otherwise!

SO though i can survive without casual sex, the lack of the intimacy of loving sex with a partner, i turn into a snipey bitch from hell UNLESS i am still allowed non sexual intimate contact! :2cents:

May 31, 2006, 8:02 PM
hello sometime me and my wife can go for a week with out then we start to bicker a little.cranky things we are with out,but latly we have had a nasty little virus kids and all. so we have been with out for more than a week.but it has not been so bad probably because every body was so miserable.but now we are feeling better kids are sleeping at night, she came home with a big bottle of wine. :bigrin: :bigrin: must be a hint :bigrin: :bigrin: . kind of got off track a little their but yes i thingk as humans we need some kind of phiysical contact once in a while . or watch out :eek: :eek: :bigrin: