View Full Version : Women love watching gay male porn????

Nov 11, 2011, 8:42 AM
This is a very interesting article. So it is not just me....there are other women out there who find man on man sex hot :).....


Nov 11, 2011, 8:51 AM
I don't know if I'd say I love watching it, but I do find some of the porn hot just like I find some of the lesbian porn hot and some of the straight porn hot. I'm just not into the cookie cutter porn, I want a storyline and I want to feel the energy.

Nov 11, 2011, 11:09 AM
There is a very simple logic to women who like gay porn, and it mostly has to do with jealousy. (and much the same can be said of men watching lesbian porn) When a woman is attracted to a hot male, an opposite emotion of jealousy is also triggered, lust/Jealousy are natural emotional balances, after all if you lust for someone you naturally want them for yourself.

Jealousy comes into play when you see the object of your desire with competition, aka the woman sees the hot man-meat with some bimbo. As much as they might like the porn it is dampened by the presence of another, competing woman.

Men think the same way as well, of course, but can be said to be less inclined to jealousy.

So the attraction to male on male action is simple. Hot men being engaged sexually, but without the competing female presence, no opposing jealousy.

Nov 11, 2011, 11:16 AM
There is a very simple logic to women who like gay porn, and it mostly has to do with jealousy.

What you say is somewhat true, and was even alluded to in the article...However.....I don't think it is true universally. I personally find gay sex erotic because it is just that...EROTIC. There is something so raw, yet passionate that is very appealing to me. But truth be told...every time I see straight porn, I do notice and I simply HAVE to comment on the shoes the woman is wearing.....very distracting...and also quite dangerous!!! Someone is gonna have an eye poked out! LOL!!! But seriously...I never considered my attraction to it as jealousy.

Nov 11, 2011, 11:23 AM
What you say is somewhat true, and was even alluded to in the article...However.....I don't think it is true universally. I personally find gay sex erotic because it is just that...EROTIC. There is something so raw, yet passionate that is very appealing to me. But truth be told...every time I see straight porn, I do notice and I simply HAVE to comment on the shoes the woman is wearing.....very distracting...and also quite dangerous!!! Someone is gonna have an eye poked out! LOL!!! But seriously...I never considered my attraction to it as jealousy.

Would you want to watch the real thing, live?

Nov 11, 2011, 11:48 AM
:cool:I believe there is a difference between a female enjoying the real life relationship of a bisexual man and watching gay male porn. Females watching porn is like a well kept secret, for what reason, I have no idea; but I don't know of a single woman who enjoys watching gay male porn, i.e. videos. I'm a bisexual man and truthfully, gay male porn does absolutely nothing for me.

Nov 11, 2011, 12:10 PM
More pornography is sold to women than people realize.

Nov 11, 2011, 2:01 PM
Luckily I'm married to a woman who enjoys gay male porn as much as I do. It is our first choice.

Nov 11, 2011, 2:23 PM
There is a very simple logic to women who like gay porn, and it mostly has to do with jealousy.

Uh...yeah...okay...right. :rolleyes:
Its really not necessary to attempt to attach some deep seeded emotional reason to someones likes.

A close female friend of mine liked gay porn, but only certain types.
She primarily liked watching a guy suck another guys cock. No reason other than it was 'naughty' and she enjoyed seeing how a guy did another guy.
She also would occasionally watch gay solo masturbation but for the most part found the gay porn of that variety to be much less exciting than watching a regular str8 guy get off.

Nov 11, 2011, 2:57 PM
Um... Hi.... *shuffles feets* I hope I dont upset anyone.

Maybe my love for the above subject is based on jealousy, or some other deep seated emotional imbalance. However I just had to pass on that one of the best vids...
(Im not sure how to post links). I'm sure that:

Travis Matthews 'I want your love' short film

will appeal to lots of girls and boys alike. Someone on the many forums in the ether called it 'cuddle porn' . I like to think that its aimed at a wider *adult* audience.

Nov 11, 2011, 3:01 PM
Yeah, what an awesome film!! I think it's part of a full legnth feature currently in the works, no?

Nov 11, 2011, 3:06 PM
I hope so Mikey 3000! I'd pay good money for that!
I guess I want to be part of what those boys have! Thats why I love the voyeurism

Nov 11, 2011, 6:11 PM
There need to be more women like Kate;)

Nov 12, 2011, 3:01 AM
I stumbled on gay porn not long ago and I must say I just find it hot and erotic, bit of forbidden which makes it naughty to watch it, and that is just it. I need no reason to rationalize why I like it, I just do and so I go with the flow.